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The dinner was so good and soon they both went to sleep as they were really tiered.

I went to my room and thought where Robert is? I was worried about him. He didn't received any of my calls nor he replied me back.. I think I should ask Amanda.

I called her but she didn't picked up so I messaged her and Robert both but soon I fell asleep waiting for there replies.


Uuuhhh-Ahhh.. I hate mornings. I woke up all messed. I was still so sleepy. I threw the alarm clock directly to the wall and soon I realized that I've killed it.

I got up and checked my phone.. There was no messages nor any missed calls. I started worrying about Robert. He hasn't showed up from last afternoon. I decided to go school and check if he was there or not.

I washed my face, brush my teeths and changed into simple jeans and tshirt. I didn't put any makeup.. I roll my hairs in a bun and took my bag and phone.

Mom? Dad? I'm going school, I'll see you guys in the evening. Enjoy.

Wait Shana.. Have your breakfast first..

No mom.. I'm not hungry.. I'll eat in school.

I kissed mom dad and ran off the house.

I decided to take my car, So I called Emily and said her to meet me directly at school.

As soon as I reached school.. I saw Emily waiting for me in the parking area.

Hey Em. We got a problem.

What happend babe?

Robert hasn't showed up from last afternoon. He isn't even picking my calls nor he's replying to my messages. Em I'm having bad feelings..something's not good.

Hey don't worry. I'm here for you.. Let's just go and check in school.. And if he won't be here we'll just go find him.

Thanks Em.

We ran into school and searched for Robert. Asked every possible person, checked his office, his classroom, asked the teachers and even the principal but none of them are aware of where he could be.

I was scared.. I wanted to scream.. I wanted him in my arms. I don't know what has happend. Where is he?..

Shana. I think we should go and talk to Amanda. She must know. Emily said giving me a worried look.

Yes you're right. Let's go.

We both went to Amanda's house and I knocked the door as hard as I can.

Wait! Coming.. Someone's shouted from inside.

Amanda opened the door.

Hey Shana. What are you doing here?

Hey Amanda.. Why aren't you recieving my calls and where is Robert? He hasn't showed up from yesterday noon.. He isn't even recieving my calls.

Well.. I'm sorry but I was busy.. Didn't saw your calls and I don't know where Robert is?

What? Didn't you called him and asked to come over and meet your lawyer and John because of some issues?.. I asked in a nervous scared tone.

Well.. Yes.. We were waiting but he didn't came and we also tried to call him but his number was switched off so we thought he stuck in some work..

I felt thousands of knife stabbing my heart. I was so in pain. Where could he be? Is he okay? What would have happend? I can feel that something is not good.

We should go to the police. I said holding my tears back.

Yes. Let's go. Emily said.

Yeah let's go.. I'll call John.

We all went to the police station and reported it. The policemen said that they will try there best to find him asap. They faxed robert's bio and photo to the other stations and they asked thousands of questions that made me worry more.

I decided to find him on my own.

Em' I'm gonna go find him.. Will you come with you?

Sure Shana.. I won't leave you right now all by your own.

Let's just go check Robert's house. We haven't checked there. I have the spare keys.
I said moving forward to the car.

Amanda..Go home.. Call me if Robert comes or any of his information.

Okay.. And you call me too. Amanda said.

Here.. Take my car. I said giving her the keys.

What about you? She asked.

I'll go with Emily. I'll be fine, don't worry.


Me and Emily, both reached to Robert's house. I opened the door and hopped in hoping we'll find something but there was nothing. I went to his bedroom and saw a picture of us. Hanging on the wall. I started crying..
Robert? Baby where are you? I hope you're fine. I said in a low tone..
I decided to go back home and tell mom dad about the whole incident..
I went to my home and tell them everything.. Dad assured me that he's gonna hire personal detectives too for searching Robert. I went to my room.. I took one of our photos and fell asleep.

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