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As soon as the car stopped near me, I saw it was Robert. He came out of the car and ran towards me. It was all dark and raining heavy which was kind of creepy and the way he came out of the car was no less than the chainsaw killer who kills people on the road specially when it's dark. I chuckled at first but then it soon turned out in another huge argument.

Why the hell you drove like an idiot in this stormy weather? I called out your name but you didn't even turned back? What's wrong with you? He shouted at me with a face of a bad villain who has been poked so deep.
Well, that's normal, I've seen more bad of him.

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Why are you following me? I just told you I'm sorry and I won't ever come back then why are you messing things? Just go, live your life, everything's back on track then why bother? Just go Mr. Downey, please, just go. I blurted out everything and turned around where I was but then again he was Robert, how could he just not do anything?.

He pulled me towards him and kissed me on my lips. In the moment of storm, everything seemed to be stopped, everything was calm the moment he kissed.
His kiss has always been the cure for my pain and then again, it's irresistable so how can I not kiss back?

I was in a complex situation where I didn't knew what to do? I thought at myself that "should I pull back" or "should I kiss back".
I was fighting my own heart and he pulled back leaving me in my own war zone making things much more complicated.

Look, whatever I said, was true but also rude and I'm sorry that I tried to push you but it's hard, I was stupid and I know that.
After all these years, I became hard to tolerate but I was trying to calm myself untill I saw you with Colin. It was hard for me to accept that you're no more mine, you'll be married to him soon and that you'll give him the place and space which was mine. I was scared, I still am, I can't loose you again Shana, I'm still trying to cope with the old wounds and I didn't wanted another that's why I tried to stay away and push you but I couldn't. I'm sorry Shana, I love you, I really do and I mean it.
You know Shana, "he said rubbing his face and caressing my shoulder" True love happens once in a lifetime, people fall in true love for once only and it stays in their heart for ever, even when they die, their loved once name's take place on their grave as 'beloved husband, father, son, daughter, wife, mother, aunt etc'. You don't die in the hearts of your family. You know how much I love you then how could I just loose you?
Sorry, but I can't. I want you back Ms Andrews and I don't want a NO for answer.
He said and pulled me in a tight hug and said "You're my once in a lifetime".

I was crippling not because I was hurt but because he was. I'll be burned in hell for what I've did with him but as long as he is with me, I'm in heaven.

I love you too Robert, and I'm sorry for everything. I just want you back, I can't live without you any longer, it's breathless without you, some days I can't even wake up, I just lay there like a dead body with no strength, your absence make me weak and I don't want to be weak anymore, I want to spend my rest of the life with you. I love you, I love you so much.

We hugged and stood there.

There's one more thing Shana that I would love to tell you, he said pulling himself back.

And what's that?

I'm sensitive to cold and I don't want any fever untill we got married again.

I was blank, wedding? I'm mean of course I was happy, that's what I wanted but I didn't expected this at the moment.

Hello? What? You're again day dreaming, Oh Jesus, Shana, when the fuck you're gonna stop that. He waved his hands in front of my face dragging me out of my thoughts.

Marriage? I mean the wedding? Like we had once, the real wedding? I said in shock.

No, I mean if you don't wanna get married then it's okay, no problem. He joked with a serious face.

Hell no, I will. Yes, Yes, Yes, I will marry you Robert. How am I suppose to say No?
I started jumping and shouting in happiness.
I kissed him and hugged him, actually I started bragging myself on him.


We reached home, Robert's house actually and it was a different feeling coming back.
Everything was same except the mess, he has created.

I think you should change or this wet sexiness will cost you, he said and winked at me.

I blushed, "well, you're there with your hotness then it won't be that harmful, I winked back".

He walked to me, and pushed me to the wall, our nose was touching and it was hot in there, I started sweating and his colong started mixing with my body smell, it was intoxicated.

Shana, he said between his breath while kissing my collarbone, "I've missed you so much, tell me you're mine".

I was stuttering, the feeling of sexual touch was so breath taking that I was completely loosing it, it was hard to breath and I was moaning in low voice which was giving me chills.

"Tell me you're mine, or I'll fuck you hard."

"Then I shouldn't say that I guess." I whispered in his ears bitting his earlobe.

He pushed me hard on the wall and ripped my tshirt from back, leaving me in my bra, half naked.
Then started sucking my skin and leaving Hickey all over my collarbone and neck, he bit me twice and I let out a loud moan, it was a complete plesure.

I missed you and your touch so fucking much Mr. Downey, I said biting his lips and unbuckling his pants, after undressing each other, we started kissing passionately.
I hugged him so tight that my nails were almost digged into his skin.

He broke the kiss and threw on the couch, he started pressing my breasts and inserted two fingers in me which made me groan out loud.

There wasn't a lock on the door, we could have been interrupted, and maybe the risk heightened my pleasure as Robert pressed his whole length against me, placing his feet beside mine and leaning his torso into my spine, his breath hot on my neck. This was reality, I felt with a strange relief, this was where I belonged."

Robert, this is were I belong, this is my house, our home, I'll never let you go again, I'm gonna stick around you forever, I love you. I said between our intercourse and tucked my hand in his hair and pulled him near me.

He kissed me back, "This time I'm not gonna let you go, I'll pull you back and kiss you harder". We both laughed.

I couldn’t get enough of him. I was tired and sore but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him. I got on top of him. I couldn’t really believe it; I was doing this. I was inventing something. I held him and put him in. He felt deeper in me. I’ll never forget it. I was in charge and he liked it. I held his hands down. He pretended he was trying to break free. I let my tits touch his face. He went mad; he bucked. He split me in two. I pushed down. I couldn’t believe it. One of his fingers flicked over my bum. I did it to him. He lifted and heaved. I couldn’t believe it. There was no end to it, no end to the new things. He did something. I copied him. I did something. He did it back. He took me from behind. I pushed back, forced more of him into me. I sucked him. He licked me. I made him come on my stomach. He sucked my toes. The whole room rocked and like that we had a god knows how many hours of compete pleasurable sex and slept on the couch, wrapped in each other's arm.

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