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I opened my eyes.. I was feeling so weak.. I was in some white room.. I tried to move but I couldn't.. I saw my right leg plastered.. My head was paining and I was nervous.. I saw machines near me.. Damn! It was a hospital.. I saw Robert sleeping on the couch.. He was looking like a mess..
His shirt was all crushed and hair was all messy.. Although he was looking so cute.. I love him.. I try to get up.. I saw Robert getting up..

Oh baby.. My baby.. You woke up..
He kissed my forehead. I was shocked and but it felt so good.. It felt so loved.
He then hugged me and whispered in my ear.. Babe.. I'm glad you woke up.. How are you feeling?

Then I remembered about that night.. I was running and I felt something hitting me.

Mr. Downey.. What happend last night?

Well, you were running and a truck hit you and btw it was 3 days ago.

I was shocked. I was unconscious for 3 days?

Yes hunnie.. The doctors said you were in coma but now you've finally woken. Let me call the doctors.

He went out for calling the doctors. I was still in shock.. What has happend?.. Where is Jerry? And Mr. Downey is dating Kylie..
I'm hurt.. So hurt.. I can feel the pain in my chest. But why is he here?

Doctors came and checked me.

You look fine now Ms. Andrews.

Can I go home now?

Not really. We will take you under observation for 2 more days and then you can go home.

Thanks doctor.

Get well soon.

Then he left.. And Robert came with a bouquet of red roses and chocolates.

Hey babe. I got these for you.

Babe? Mr. Downey why are you calling me babe? And why are you here? And where is Jerry? I asked rudely.

He looked hurt but then he managed to fake a smile and said. Sorry.. I won't call you that again and Jerry went to his grandmother's home.. His grandmother passed away yesterday morning.

Oh.. I want to talk to him.. Was he here when I was in coma? Did he said something about that night?

Well, not much. He didn't said a word. He didn't talked to me. He was waiting for you to wake up but he never talked.

Oh okay..

We sat there for 5min in awkward silence then I broke it and asked.. Don't you have school today?..

It's sunday Shana. And I will be here with you no matter you want me or not..
There is no one with you.. Not even Jerry and I'm not leaving you alone. He said ordering me.

I don't want you Mr. Downey.. I'm alright now.. Thanks for being here but you can leave now. I said rudely.. I love him and I know we can't have a future together so why not push him away. It's better for both of us.

I'm not going anywhere Ms. Andrews.

You have to go Mr. Downey..
Sir please leave. I don't want you..
I said screaming and crying.
I was literally behaving insane.

I was screaming and suddenly​ I felt his lips pressing against mine.  He kissed me and I kissed him back.. I couldn't ever resist his kiss.. His feeling.. I love him so much.. I kissed passionately.. Our tongues were fighting.. He wanted and entrance and I was playing with him.. I didn't let him enter in my mouth so he bit my lip and I moaned a little.. His tongue entered my mouth and it was all warm and it made me shiver. I was getting cold waves.. He interlaced our fingers and we kissed.. He leaned over me and grabbed my breast.. I grab him by his hairs and all i could do is moan.. I moaned as he pressed his whole body against mine. He was all over me. We managed to lay on my bed. His hands were moving down in my private area.. I could feel his cold hands and warm chest.. It gave me goosebumps.. I was trying to control my moan untill he entered 2 fingers inside me. I groaned and moaned loud. He looked at me and said.. In my whole life, I've never loved anyone like I love you.. I don't care If I loose my job.. Threat is imminent and I have to protect that one thing I can't live without and that's you shana.. Yes.. I love you.. I love you so much.. And I know you love me too.
I was crying.. I finally got what I want.. Robert is in my arms and proposing me..

I love you too, Sir.. I love you so much..

You don't have to call me Mr. Downey or Sir.. Shana.. He laughed.. And kissed my forehead..

He wrapped his arms around me and layed there with me untill I fall asleep.

You're My Life, Sir! *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now