Chapter 40 - "Surprise!" (Pt.1)✔️

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(A/N: idk that the collage looks weird , just a disclaimer. Enjoy!)

Charlotte's POV
December 8, 2016


"Mmph." I groaned turning over on my side and snuggling deeper into my pillow.


I lifted my head up, pulled my pillow from behind my head and set it back down and pulling the sides of the pillow over my ears so I could block out the vexing noise that was currently floating through my window.


"OH MY GOD!" I screeched ripping the blankets from my body and flinging them across my bed.

I angrily stomped over to the window and abruptly pulled my curtains open from both sides. I then saw a bunch of birds fly away quickly due to how fast I opened the curtains.

"That's what I thought." I mumbled walking back over to my bed. Toffee was now looking at me with her head slightly tilted. I began to notice how big she had gotten since we got her. She was about medium size now.

"It's okay, pumpkin." I told her kissing her nose, having her lick it afterward. "Let's go back to sleep." I rubbed her head and eased back into bed. She cuddled close to me and I wrapped my arm around her sighing in content.


"God damn, is it annoy Charlotte day today?!" I huffed sitting up. Toffee's head fell on my leg and she was knocked out. I ripped my phone from it's once current place, the charger, and unlocked it.

I glanced at Toffee's head on my lap and rubbed her head a bit.

My phone shut on.

My eyes were blinded by all of the colors of different applications on my phone.

I saw the text message, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Youtube symbol flash across my screen.

"What the---" I spoke cutting myself off when I pulled the drop-down menu down the date read:
December 8, 2016

Then I read a calendar notification that said:

My lips quickly got rid of the frown on my face.

"It's my 16th birthday!!!" I squealed.

I started going through messages everyone had sent me making sure to thank them. I liked and favorited as many tweets and Instagrams I saw.

I then paused.

I took into consideration the following facts:
1.) It's about 12pm right now.
2.) No one came in here to wake me up.
3.) I had to wake myself up.
4.) I haven't seen the boys since I woke up.

I raised an eyebrow and stood up making sure not to wake Toffee up. I eased my feet into the sole of my slippers and headed over to my closet. I took my robe from the door and slipped my arms through it. I opened the door, "Boys?!" I called awaiting any kind of response.

Silence was all I received.

"Hello?" I called once again.

"Zach?" I asked pushing open his door.

Nothing. His room looked as it always did not messy, not clean but decent.

"Jonah?" I pushed his door open and saw nothing but an empty room.

After checking all of the boys rooms and places downstairs I officially stated that there was no one in the house besides Toffee and I.

I was just about to leave the kitchen when I saw a note on the fridge.

Runner//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now