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Next Day

Hey babe! Woke up.. It's 9am.. I said patting Robert's arm.

Hmm-mm.. Let me sleep.. He said in a deep sleepy voice.

He looks so cute while sleeping. Okay I'll let him sleep although he promised me he will take me for shopping but that's okay. He's so tired. I murmured while pulling myself from bed.

I went to bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a warm shower.

Shit! I forgot my clothes on the bed.
Rooberttt? I said in a loud voice hoping he'll listen.

Mr. Downey? You there?

Well, i guess he's still asleep.

I step out of the bathroom wrapping the towel.

Robert? Where is he now?

I took my clothes and changed.
I put some light makeup and comb my hair.
I decided to put Robert's cologne.
He got a good collection of scents, deodorants and perfumes.

Where the hell is my phone now? I yelled at myself. 
There it is. I found my phone under the bed. I must have been so busy with Robert last night that I didn't even realized my phone's missing. I laughed at myself.

I took my bag and went downstairs.

I saw Robert making coffee in the kitchen.
He is only in his grey track pants and he's slaying it.

Hey Robbie. You're awake soon? I said while hugging him from the back.

Yeah babe? You want coffee? He asked without looking back at me.

Yes. I walked to the living room.

Here you go. Hey? You're going somewhere? He said looking at me, confused.

Yeah.. I told you yesterday, I've to go for shopping. I need some household stuffs and some bedsheets and towel for my parent's room. Everything so old. I haven't even went shopping for my own from so long.

Ah.. Okay.. Wait.. Let me change and then we'll go together.. Even I was thinking to buy some gifts for your parents. I mean I'll meet them for the very first time being your boyfriend.. So .. You know.. He said while drinking his coffee and looking at the newspaper.

Okay then. It's 10.20. Don't late. Go get ready. After shopping we have to go to the hospital too. I've appointment there at 3. I said without making any eye contact.

What? Why? Hunnie? Are you okay? What happend? Why didn't you tell me anything?
He said holding me in his arms. He looked so tensed.

He really loves me. I thought and smiled at myself.

What? You're smiling now? What's wrong with you? Why you have to go to the hospital?

Heyyy.. Relax Robbie.. I don't know.. I'm just having bad headaches these days. I can't even focus on my studies because of that. I've keeping taking painkillers but they ain't work and as I told you last week.. I had to take sleeping pills for getting rid of the headache. You should know that..

How would I know.. I was out of the city last week if you remember?..

Oh yeah.. Sorry.. I forgot.. By the way Emily suggested me to go for a checkup once.

Oh okay.. Let me get ready and we'll go.
I love you so much baby. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I'll always love you and I'll always be there. He said kissing my forehead.

{ oh yes.. Hey readers.. I guess I haven't mentioned Emily yet.. She's Shana's new friend after she had a small fight with Jeremy for he being such a jerk and not talking to Shana and Emily knows about Shana's relationship with Robert }

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