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Hey Robert, please close the curtains. I need to sleep babe. I said in a sleepy tone without even opening my eyes, the sun rays were hitting my eyes directly.

Babe it's time to wake up now, Robert gave me a kiss on my forehead and started playing with my hairs. I love it when he play with my hairs and tickle me in the neck, it feels so good.

What time is it now? I asked in the deep sleepy voice, I was so tired from the last night. Well, thinking about last night all I could ask him is that was it all a dream or reality cause I still can't believe Robert and I are getting married soon. Maybe in a month or two. We didn't exactly fixed a date yet.

Wake up sleepy head it's 8.00am now. We have to get ready and go to the dinning hall. We have a family programme at 2.00pm. And now I'm gonna go downstairs, Tom is waiting for me. Robert said and started getting ready.

All I did was murmured curse words to morning. I hate mornings. They are only beautiful when you don't have to see it.

Umm- You go Robert.. I want to sleep more, I can't get up I'm so tired. I'll be there by 2.00 for the family get together and btw What is the function? You didn't tell me we are having another party today? Is it related to my birthday babe? I asked curiously even in all sleepy mood.

Yeah we're having another party today. Robert said fixing his tie. He wore a black suit with white shirt and black tie. He's wearing all formal.

Robbie why are you wearing all formal today? What's it?

Babe I won't come up cause I have work to do, I have to plan the party and the theme is formal and don't worry in about 3hours the laundry man will deliver your dress. I've buy it for you. Please wear it only. He made that puppy face with that cute puppy brown eyes. He's looking so sexy still so cute.

I love you Robert and don't worry I'll wear it and be there at time. You go.

He gave me a kiss and then disappeared.

Well, again a party.. Great.. I love this man so much but rightnow I love my sleep more. I chuckled and slowly drift off in my dreams.

After 3 hours

I heard a hard​ knock on the door, I got up and opened the door. There was a tall guy from the hotel staff holding a big bag.

Hello ma'am. I'm from hotel laundry, Mr. Downey has sent this for you.

Oh yeah, it must be the dress for today's party? I said and let him enter in the room.

Yes ma'am it's for the function and Mr. Downey gave me this for you. He said handling me a letter and putting down the dress.

I gave him his tip and he goes out.

I opened the letter and there was written
"Hey babe wear this and please get ready for the function. Be ready at 2. Love, Robert"

I wonder why he always keep secrets from me even when he knows I don't like it. It makes me curious and angry at the same time.

I saw the clock, it was 11.20. I grabbed my phone, opened facebook.
Woah! My timeline is all flooded by congratulations and best wishes for the upcoming and for my birthday and the pictures of last night. Mom posted it all. Robert and I are looking so perfect. All the pictures are just so perfect. I'll definitely hang all these on my picture wall as soon as we'll return.
I was busy in checking all the photos that I didn't realize it's 12.00 already and I only got 2hours to get myself ready for the surprise grand party. Well I can say it grand cause I know if Robert has planned it and he chose all the formal theme and he himself wore top to bottom formal then the occasion must be grand.

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