Chapter 4 - The Zoo✔️

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Previously On Runner...

"Oh my gosh you're so dramatic." Jonah playfully rolled his eyes at my antics. I chuckled and he helped me up. "Night J."I said to him pulling him in for a hug.

"Night Char." he hugged me back. We parted and went to our rooms. When I closed my door and almost jumped out of my skin because of who I saw.

"We need to talk"

Now On Runner...

Charlotte's POV•
October 6, 2016

"Um okay?" I said more as a question than a statement. I put my purse down, still feeling a little awkward because of that stunt he tried to pull earlier. "Char when someone besides Jonah, tries to touch you, you flinch or hesitate. No one wakes up like that... something must have happened..." Zach trailed off concern filling his eyes.

My breath hitched and a lump was placed in my throat.

I know for a fact I am not ready to tell the boys what happened. I've only known them for about a week. I'm not sure if I can trust them with the deepest, darkest part of my life that I've been putting off.

But if Zach wants to know that means he cares.

I know he won't let me live until I tell him.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay," I breathed. "Sit down." I added while sitting myself on the edge of my footboard.

Am I really going to tell him?

He sat down next to me and looked at intently me waiting for an answer.

"Okay, so about a year ago I had a boyfriend named Tyler. We had been good friends for a couple of months before we started dating. I really liked him and our relationship together was great" I sardonically chuckled.

"Until one day we were laying on my bed watching tv when he----" I paused.

Why am I telling him this?

Why? Why? Why?

I should've told him to mind his own business and to stay out of mine.

My doubts began to compel me into doing do until Zach's soft coaxing voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"It's okay," he slowly nodded. "I'm here."

I continued on telling him the story.

"He started kissing me on my neck. I didn't want him so I told him to stop but he ignored my request and proceeded in climbing on top of me. He started touching me all over my body." As much as I tried to hold the tears back, one managed to slip through my eye.

"He told me we were going to have fun and he began taking his clothes off. I tried to push him off of me but he was much stronger than I was. He threw me up against the wall and yelled at me. He called me things like whore, slut, and bitch while pushing, kicking, punching and hitting me." Another tear was shed from my eyes.

"I was defenseless against him. He had me where he wanted me. I thrashed around in his grip while tears streamed down my face. I heard a big loud bang noise and there stood my knight in shining armor." I tried bringing humor into the situation but that only made matters worse.

"Jonah looked between the both of us and ran to Tyler and started beating him up. The cops pulled him off of Tyler and took him out of the house. I broke down in tears and hugged Jonah for dear life. He let me cry for as long as I needed and at that moment. That is why I am hesitant in physical contact because---" I couldn't even finish the sentence because I began to cry.

Runner//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now