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I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing, it's Arthur. Why is he calling me? Where is he?

(A- Arthur, M- Me)

A- Hello ma'am!

M- Hey Arthur, You're calling me? Where are you?

A- Ma'am, I told you about my leave yesterday, I' leaving for my home town and I won't be back for 1week, I didn't wake you up when I was leaving because you were asleep and I've made the dinner it's in the fridge and all the things are arranged.

M- Oh yeah! I forget, No problem by the way Arthur, I'm moving back to New York and I won't be living here anymore, I'll leave your payment in my office and you can collect it from there. Thanks for the dinner and enjoy your weekend.

A- What? You're leaving ma'am? You didn't told me?

M- Ah! Yes, It was all so fast and I didn't remember you were leaving, Sorry Arthur but I'll make your payment clear and you'll get another job from the office, I'll make sure of that.

A- Okay ma'am, Take care!

M- You too Arthur.

I cut the call and sighed a deep, Arthur was my cook from the very begining. My office hired him and it's been 2years. He took the good care of my eating habits and everything. I'll make sure he gets his payment at time and a new job as soon as possible.
I looked around my room and decided to pack my stuffs and call Peter, my boss to inform him that I won't be doing this Job anymore and I need a transfer to the Rolling Stone, New York. Peter is not only my boss but one of my good friends. He is also from New York and knows every single thing about my life, he know about my drinking habits and the pain I'm going through.
I looked at the clock, It's 8.00pm.
Well, I guess I'll directly meet him tomorrow at office and make everything clear.
I got up and went downstairs for packing my things, I took a quick look at living room and I guess I don't have much things to pack because this all was given by my company and I don't have the rights to take them with me so It's good cause' I can't take my whole house with me to an another country.
I opened the cupboard and took out the bottle of red wine and a glass. I pour myself a glass of wine and walked in the living room and sat on the couch thinking about New York. I don't know how everyone's gonna react on my return. What if I met Robert? What I'm gonna say to him? How will he react? What if he moved on? What if he already found someone? He has every rights to love whoever he want to and I haven't done anything good with him that he will accept me back. I wish everything stays fine. I looked at the photos of my wedding hanging in the wall. I framed them again on the walls because I realized how wrong I was, how bad I miss him. These photos are the only thing that gives me strength in my bad days. He must've moved on that why mom or dad never speaks about him. Maybe he married someone again. Maybe he don't want them to talk about him with me. I really need him. I know I understand i did wrong and I even accept it but how can I just stop thinking about everything. It hurts so bad without him. My body gets numb whenever I miss him, It don't work when the memories of us hit me. I just hope everything stays cool. I drank the whole wine bottle thinking about him.

Next Day..

I'm returning back to my apartment from office, I'm glad Peter managed all the transfer and the legal things. My flight is tomorrow night and my colleagues are giving me a farewell party tonight. I really don't feel like partying but it has to be done because it will be the last time I'll see all of them together. We all have been a great team and they all have supported me since forever. It was hard telling them about my leaving but everyone knew about my problems, how I mess up when I miss my family and how I'm becoming an alcoholic. Some of them cried and some of them were sad and they just sat there looking at the ground not wanting to talk to me but I managed. I will miss them all but I really need to leave this country. I feel like a fugitive, When I wanted fame, I left my family and ran away and now when I have everything I wanted then, I again want to run back to my family. I'm such a jerk. I just can't take all this ache and hate from heartbreak. I wanna go back to the time. If I could turn back time then I will relive all the moments I missed. All these street lights and all these roads will always be the place I've cried thinking about him, wanting him.
I despise myself at the cellular level. I still remember how bad he was crying. I still remember our last kiss.
I-I- uh! I just can't drive. Fuck!..
I stopped the car near the central park and walked in.
I can see all the kids are playing, running, enjoying themselves with their parents. They all are so happy, A happy family. What would've been if we had been together. I remember how he got desperate when I started getting sick in the mornings and puking all over the bathroom, he thought I'm pregnant. I laughed at myself. I can feel tears running down my cheeks and shivers running down my spine. I feel like choking whenever the past hits me. We could've been the perfect family. We could've had kids. God.. Why?.. Why I left him? Why I behaved like the selfish women on the earth.. He loved me, I loved him then what happend to me? What the fuck happend to the promises I made to him? I broke his trust. He must hate me so much for what I've done to him.

I sat there for hours and then I remembered that I had to go for the party. I didn't want to but I had to. I drove of for my apartment.
As soon as I reached there, I took a hot bath and changed into a simple black long dress and left for the restaurant where the party was.

I came back home about 1.00am, I was feeling so tired so I didn't even bothered to change my dress, I just laid there in bed, thinking about Robert, I wished him goodnight while looking at his picture and slept.

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