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I guess we should go downstairs now, the function would start any moment. He hesitated a bit and said then moved away looking in the ground.

I can't explain how I felt that time. It was so good. My heart felt loved, happy, cared after a long time. I missed this so badly.
Maybe I can talk to him tonight after the function. I'll try to clear this tonight.

Hello? So your habit of daydreaming is still going on? Huh? He interrupted.

Wh- what? Oh no. It's nothing. Let's just go.
Emily would be expecting me. I said and walked out of the room leaving him there alone. I wanted to turn back but I don't know why I didn't.
I felt happy. It was something really good.
I wanted to do that again, I wanted to have that kind of meet again. I'm looking forward for it I guess.

I entered the hall where the party was held and it was huge. Everyone was cheering and shouting. They're happy meeting the old school faces again. I soon got involved in the old groups until the function started.

Robert walked on the stage holding a mic and some papers. He started to say all the typical introduction things.
Everyone was happy knowing that he is the new principal now. Everyone loved him since forever. The girls who used to drool over him now met him with all the respect and they even introduced their kids to him.

I stood far away from the stage holding a glass of drink and a cigarette. I never really loved smoking but I didnt even hate it. It makes me feel light sometimes.

He saw me few times but soon turned away, I'm finding ways to go near him but then something stops me. I don't know what it really is but it's making me crazy and happy at the same time. It's like I'm some teenage girl who's fangirling over some celebs or her crush.

The host of today's function was some senior student and he announced games which were fun playing so we all sat in rows and the game started.

It was an game of activity which we used to play in middle school. Every student will pick one paper and see what he or she got to do as a Dare and if he fails he gotta get punishment and all. I've always loved this game. It's fun.

Robert and the trusties are Judges and they sat on their places up on the stage.

Everyone was cheering and laughing.
Soon it was Emily's chance so she went up on the stage waving us a celeb style hello and everyone burst out in laugh.
I mean come on', It's Emily. She definitely will do something stupid and make people laugh. She's the Joker of our lives. I chuckled at myself.

She got the dare to act of her favourite teacher and I'm sure she's gonna mimic Robert because she was really good at that. She used to mimic of him and prank calls on me.

Well, Well, Well, Hello everyone. It's Emily. It's good to be back and the dare I just got is my cup of tea. I'm gonna mimic our Very Own Mr. Hottie, Ah-uh I mean Mr. Downey. She said and chuckled and everyone started laughing.

I used to mimic him in our school days. Of course he was the hottest and sexiest person of our school and every girl was day dreaming about him even me until he married my bestfriend. She said laughing and then suddenly stopped.
It was embarrassing for us, but thank God not many people knows.
I saw Robert's face got down when she mentioned our marriage.

Em' you suck! I said to myself.

Well, let's just start. I hope you won't mind Mr. Downey. She said and winked at him making him laugh out loud.

It was cute. The way he laugh and bit his lower lip. It melts me from inside.

He's looking so hot in that grey suit. His spects are also matching to his dressing.

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