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I woke up with a bad headache.
I was laying again in the white room and everything was blurry. I looked around and I saw my dad sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

Dad? I said in a very low tone.

Shana! Darling you're awake.


How are you my little girl? Dad asked kissing my forehead.

This oxygen mask sucks. I said in irritation.

Okay..let me call the doctors first. He chuckled.

Dad. Where's Robert? Is he fine? I want to see him. I said while trying to getting up.

Doctor and Nurse came and they helped me sit straight.

Ms Andrews.. You look fine now.

My head is paining doc. I said holding my head.

Yes.. You're migraine has increased.. I told you to take your medicines at time but it seems you ignored my words.

Some family issue doctor. I said coldly. I wanted to see Robert.. I don't want to lay here.

Well, Ms Andrews.. Look it's dangerous for you. This is your second panic attack and your migraine has just increased. If you don't take this seriously.. I'm sorry but this can even take you to coma. He said strictly.

Okay doc. I'm sorry..I'll take care next time.

You better be. He said and left.

Now dad.. Can you please take me to Robert?
I said giving him a irritated stare.

Honey.. You've been unconscious for 6 days. I don't think you should get up. You're still weak. Dad said resting his hand on my shoulder.

But I want to meet him dad. I haven't met him for weeks and it feels like a whole century has passed. I said holding my tears back.

I can understand Shana but your mom and Robert's sister are there with him. He is on the second floor and we're here at first floor.

Dad.. We have lift.. We can go.. Please dad.

Okay let me ask the doctor first. He said and moved out.

He came back with a nurse and a wheelchair in 10 minutes.

Okay! Get in here darling. Said the nurse.

I sat on the chair and we went up to Robert's room.

As I enter.. I saw my mum near Robert.. She was making him finish the soup..

Aww.. They look so cute.. Thank god they've made a good bond together..

My eyes met Robert's and he just get up and opened his arms to hug me but he's on the bed and can't get up because of the pain in his arms. That bastard shot my man.

Aww! Baby! I missed you so much.. You're okay now? Robert said while trying to get up but my dad stopped him there and said to relax.. He'll set me near.

As soon as I reached to Robert's bed. He hugged me and starting kissing all over my face, I kissed him back untill my mom interrupted ..

We're here and you both are still not married.

Everyone laughed and I blushed as I realized I did that I front of my parents. Oh how embarrassing.

So dad, I guess you both have already met Robert.

Yes baby.. We met just after my surgery.. They came to see me and then I realized that you've already introduced me. He said and started laughing.

Oh man I love his laugh. I missed this so much.

I missed you Robert.

I missed you too baby.

So, Robert's gonna get discharged tomorrow and you'll get out from here maybe the day after tomorrow. Dad said

Why? I mean why can't I get discharged tomorrow? I said in disappointment.

Well.. I don't know.. Maybe we can talk to the doctors. Said dad

When we'll reach home. I want to have a official family dinner night and Robert I want you to come there with Amanda.

Sure, said Robert and Amanda both at a time.

What about your parents Robert? Asked dad sitting on the couch.

Mm.. Well Sir.. My mother passed last year and dad has a business. You can say a big company to run. He lives in malibu with his sister and son. My aunt shifted with my dad after her husband died in a car accident. Robert said with a little pain in his voice.

Well, why don't you live with your dad or why don't you ask him to come here and live with you? I mean at old age, every parent wants there children to be around.

Sir.. We asked him many times but he refused. He says that our house in Malibu was my mom's dream. When they married, dad gifted that house to mommy and she never wanted to leave that house or malibu.
So after her death.. Dad wanted to stay there untill his last breath and Amanda and I used to study in NEW YORK after our high school, we got our jobs here so we settled down.

Oh.. Well, nothing doesn't matter Robert.. You're a great guy and besides that you love my daughter with all your heart that's all that matters. Dad said moving to Robert and hugging him.

*click* .. Aww! I must capture this moment.
Mom said with teary eyes.

My mom always manages to capture moments in her camera.

We all laughed and talked but soon I was again sent back to my bad white room, away from Robert. It was hurting staying away from him but I was happy everything is back to normal.

I slept.

Next Day At Home
8.00 pm.

*Bell Rings*

I'll get it.. I shouted and ran downstairs to open the door.

Hey. You look handsome. I hugged and kissed Robert.

You're looking beautiful my love. He kissed my cheeks.

I hugged Amanda and took them to the living room.

Mom and Dad both greeted to Robert and Amanda. They all were laughing and hugging. I stood at the door with tears in my eyes. I'm so lucky having them. Robert love of my life and my so adorable and understanding parents and a Sister like Amanda. I just want to have them forever. I want to freeze this moment and live for rest of the life.

Hon.. What happend? Why are you crying and standing there? Dad came and hugged me.

Nothing dad.. It's just happy tears.

I love you my little kitty. Dad said and kissed my forehead.

Then I went to the kitchen where Amanda and Mom was already preparing for dinner.
I took a sneak peak in the living room where dad and Robert was watching baseball and drinking there whiskey. The so called man thing.

Shana go and arrange the table. Said mom patting my back.

Oh okay mom.

I arranged the table and Robert helped mom arranging the dishes just like a gentleman.

We all ate our dinner..
A perfect evening.. Just as I imagined.
Dad and Robert danced on Duran Duran song, Dad sang for mom, I and Robert danced and singed.. We clicked alot of pictures. Everything is just so perfect.

We all have a group hug and we sat there till 3am talking and drinking.

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