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Hey guys! We're here.. I shouted as I entered in.

Hey! Honey.. I'm glad you both came. Dad kissed my cheeks then hugged Robert.

Where's mom? I asked.

Went to the market.. She'll be here soon. Said dad.

Well, James.. We're here to take you two for outing with us. We're gonna have a family day out.. It will be fun. Robert said.

Well.. I wanted to tell you guys something.

What it is dad? I asked.

Honey.. Your mom and I has planned for a holiday.. We're gonna go tomorrow morning and you both are coning with us and I don't want to hear any No.. Dad said and went straight to the kitchen..

Well.. That's great dad but suddenly a holiday? Why? It's not even Christmas or New year?.. And where are we gonna go btw? I asked in confusion..

Well.. We're all going to Hawaii and Robert please call Amanda and Emily too. They're gonna go with us.

What's up with you dad? You're planning a whole party or something?

Yes. I'm planning a whole holiday for your 20th birthday my love. I want to make your birthday so special.. I wasn't here at your 18th birthday and your 19th birthday suffered a whole lot of problems so I want to throw a big party.. A destination Birthday.
Dad shouted in excitement..

Awww dad.. Thank you so much.. I'm so happyyy.. It' gonna be funn!!! I shouted and ran to dad and hugged him.

Hah! Yeah.. It's time for family fun baby.. Pack your bags and get ready for the adventure.. You're gonna get a lot of surprises.. Dad gave me a naughty wink..

Surprises? Oh my god..thanks dad..
Robbieee.. It's so amazing.. Isn't it? I hugged Robert and started jumping like a 5 year old kid and he started laughing.

Yes obviously it's awesome love. Robert said kissing my forehead.

So I guess you just told her about the plan without me James? Mom said entering in the living room.

Heyy mommy.. Thankyou so much for this  awesome gift..

All for you baby. Mom said and hugged me..

Okay.. So I think we should go for packing and some shopping then.. Let's drop the outing plan.. Robert said clapping his hands.

Yesss.. I shouted in excitement and everyone laughed.

Well.. Your mom and I already packed so it's your time now.. Go for shopping.. Buy the needy stuffs and pack.. Dad said..

And Robert.. Be at the airport in 6am and I've talked with Amanda, Emily and your father.. They all are coming.. Amanda and Emily will go with us and Mr. Downey will come directly from Malibu.. It's gonna be fun.. Dad said hugging mom from the back..

Aww.. You both look so perfect together..

We are perfect cause we have you honey. Mom said and walked to me. She gave me a peck in cheeks and hugged me.

Shana.. We love you so much honey..

I love you both too mom.

Okay now.. Go!.. Mom laughed and pushed me and Robert towards the door..

After 10 hours

Robert? Have you seen my swim suit? I shouted.

I don't know. Check in the store room.. There are some of your boxes.. He shouted back from the bathroom..

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