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**Tring Tring**
**Tring Tring**
I was about to pick up the call but it stopped ringing.. I checked the time and It's 9.00 am. And the call was from some unknown number. I decided to call back later.

Man! I was sleeping from yesterday evening. I was kinda senseless when someone knocked the door.

Honey? You're awake? It was dad.

Mm yeah dad?

He entered and sat just next to me trying to speak up but he was hesitating that make me worry.

What it is dad? Why are so nervous? Is everything okay?

Well honey, it's about Robert.

For a second my heart just stopped.
What is it dad? Please tell me everything's fine. I started crying.

Well Shana.. I hired this detective Louis and he checked almost all the possible places where Robert could be but it seems like he's been kidnapped or maybe something bad has happend. You were sleeping when the police came asking for you. They said you've filed a complain about the missing. I tell them you're not in home cause you looked so tired yesterday. I make sure that you'll go meet them when you'll be back..

Dad. I can't feel anything.. It's like my body is getting all numb. Tears are rolling down like an open tap and I can't hold my breath.. Feels like I'm choking, my sight is getting all blurry..

Shana? Sweetie? Are you okay? Shana? Listen? Wake up?..

The last thing I remember was my dad running downstairs holding me his arms.

Shana's Dad POV.

Dad. I can't feel anything.. It's like my body is getting all numb. Tears are rolling down like an open tap and I can't hold my breath.. Feels like I'm choking, my sight is getting all blurry..  She said and she falls down on my lap.

Her skin is getting so cold and pale.

Shana? Sweetie? Are you okay? Shana? Listen? Wake up?..

She went unconscious. Darling.. Please hold.. Don't close you eyes. Shana.. Sweetie..

I grab her like a baby an ran downstairs shouting her mother's name.

Elsie? Elsie come fast..

What the f--

Start the car.. We need to go to the hospital..
I lay her down in back seat and Elsie sat next to her. I started the car and drove to the nearest hospital.

Hey.. Somebody help.. My daughter's unconscious.. Please.. I said running into the hospital.

I see the nurses are running for Shana.
They lay her on the stretcher. My little baby is all dying and I can't do anything. Why on earth I'm alive to see this. Jesus please save her. Give her my life.

I didn't realize i was crying like a baby untill Elsie hugged me and hold me.

James. Our shana is a strong girl.. She'll make it out.. Just be strong, she need us right now. But what happend earlier?  Elsie asked rubbing my back and making me comfortable.

Well, I told her about the detectives and police statement and she started getting cold and she wasn't breathing.. She started crying and just in seconds I saw my girl falling on laps unconscious.. She wasn't breathing Elsie.. She wasn't.. I felt like I'm watching my girl dying in my arms.
I hold her in these arms when she was a little baby.. She's still my little angel.. You can't even imagine what it felt like..

Shhh- Don't worry.. She'll be alright.. The doctors are checking her.. We're here.. But James I think we need to find Robert..
Shana loves her so much.. I don't know how will she react when she'll come to know that the police has searched Robert in the mortuary.

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