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Robert's POV..

Sitting here in the class room watching all the girls drooling over me still reminds me of her. It's been 2 years since she left still there's something positive about the vibes in the school and the classroom. They reminds me of her. I still remember the day we met. She was so quite, well disciplined but 20 minutes late for the class. The first detention I gave her just to know her better. She was different, she took my breath away and I couldn't stop looking at her and the most funny part was whenever I turn to look her she's already was staring me. I still feel the shivers running down my spine whenever I go to my old classroom. That room has some thing that makes me sad, makes me miss her more but I've to get over it. She isn't ever coming back. She left me with nothing. I was begging her to stay, I thought she loved me, I though she wanted me but No, I was wrong.
She didn't even turned back to look at me, She- She just left. Left forever. Left me broken hearted. It would have been our 6th wedding anniversary tomorrow and her 26th birthday. I woke up alone in my bed daily, I feel so lonely without her. It feels like there's a part of me that's missing, and without that part, I'll never be happy. All my students are always asking, why I never go to home after school? Why I take extra classes after school? They think I've some money issue but the reality is that I feel like crying, shouting, killing myself whenever I return home. It feels like the house is killing me. With Shana, it was a home sweet home but without her it's just a house. No feelings, No emotions, nothing. Every wall reminds me of her laughter, I feel that the house is echoing her name in my ears.

Well, I've a Job to do so I won't be a broken hearted man who cries in front of kids.
I need to control my emotions and teach.
Well, this will be my last class of this teaching field because from next week, I'll be the new principal of this damn school. I should be happy but It doesn't affect me in a positive happy way, or I can say that nothing affects me now. I don't care about anything anymore. I try to feel pain, happiness, sorrow but every feeling is just a word for me because I really don't feel it. I don't know what's wrong but I can't feel any emotion anymore. I wonder what it could've been if Shana would hadn't left. I've heard that she's in London, working for Rolling Stone magazine. She's a successful writer and a Journalist. I'm happy that she's happy and enjoying her life. She must've met someone or dating someone. The day she left was the day I stopped trying not because my love was over but because my love stopped affecting her. She didn't even bother to meet me ever since she left. It hurts but I'm habitual now. She's in another country and I'm here standing all alone wishing I could hug her, wrap her in my arms. I could feel that tears are running down my cheeks, I can't take this all anymore. I really miss her. I've loved her and I still do. I really need her.
I started weeping so I left the room and ran to the washroom. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. I look like Shit, abandoned, dead. It's not new that I've cried in class in front of my students. They all know about my life. It's been so hard for me all these years. I almost lost my Job because I started coming drunk in classes and shouting at students. I was lucky that the principal was my friend but I managed to survive without her still I couldn't hold my tears when it comes to her memories.
I washed my face with water, cleaned myself and walked out of the washroom. It's my first period in the 12th grade. It's not a problem with the seniors because they all obey me and follow my rules. They don't bother me much.

I was walking in the hallway lost in my thoughts untill I bumped into a student.

Ouch! Wtf! She said rubbing her head.
All her books fall on the floor.

Language miss! I said in a stern voice.

Oh sorry! She said without looking at me.

Well, I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming, wait let me help you. I said helping her arranging her books.

She looked up at me straight in my eyes.
She's so pretty, She got eyes just like Shana,
She reminds me of her. I can't believe. She's just her copy. I've never seen any other girl with this much affection in the school after I fell for Shana. She gives me the comfort, once Shana used to give. I can feel shivers running in my whole body. This just can't happen again. I need to leave.

Ah! SIR? You're there? She said looking at me confused.

I didn't said a word to her, I just ran of from there to my classroom leaving her alone in the hallway.

It's just impossible. How this is even happening? That girl got the face of Shana. She's just her copy. I was writing the chapter name on board and thinking about the girl I bumped into. I heard a knock on the door.
This was her. That girl from the hallway. She's looking at me with a confused look and a sweet smile. I can't believe this is all happening. Why on earth she has to be in my class.

Yeah- Come in. I said ignoring her but then I remember, she's the new student. I've to talk to her, introduce her.

Well, would you like to introduce yourself miss? I said in a strict tone. I don't want to be an asshole but I can't just let my balls blast over my student again just because she got her looks. I still love Shana, I've always loved her and I will always love her.

Hey everyone! I'm Ally, Ally Andrews, I'm 17 and I'm new in this city, I'm originally from California LA. My dad got transferred here so I'm here for my graduation year.

What the fuck!!?? Andrews? Is god playing with my heart once again?? Why is she a Andrews? Why it all has to happen. I really miss Shana right now.

Okay Ms. Andrews, welcome to New York High, you can now go sit wherever you want, we don't have any sitting arrangements here. I said without even looking at her.

I saw her staring at me a couple of times, but I ignored. I just can't let anyone in my heart because it only belongs to Shana.

The class went okay and soon it was weekend. The bell rang and all the students just drift away. I arranged my table and locker and soon left for home.

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