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I woke up in his arms after 5 years but it feels like I've been living without him since forever. His presence around me makes me feel the life, happiness, positivity, I've always loved him and I'll always will.
I don't know what I'm gonna say to Colin or Emily or my parents, I know Mom, Dad and Em will understand and they'll be happy for me but I don't know what's gonna happen when Colin will get to know that Robert and I are back together. I mean he's a nice guy and a good hearted person and he was always there when I was alone and crying, he took care of me when Robert ignored me at the club but I know it was all my fault and Robert deserve happiness but so do Colin. Oh jesus, please help me, what should I do, I don't know. I got up from the couch and walked to washroom, washed my face and sat there on the floor thinking about life and what should I do now. Colin deserves to be happy and also the truth that I still love Robert and that I never loved him, he's just so good that I couldn't ever get a chance to tell him that I don't want him as my life partner. Oh Shana you fucked once again. I need to talk to Colin, this can't happen, there is no future of me and him, I belong to Robert and I can't take this for long anymore. I'm gonna tell him that we can stay in touch and we can remain friends if he want to but we can't have more than that, he is a perfect guy, there isn't any flaws in him, he deserves better and he can find better.
I got up and walked out of the bathroom, I went to Robert's study and took a paper and pen, wrote down a note that I won't be coming here untill I solve every problem with Colin and that he could call me when he gets up. I walked downstairs, he was still sleeping, I put the note on the table and gathered my stuffs and drove to home.

As soon as I reached home, I called Colin and asked him to come over to the city park.
I took a bath and changed into a nice over sized t-shirts and a ripped denim just to make everything look comfortable and casual not anything like a meeting or date.

I walked downstairs with the thought of telling mom and dad about what happend and that Robert and I are back together and that we are planning to getting married again but they both were out of house.

I took the keys and drove back to the city park, I was waiting for Colin to show up but he was late so I called him back but he didn't received which made me suspicious because he never had behaved like this before.
I was waiting and waiting and then I got a call from him saying that he can't come and it's urgent for us to meet so I've to come to his place as soon as I could.
I was confused and scared, like what's so urgent for him that he couldn't make it and now I've to drive all the way back.
Everything was so complicated and confused that I was panicking.

I was driving and suddenly my phone started ringing, it was Robert's call but I can't pick up his phone right now, I know I left the note to call me but I can't explain him everything, I really need to sort out things with Colin first. He left me 5 messages and called me 10 times, what's so urgent for everyone today? I shouted at myself.
Emily also called me 10 times but it's goddamn 8 in the evening and I'm driving in the city continuously.

I reached Colin's apartment and went upstairs wishing that he would understand my problem and that he won't create any others. As soon as I reached there, I saw that the main door was open and my parents were sitting on the sofa which was so wiered because they never showed up here before. I don't know what's going on but something cooking between them and it doesn't smells good.

Hey everyone! What's up? Mom Dad, what are you guys doing here? I was confused and in a lot of tension.
I took a seat and looked at Colin, What's so urgent that you couldn't make it and asked me to came all way back from the city park? I asked curiously and a tension was audible in my voice, it was cracking.

Shana, it was urgent and that's why I called you, I was about to leave for the park but couldn't make it because Mr and Mrs Andrews came all of a sudden and we need to talk now. He said with a crack in his voice which made my heart beats so fast.

Shana, is there anything that you need to tell us? Dad asked in between.

Umm, I guess not, why what happend dad? I tried to sound normal and calm as much as I can but I wasn't so my voice started cracking and I started stuttering.

Are you sure? Because Emily called me when you left the school without telling her and you were out of reach for the rest of the day, where were you? I called Robert and he was also out of reach, so Emily asked some of the people in the school and they said that Robert left after you and didn't came back.
Dad sounded so serious and it was scary.

Umm, Dad-Mom, Colin.. Guys I want to tell you something but first thing first that Colin, you're really a nice guy and I don't wanna hurt you at all, you deserve so much better, please don't be mad at me, I know I'm so fucked that I mess things always and that I hurt people but trust me it wasn't intentional, it just happened, I didn't wanted to use you or hurt you ever, it was just so hard for me to tell you that I can't be with you and that I still love Robert.
I just- you know, I can't be with..

Shh- Shana wait. He cut my words in between. I know. He said.

What? I was blank and shocked.

Yeah, I know. I know you love him and that you never loved me and we all know that you were with him the whole day, we know that you guys are back. I'm so happy for you Shana and don't be afraid, I'm never gonna leave you. I love you but it doesn't mean that I want you or I'm obsessed with you. I found you good for me and I wanted to start a family, I liked you, I felt different with you but I always knew that you still love him.
And I know I'm handsome enough to find someone more beautiful that you. He said and laughed.

I was blank and shocked. I didn't said a word but dad did.

Robert called when you left his house, he told us about you two, because Emily went to his house when you left and as soon as we got to know that you were out there with Robert, we were afraid that you'll hurt yourself, when Emily told us that you left crying and Robert leaves behind you, it was killing us. We thought that you guys will fight and that you'll do something stupid.

But when Robert called, we came to Colin's to talk to him and to apologize about the engagement announcement and to tell him that you and Robert are back and that Colin should understand and when we reached at his door, he was leaving to meet you so we stopped him and tell him to ask you to come here.

Colin, I'm so sorry! Please, I didn't wanted to hurt you ever. I said with tears in my eyes.

Dumb, why are you crying now? I told you its not a problem Shana. The ring I gave you was a promise ring, a did a promise that I'll always look after you and that I'll always care for you and your happiness. I'm so happy for you.

Thank you Colin, You're such a darling, And I'm sorry too. I said and hugged him.

We were talking and the bell rang, Colin answered the door and it was Emily and Robert. Colin greeted them and hugged Robert. They came in and I couldn't stopped myself from running to Robert and hugging him.

He hugged back.

I love you, I said and kissed his cheeks.
I love you too babe, he whispered in my ears and kissed my forehead.

I called you to tell that I told James and Elsie about us but you didn't answered my calls nor texts so Emily and I came here. Colin invited us. Said Robert.

I looked at Colin with a shocked face but soon said thank you and he smiled at me.

I know it has been the worst years of our lives, but now I promise that I won't hurt anybody ever. I'll always stick with you Robert and Mom Dad, I'll never ever leave you guys alone. I'll always be there with you guys as you two were all my life.
I'm getting so emotional, Ugh- I'm having goosebumps and fast beats.
Can we get a family hug, it's been so long, I'm craving and longing for it, I badly need it now. I said crying and everybody came and hugged me, it was so relaxing.
It was unexpected and unbelievable but just in one day, everything changed.

The night went wild as Robert did the huge announcement and also gave us a shocking confession about his relationship with Ally.

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