Chapter 2: Not going

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Jack's POV:

Thank god, Mr. North didn't give me detention on the lsat day of school! He just talked to me about how I shouldn't disrespect people and about my future and bla-bla-bla... I just nodded to everything he said and he let me go! Just like that!

I missed my bus, so I had to walk home... which took forever! It took me like an hour! And when I got home, my mom was wanting for me with questions.

"What did you do? Why are you so late?" She asked.
"I grunted and I missed my bus." I answered.
"What?! What are you doing about?"
"Basically he grunted too loud, the teacher heard him and he got sent to the principal's office. It took some time, so he missed his bus and had to walk home." My little sister Flee said.
"Exactly. Wait, how do you know that?" I asked her.
"Your my brother, I know you."

She really does know me! My mom looked furious, but she let me go easy, like she always does. I just agreed that I'd never do anything like that again and went on my computer to play some games. It's crazy how time passes super quick when you play video games! It was barely 5 when I started and now it's 9!

I removed my headset and put it on his appropriate place. I like to keep things clean and organized, but people can't know that! Because if they did, my reputation of the guy who just doesn't care would go down faster than the speed of light! And it's pretty fast! Like... 300 000 Km per second! That's crazy, right?!

The thing is... I do listen in class, I just... sometime fail my exams, but I calculate everything! If I fail one test every month, and pass all the other ones by just the limit, I pass my year! I really like math. I mean, I'm good at it so... It's easy for me. What can I say... I'm gifted!

The next morning, I woke up at 1PM, only because I could! I went down to play a little Xbox, but my parents were strangely waiting for me.

"Um... What's up?" I asked.
"Well... We've been thinking. You're 17 now and it's summer." My dad started to say.
"Yeah, I know... What about it?"
"Your mother and I can't just see you waste your two months of vacation on your video games so... We signed you up for Summer Camp!"
"Um... What?! Why would you do that?!"
"You're losing touch with nature because of your addiction!" My mom said.
"*scoff* A-Addiction? I don't have an addiction! I just like playing video games! I'm not going!!"
"The decision's been made, Jack! We already paid the money! You're going!" My dad almost screamed.

"*grunt* For how long?" I asked.
"You leave in two days and you'll be back about five days before school starts again." My dad answered.
"What?! That's like seven weeks!"
"You got that right!"

For the two next days, I just played video games. I needed to squeeze 49 days worth of gaming into 2 days! I had a lot of work to do before leaving...

Elsa's POV:

"So, Anna, are you ready for Summer Camp?" I asked my sister.
"I guess so..."
"Why are you sad? It's gonna be fun!"
"Well, yeah, but there's not gonna be any wifi, or phones, or electronics..."
"It won't be so bad! You might even find some cute boys..."
"*chuckle* Shut up!"

My sister's 16 now. She's exactly 15 months younger than I am. My mom sent her to this camp alone at first, but then I asked if I could come and she said yes! I know it's seven weeks and all, but I really wanted to get away from the city... And by "city", I mostly mean Jack-ass. Him and his horrible jokes!

I mean... Some of them are funny, like this one time, the chemistry teacher failed his experiment and got all orange and stuff and Jack-ass came in late, so when he saw Mr. Maurice, he said: "Orange you glad to see me, Mr Maurice!" I know it's stupid, but it was really at the right time.

After my conversation with Anna, I went back to my room and started to pack, even though it's only in two days. I put everything I thought I would need: T-shirts, long sleeves, pants, sweat pants, shorts, swimsuit, pyjamas, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, washroom kit, well... You get the idea. One of the thing I didn't bring was my makeup kit. I figured that, since we'll be seven weeks surrounded by trees and nature, might as well stay natural!

Now I just have to pass two days. I really can't wait!

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