Chapter 32 - Her Memories (Pt.3)

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Charlotte's POV
November 24,2016

Zach has locked himself in his room ever since him and Aria broke up.

Hey it's my first time calling her by her name!

Yay me!

But she is still and forever will be salty bitch, I was just being nice.

Aria left and now we are free of the Salty-Bitch epidemic.

The boys came back downstairs after countless attempts of trying to get Zach to open up and I was tired of it.

Today Zach can mope because he just had a break-up but tomorrow his ass better be ready because I am yanking him out of that bed .

Don't mourn over someone who wasn't worth it in the first place.

"I'll be right back"I said to the boys .They nodded and I picked Toffee up.I put her on Jonah's lap and went up the stairs to Zach's room.

I lightly knocked "For the last damn time I am not a child I can take care of myself without you all smothering me!"Zach yelled from behind the door.I rolled my eyes and opened the door."We didn't ask your opinion first of all"I said."Second of all that's what friends do"I said while sitting next to him.

"Are you okay ?"I asked."Not really,I just lost my half crush/best friend because she cheated on me and only went out with for me for fans, on top of that we were never best friends to begin with."Zach explained while frustratedly running his fingers through his hair.

Damn that was hot.


"Do you need a hug?"I asked opening my arms.He nodded his head and then I climbed onto the bed.He laid his head on my lap and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Are you gonna be okay?"I asked while rubbing his arm."Yea,I will be" he whispered.


We spotted a game where we had to throw the ring on the bottle."Ooh let's go try that one"Zach said pointing to it.We walked over and were greeted by a man with a tall hat on."Hello which one of you would like to try?"he asked with a smile."Let me try" Zach said. The guy gave Zach 3 rings and told him to have at it.

Zach missed the first one because I said "LOOK AT THE FLICK OF DAT WRIST" in his ear.He laughed and then his hand twisted in the air making him mess up. "Charrr" he whined. "Hey it's not my fault you can't focus"I teased and laughed. He playfully rolled his eyes and turned around to face the game again.

When he got in position he threw it and missed. "AHA!" I said. "So it wasn't my fault you just have bad aim" I said and smirked at him. "I'm trying"he said and fake pouted. "Welp try harder "I said and gave him an innocent smile.

He playfully glared at me then turned around to the game for the final time. He tried it for the final time and missed."Oooh bummer"I teased. "Shut up"he said. "Watch how the pros do it" I said and pushed him by his chest backwards. He stepped back and I turned around handing the guy my tickets.

He handed me three rings and I got in position. I turned my hand upward and tossed it. It landed on the top and everyone around me cheered.I threw it two more times and they both went over the top of the bottles.

"You get to pick three prizes!"The man exclaimed. Zach was on his phone while I was picking out my prizes.I got a panda,a sheep and a bear for Zach since he didn't get anything. "Thanks enjoy"the guy said.I smiled and walked away from the booth. I went up to Zach with a grin plastered on my face.He looked up at me then his eyes wandered to the bear I was holding up to him in my right hand. He reached for it and I pulled it back.

"Jealous?"I asked a smirk becoming present on my lips. "You wish"he said nudging me in my arm. "I don't think that's what you say to get this" I said while shaking the bear in my hand. "What's the magic word?"I asked. "Gimme" he said and reached for it again. I pulled back, "Uh-Uh-Uh"I said and smirked. "Pretty please with sprinkles on top"he asked while pouting . I giggled at his cuteness and handed him the bear.

"Yay!" he exclaimed. "His new name is Frederick " Zach said and patted the bear on the head. "My panda is gonna be Lola and my sheep is gonna be Antonio" I said while pointing to them. Zach looked at me funny. "Don't even give me that look you named yours Frederick"I said to him and laughed. "Hey! Leave Frederick alone !"He exclaimed hugging him. I laughed and we walked over to the next booth.

We played a couple more games and Zach won me a Narwhal and a unicorn. "Thanks Zachary"I said when he handed them to me while patting his head. "No prob Char" he said and smiled at me.

God, he is going to kill me.


We put our stuffed animals in the car and went back inside.While we were walking with our arms linked I saw a food cart. "OOH FUNNEL CAKES" Me and Zach said at the same time. We turned to look at each other then I said "Get outta my head!". "You get out of my head!" he said. We both laughed and went over to the cart. "Hello could we get a funnel cake and a large lemonade please?" Zach asked. "Sure" the man said. He came back with our order and Zach paid for it.

"Thank youuuuu" I sang and ate a piece of it. "You're welcome" he said while eating one too.

We walked over to one of the picnic tables they had set up and started eating. We ate while occasionally laughing and talking.When we were done we threw our trash away and just started walking around.

We played a couple more games and we got prizes for the boys as well. It was on the verge of getting dark so we decided it was time to leave.


When we got in the car there wasn't really anyone on the road so Zach thought it would be fun if we sped on the highway since no one was there.

So we did and it was all fun and games until we saw red and blue lights in the rearview mirror.Me and Zach gave each other a worried look and he pulled over onto the side of the road. The police car pulled up behind us and out stepped a cop.

He walked over to us and tapped on the window. Zach let it down and said "Yes officer?" . "Are you aware of how fast you were driving?"He asked. "No ,but--" Zach said but was interrupted when the cop spoke again.

"The speed limit was 45 and you were at 55 miles per hour.That's a problem" the man said. "Liscense" he ordered. Zach pulled out his license and handed it to the cop.The cop took a look at it then let out a bitter laugh. "Son this card is expired" He said showing the card to Zach.

"WHAT!?" Zach exclaimed. "Son this license should have been renewed two months ago" he said."I'm afraid due to rules you'll have to come with me" He said.

Oh god

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