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I'm exhausted, my head thick with sleep. When I drink, I hardly sleep at all. I just pass out cold for hours, then I wake, sick with fear, sick with myself. If I have a day when I don't drink, that night I fall into the heaviest of slumbers, a deep unconsciousness, and in the morning I cannot wake properly,  I cannot shake sleep, it stays with me for hours, sometimes all day long.

I heard a knock on the door, it was dad. He came to see me if I'm awake or not. I know I drunk a little last night and passed out. It's nice when you wake up, you don't have to hurry for office. It's nice to see your family when you wake up. I've started feeling good now. It's just been one day and I'm feeling good, Yes practically I'm feeling sick because of the alcohol but emotional and mentally I'm feeling good. Dad just gave me painkiller, kissed me on the forehead and left. He knows what I feels like sometimes. He is the best. I'm feeling so happy and fresh from mind. I opened my arms, closed my eyes and feel the air. I can feel the happiness in my head. It's not killing me today. I looked at the clock, it's 11.00 am. Wow, I never slept this much in London excepts Sundays. I grabbed my phone and opened Instagram. I was checking it out and I received a text from Emily.

Emily:-  Hey beautiful! Morning.

Me:-       Hey, Morning! Sup?

Emily:- Just making sure, we'll still on for the reunion? 

Me:- I don't know Em, I'm not sure yet.

Emily:- fuck your surety, you're coming and we're going to the mall for some shopping in 2hours. Get your lazy ass off your bed and get ready, we'll have breakfast, lunch and dinner out just like old days.

Me:- I can't win from you, can I? 

Emily:- No babe you can't, now Go get ready.

Me:- K. Bye

I put the phone aside and went downstairs.

Dad is sitting on the couch drinking coffee, reading newspaper and mom is in kitchen making supper.

Hey mom, Hey dad! Morning! I wished them and went straight to the coffee maker for my day making coffee. Dad wished me back but mom didn't, seems like she's upset or something. I grab the coffee mug, walked in the living and sit near dad.

Hey Dad! What happend to mom? Why she's so upset? I whispered in his ear so mom couldn't hear.

Well, it's about last night, you passed out because of the excessive dose of alcohol, second you didn't talked to your elder relatives, and the most important.. Uh..

Well, I can relate mom's anger with all the things that happend last night but dad didn't said the last thing. He is now stuttering and hesitating talking to me about something.
Maybe I did something that I'm not aware of cause it happens with me in London too. I used to get drunk, do shits and then forget about 'em the next morning.

What is it dad? I asked a little louder and mom heard us. I can see the anger on her face. Wow now she is coming to us. Great Job Shana, you just got yourself killed.

Well, Tell her.
Tell her what she did last night. Mom said looking at dad.

What's up guys? I don't have the whole day for this. Tell me what I did cause I honestly don't remember .

Well, first you got drunk and passed out, second you didn't reply to your relatives and third, the most important ..
Why the hell you wore that jacket?
Mom sighed a deep and then it was all silent.

I was shocked that they know about jacket and they're upset just because I put that on.

Well, um.. Mom, it's just nothing, I mean I saw it in my closet and this was my favourite jacket so I wore it. What's the big deal? I tried to move away with it but she didn't let me.

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