Chapter 32 - Her Memories (Pt.1)

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(A/N:Just a heads up *  means new scene/flashback

Also this Chapter which is Chapter 32 will have different parts, because I didn't want all of these flashbacks in the same chapter because with all of the flashbacks I have now it's over 14,000 words and I don't want it all jumbled up, so there will be parts 1,2 and 3.

I won't be doing an A/N at the end of this part, I will do it at the end of the chapter like chapter 32.

All of these parts to chapter 32 are coming out today/tonight because I don't want to leave you guys hanging


These flashbacks will give you chances to see how Charlotte felt through some of these

Make sure to vote,comment,add this to ur library and reading lists.

I love y'all


Charlotte's POV
November 24,2016

The memories of everything in the last two months came at me from left and right hitting me like a ton of bricks.

I shut my eyes tightly as they began playing in my head like a movie.


"Um okay"I said nervously and put my purse down.I still felt a little awkward because of that stunt he tried to pull earlier. "Char when someone besides Jonah,tries to touch you--you flinch or hesitate.Something must have happened for you to do that.What did happen?"Zach asked concern filling his eyes.

My breath hitched.I am not ready to tell the boys what happened I've only known them for about a week.I'm not sure if I can trust them , but I know Zach won't let me live until I tell him.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath ."Okay"I said."Sit down" I added while sitting on the edge of my bed.He sat down next to me and looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Okay so about 5 months ago I had a boyfriend named Tyler.We had been dating for about 3 months until one day we were laying on my bed watching tv when he started kissing me on my neck.It started get annoying because I didn't want it.I told him to stop then he got on top of me" A tear slipped out of my eye.

"He told me we were going to have fun and he began taking his clothes off.I tried to push him off of me but he was much stronger.He threw me up against the wall and yelled 'YOU ARE GOING TO DO WHAT I TELL YOU OKAY?!' He slapped,punched and pushed me. " . I began crying.

"I t-then began sobbing uncontrollably I heard a bang and the door fell down.We both looked over to see J-Jonah standing there with a b-bunch of police men behind him.He ran in and started b-beating Tyler up.Then the cops took him out the house and we heard the front door shut."I said between light sobs.

"Jonah hugged me while I cried into his chest.'J-Jonah he t-tried to-'I came close to getting out. 'I know I know I'm here' Jonah said.I squeezed him tighter feeling as if I let go it would happen again.Jonah let me cry into him for however long I needed it.I then knew that I could never trust anyone that fast."I said finishing off wiping my tears.

Zach then embraced me in a tight hug.At first I froze but then I fell into his embrace wrapping my arms around his torso.I then began to cry again into his shirt gripping on it .

Zach whispering soothing things into my ear while caressing the side of my face with his fingers.


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