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I cut the call and turned back and I was shocked..
Mr. Downey was staring me with blood in his eyes and jealousy was written all over his face.
Only thing I could do was laugh..
I laughed so hard..
What the fuck Mr. Downey.. Why are you staring me and why are you looking so angry?

Language Miss. You're in my house so mind you're language. This is not some club.

I was hurt with his words but I still like him and He wasn't wrong though.

I'm sorry Mr.Downey.

You better be.

Mm.. So I think.. I should leave now.. Can you please tell me where my clothes are?

In the washing machine but they aren't ready yet.. I mean I haven't washed them. You can take them some other time.

Sorry Mr. Downey but I don't need a reason to come to your place always. Thanks for everything and now I'll take my clothes.. I'll send your clothes when I'll wash them.

I took my clothes and phone and started going out untill he grab my wrist me and pull me towards him.

What the hell Mr. Downey? What do you want now? I know it's your house and I'm talking your time so let me go and don't you have to go to school?.. Please leave me.

Yes Miss.. I have to go to school but it's 6.30 am only and where do you think you're going?

H-O-M-E, home.. Mr. Downey..
MY HOME. I said angrily.

He smirked and said well do you even know that you're at my house and I live kinda far away from the main city and I'm sure that you live somewhere near our school locality? How will you go? Huh?..

He said and leaned over me.

I was having current waves all over my body. Our face was almost touching and I could feel his strong colonge and cold breath.. It was intoxicating. I was again feeling so weak..

Okay Mr. Downey. Thanks for telling me. I'll call Jeremy and he will come pick me up!..

He face again filled with anger and jealousy and I was laughing from inside.. He looked cute though.

No need to Call Mr. Renner. I'll drop you home while going to school.. Untill then you can spend some time with me.

He was right. I can spend some more time with him and he will drive me home. Man! Is this all a dream? Cause' I'm loving it so much.

Okay Mr.Downey.. Thanks!..

He then pulled himself back and he went on the kitchen.. He shouted.. What do you wanna eat for breakfast?

I shouted back.. Anything cause I'm starving.


After 15 minutes of cooking..
He came back with bacons, toasts and omlets.

Why he is so perfect?

We both ate in silence.. After that we were sitting on the sofa, it was 7.30 and I didn't mind to ask his full name.. I was curious.

Mr. Downey.. May I ask you your first name?

Robert. He said.

Robert? Robert Downey! Sounds cool.

It's Robert Downey Jr.
My father's name is Robert Downey.

Oh! Okay!.. Robert.. I mean Mr. Downey..
I said while blushing.

He smiled and said.. It's okay.. You can call me Robert out school..

You're sure?


Okay!... Roobbertttt...

Haha! LOL!!.. He laughed hard.

His laugh is so perfect.. I love him.

Well.. Shana.. What's your full name?

Well, My full name is Shanaya Andrews.

My father is an American and Mother is an Indian.. So they mixed the names.

Okay! So what do your parents do? and why don't they live here?

Well, they have business and all the time they are busy with it..
They travel alot actually.
They went to India for some business purpose when I was in Mom's tummy.
She gave me birth there that's why I'm an Indian and after my birth..  we went to England.. I studied till middle school there.
I always wanted to study in Newyork so they send me here and they actually lives in England.. They comes here only in Christmas. They are kinda rich so they can afford all my livings. They loves me so much.

We both talked like an hour.. Discussed about our choices, likes, dislikes, family.
Robert told me about his ex-girlfriend Jessica.. How she left when he was not in a good condition. She was a bitch.

It's 8.30 and Robert went to his room to get ready for school and I'm thinking about him.
Should I go to school with him? I want to see him in the class again..

Okay! Let's go Miss Andrews.
Robert said while running down on the stairs. He is wearing a black shirt and a black blazer with dark blue skinny jeans and white sneakers.
Man! He looks so perfect.. I want to hug him rightnow.

Come on..Let's go.. I've to drop you home then I'll run to school..

Mm.. Mr. Dow.. I mean Robert.. I will go school with you.. I don't want to miss classes.

Ah! Okay..but you don't have your books and you're wearing over-sized clothes which are actually mine and kind of dirty.

Can you wait outside my house for 10mins.. I'll get ready as fast as I can?.. Please?

Okay darling.. It will be okay!.. Let's go.

We both drove to my house.

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