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I woke up wrapped in the arms of my love.
He looks so cute while sleeping, I mean he always looks cute but right now he looks different.. So silent, Cute, Restless, Having me in his arms.

I feel so secure with him. Thank you god for giving me such a bright charm.

I kissed his forehead and try to get up without disturbing this sleeping beauty.

Uh-ah.. Babe? He said in his sleepy voice.

Mm yeah?..

Please stay. I want to feel the warmth of your body. I don't want to be alone. He said while grabbing me by my waist and wrapping me in his arms.
He put the blanket over us.

Robert? You have school. I whispered.

I can take a leave for one day I guess, I'm a good staff there and the principal is also a very good friend of mine. That won't be a problem and second, I want to be here with you. He said while giving me kisses on my neck.

I felt shiver running in my whole body. It let out a small moan.

He started sucking and licking my neck.
He came over me and started bitting me and leaving marks all over my collarbone and neck.

I started breathing heavily. It felt so good.
I kissed him back with passion and I tried to get an entrance in his mouth.. I bite his lower lips and let out a moan and I started sucking his mouth. Our tongues were twisted and fighting. I tried to get up but he pressed me down and started pressing my boobs.

Babe.. I love you so much. He said holding his breath.

I love you too Robert.

He started going down.. I can feel shivering.

He started rubbing his hands on my private area and all I could do is Moan.

He then pulled down my pants and left me in my pantie.

I can see you're already so wet baby, he said while massaging my thighs.

You're so desperate.. Don't you? My old man. I chuckled.

Huh? Old man? Baby this old man can eat you up. He said seductively.

Show me what you got in your pants old man.

He fastly removed my pantie and started licking my vagina.

Uhh- Robert.. It feels so good. I groaned.

It's just the start baby.. Let me show you what this old man got.. He said while inserting two fingers.

I moaned out loud.

He was giving me chills..

Fast.. Baby.. Fast.. I shouted.

It was a great pleasure. I can feel the pain down there but it was just so relaxing.

I got up and jumped into him.
I started unbuttoning his shirt as fast as I can.. Once I removed the shirt.. I started unbuckling his pants and soon he was naked. I can see his Junior is all wet and hard.

Well, your junior doesn't look that little. I said seductively.

Show me what you got now Ms Andrews.

I took his dick in my hand and started licking it.. I can hear his loud moans. It made me lick and suck it more faster..
I made him feel the complete pleasure of having a great girlfriend. After 10minutes of oral, I stopped and and rest my head on his shoulder breathing heavily.

Baby.. I'm gonna Cum.. Do you want to taste your old man?

I gave him the devilish look and started sucking his cum..
It was all wet and salty..
I instantly kissed him and let his own cum on his mouth..

We both layed on the bed breathing heavily.

Robert?.. Don't you think we should make love?

Babe.. I don't want to put myself on you.. We'll do it when you're completely ready and fine.. When you don't regret it. I want to love you always I don't want to loose you ever. If I've to wait my whole life for the right time.. Then I'll wait for you. I just want you happy and feel safe.

Ms. Shanaya Andrews.. I love you so much.

I love you too Mr. Robert Downey Jr. 

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