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The rest of the class went Okay!
We learned more about Shakespeare and the whole time I was admiring Mr. Downey's beauty. He was so mesmerising. So perfect, well, atleast look wise. I never saw any man like him before. He was like the prince charming.

Wait. What am I doing. He is my teacher. Am I having a crush on him?
No, No. I can't let this happen. What will he think of me if he notice this. That I'm some slut kind of girl that fall for his teacher.

Hell no.

I was thinking all these stuff and the bell rang.

Okay class I hope you all learnt well today. Don't forget to do your homework, now get out and have a nice day.

Thanks Mr. Downey.. "The whole class said"

Everyone was walking out and I was in the last.
I saw Mr. Downey sitting on his desk looking at me.

I felt a cold wave hitting me when I saw him looking at me.

Why is he looking at me? Have I done something wrong? Does he like me?
I was leaving the class thinking and ignoring him, then he said something and I stopped.

"Excuse me miss?" I thought I said that you'll stay here 20 minutes more?

Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot. I gave him a fake smile.

You forgot alot. Don't yeah? He said and laughed.

I blushed.

Well, Sir. Can I come after lunch cause' that's my free period and rightnow I have my biology class.

Okay! But don't forget to come after lunch. I'll be in my office. See you later.

Thanks Mr. Downey.
I smiled and left.

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