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Mom? I shouted from the washroom.

I can't find the towel anywhere, everything has changed from inside. The wall colours are new, few new furniture are also taking some space in the dining room. It's been 5minutes since I asked out for mom. Don't know where she went. I came out in living room with wet face and hands and no one is here. God knows where they went. I checked the kitchen and the other rooms but they weren't there too. I saw my wedding pictures still hanging on the wall. I walked to the photos and stared them until I heard a knock on the door.

Coming! I shouted and walked to the front door, opened it and dang!! 

Happy Birthday Darling!!! Mom and Dad shouted in unison. They had these party popper's with them and they just blasted them near my fucking ear making me deaf.

Wow! So you guys planned to making me deaf. Aren't you? I said rubbing my ears.

Well, darlin' , we didn't meant to do that, it's just we're so excited. It's your 26th birthday.
We haven't celebrated your birthday since 2 years but today it won't be a boring, simple birthday like your past once. We're gonna party, enjoy and sweetie, you're finally back so we need to make new memories for rest of the lives now. They said and dad pulled me in a tight hug and in few seconds mom also joined us. It was our family hug.

Dad isn't wrong, I haven't celebrated my last 2 birthdays well and I'm finally back so it's gonna be fun but I miss Robert, it's our wedding anniversary day too. I wish I could meet him right now.

Yeah we're gonna party dad! I said walking away from them in a low tone ignoring eye contact, faking a smile.

I came in the living room where the pictures where hanging and sighed a deep. I know that they're understanding what I'm afraid of and sad about. I looked at those pictures, moved my hands on them, holding my tears back and all I managed to say is "it's my wedding day too".

I can feel the tension I created in the room. They didn't said a word to me about Robert or the anniversary. They just sat there on the couch looking at each other and giving me strange looks. I don't know what are they up to cause' it's wired. They never behave like this, either they scold me or talk to me but today they're just silent and it's not right. Something's wrong and they're hiding it from me. I can feel it.

What is it guys? I know you're trying to hide something from me. Please share it with me. I don't care if it will hurt me, I deserve to know the truth. I said taking a seat opposite to them.

We looked at each other few minutes and then dad got up and walked away saying there's nothing that I need to know. Mom sat there looking in the other direction, ignoring eye contact. I can feel the heat of secrecy, they won't tell me this much easily but I'll get to know soon, cause is it too much to ask?

The day went all okay, we ate lunch together after 2 years and didn't talked about the morning incident nor about Robert or anything relating to him. It's bothering me that the persons who used to take stand for him, supporting him, loving him are now ignoring him or even rejecting to talk about him. It's strange but I can't push them to tell me. They will tell when the right time comes, I know.

Dad said that we're having a party at home in evening and every relative and friends will come. I'm feeling nervous, I don't know how I'm gonna face them. It's been years since I've even talked to them. I've always ignored or rejected there calls because I'm embarrassed of my past, of my doings. 
Emily called this afternoon, asking how I am and how I returned back. We talked for hours, I told her everything about my life and suffering I've been through. I even told her that I still love Robert, that I never stopped loving him. It was all my fault that I left but I really want to try again with him, but I can't face him or express my feelings again or I can't even apologize. I don't have that guts to walk over him and speak. We talked but she didn't tell me anything about Robert even she also ignored him.

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