Chapter 49

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Robert's POV

I look at her and my heart's melt. The way her dimples shine when she smile, the way her nose gets red when she laughs, the way her loose and fluffy hair dances on her shoulder when she turns, the way her eyes twinkle when she blushes, the way she makes me feel is out of the world, I wish I could tell her that she means the world to me. I survived the past years but after she left, I didn't live my life, I didn't enjoyed a second of it. It was all a lie. I wish I could give her everything she ever dreamt of. I wish I could make her happy this time.

It's been 1 week after the family meet.
Wedding preprations are going on but I haven't proposed Shana with a ring yet, I mean that isn't very much necessary but I want to make her feel special, I want to  show her that no one could ever replace her. She is the only one in my life with whom I will always be happy and no matter what, I will always love and respect her. In these years I have learnt one thing that if you truly loved someone, you can't unlove them. You can move on with life but you can't happily live it. The hole they create when they leave will always be there untill they come to heal it back again. I'm finally feeling complete, my hole has been filled, filled with her love, her laugh, her voice. I watch her dancing, singing, laughing, crying, shouting and nothing makes me angry about her. I don't know what she has done to me. I never thought that the girl whom I punished on the very first day of the school will be the love of my life. It's all so insane and crazy.

I kept smiling and blushing on my own while searching for a beautiful ring for her. I looked at the gifts and everything reminded me of her. Even the lighter reminded me of her, they way she used to lit her cigarette in her final years. I can't believe that everything around me reminds me of her. I love this girl more than any other thing in the whole world.

Later the day, after so much of roaming in the shops, I found one ring and locket, both were beautiful and unique and I engraved our initials R.S. with and Infinity sign. I just hope she likes it. I look at the ring and imagine how beautiful she will look on our wedding day. She makes me blush. Duh.

Next morning, I called James and told him to come with the whole family for dinner at my place and I told him that it will be a formal dinner night so better suit up. I didn't exactly told him what my plans are but the way we talked must've give him an idea.

Later I called Emily, Tom and Colin for the invitation, they all were excited about it. Colin stuttered a bit but he was also happy for us. I know he loves Shana, I can see that in his eyes, it definitely makes me uncomfortable but not worry. He is a good man and he has handled her when she was all broken, he has been her life support and I will always be thankful and grateful for that. He is a great man, even though he has been so close to Shana, I'm sure they must have cuddled and shared some private moment which is disgusting to think about, I don't hate him. I hope he will find someone pretty soon and move on with life.

In the evening, I was setting the table while Dad was watching TV and drinking his infamous fire whiskey. Aunt Vanessa was busy checking all the food arrangements and Harry and Ron were constantly poking me about Shana. They both were so excited to meet her. After our wedding, they all kinda mixed with each other. They made a great group of 3 musketeers. I chuckled at their poking and jokes. They both are grown ups now. In my wedding they both were 14-16 and now they are 20-22. Time really has changed.

Harry why don't you just call you girlfriend and talk with her a bit? Let us do our given works because you aren't helping, you're just teasing and I swear I will kill you if you won't stop now. I gave him a death stare and he jumped out of the sofa running in the living room making the rest of us laugh.

Ron was cleaning the photos and making space for the new once. Ron is younger than Harry but more matured.

Soon there was a knock and I took a deep breathe and exhaled it, Aunt Vanessa rubbed my back and gave me a strong smile.
Harry and Ron ran to open the door and Dad finally put his whiskey glass down and switched of the TV.

Everything will be great Rob, You will do it perfectly. Aunty Vanessa pulled my cheeks and gave me a kiss.

Yeah, thanks Aunt. I love you. I gave her a side hug and we moved to the living room for attending them.

Hey Guys! I hugged and shake hands with everyone. I saw Shana, she was wearing a red knee length dress with a white jacket. She took my breath away the moment she steppes in front of me and kissed. I smiled and hugged her.

Emily and Colin came with the rest of us and asusual Tom couldn't make it.

Shana, we missed you so much! Harry and Ron shouted and pulled her in a tight hug and she hugged them back. They all started shouting like kids and everyone started laughing.

Oh my god, I can't believe. Look at you two, all grown up Man now! You guys are seriously giving some serious sexy looks.
Shana said and pulled them back in a tight hug.

The three musketeers are back together now, I suppose. Aunt Vanessa said and laughed in between.

Well, I think so. Shana tilted her head and started blushing. She walked to Aunt Vanessa and hugged her. She had tears in her eyes, definitely she has missed everyone.

How are you my love? You look skinny? Don't you eat properly? Asked Aunt.

Uhhh!! The 3 musketeers groaned at the same time. Why do moms always talk about health and food. Ron groaned.

Indeed, Come one Mom, stop being such an old soul and Shana is slaying, if she hasn't been our Brother's wife, I'm sure I would've proposed her. Said Harry and winked at her.

So Do I, barked Ron in between and everyone started laughing.

And I would have been in jail for two murders. I said coldly and gave then a death stare.

Oh come on Brother, You're an old man now. Take some rest. Harry winked at me.

Now you're a dead man. I said and ran towards him.

Everyone started laughing and we were running in the whole house like Tom and Jerry.

After the dinner, everyone was sitting in the living room and it was time for me to propose Shana. I walked to her and gave a nod to Ron, so that he will be ready with the party poppers and champagne.

I kneel down, took her hand in hand and looked her in the eye.

I want it to be fresh, whatever happened happen. Now it's a fresh new start. I said and kissed her forehead, she was blankly looking at me. I smiled and took a deep breathe. Shana..

I found the reason of my smile, the day I found you. Will you let me be the reason for your smile? 
You are the one I wanted to find, to tell that I need you all my life.

Only you, you're the only thing I'll see forever. In my eyes, in my words, and in everything I do.
I know that you and I are truly meant to be together.
I wish I could give you everything you want.
I hope this ring can atleast tell you that how much you mean to me.
Will you please do the honor of becoming ny wife?

Shana, will you marry me?

I looked at her, she was crying and smiling both at a time. You're beautiful Shana. I kisses her nose tip.

She stood and wrapped her whole body against mine and started crying out loud. I let her cry, there is so much she has suffered and been through. I wasn't the only one who has felt pain and loneliness. She was also alone. She has been in so much pain. She deserves to be happy as much as I do.

I stroked her hair back and caressed her cheeks.

Robert, you know you didn't had to do all these but thank you. This is all so special. Thank you so much and yes I will marry you. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you so much.

She said and Ron blasted the party poppers and everything started shouting and hugging. Colin took the bottle of champagne and Popped it up.

We danced, We got drunk and that's how we ended up the night, wrapped in each other's arm.

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