Chapter 27: Field trip

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Jack's POV:

I'm pretty excited, because today, all the 12th grade classes are going to the theatre to watch one of Shakespeare's most famous works: 'Romeo and Juliet'.

It's part of the English class. We're studying his book and how the english language used to look in the 16th century. I don't really care about that, all I care about is that Elsa and I are gonna be right next to each other. Mrs. White specifically said: "You two need to learn to live together in harmony! Maybe try spending more time with each other!"

We even got to be together in the bus! She kept talking about how 'Romeo and Juliet' is such a romantic play and that it's true love, while I said the complete opposite.

"What are you even talking about?! How can you say that?!" She asked.
"It's just so cliché! The guy falls in love with this girl, but then there's a problem that keeps them apart, but they keep seeing each other. And at the end, something tragic happens, but it's for their love, so everyone thinks it's cute!" I answered.
"That's insane! Name me one movie or books that's exactly like that!"
"Easy! 'The Notebook'. The guy falls in love with the girl, but then their kept apart, but then there the raining scene where they're reunited and at the end, the girl has amnesia, but the guy tries to bring her memory back with his notebook, so everyone assumes it's true love."
"Ah--- Okay. You're right about that one, but... How do you even know 'The Notebook'?"
"I have a mom and sister, so... We have a copy at home..."
"I can't believe you watched that movie!"
"Please don't start!"

When we arrived, Mrs. White gave us our tickets and we found our seats. I was next to Elsa, as promised! We were in the 3rd row, in the middle. We had the best seats in the house! Unfortunately, our English teacher sat next to me, so... No talking to Elsa for like 3 hours.

I mean... The balcony scene was pretty cute and... Romeo really does look in love... Everything he said made me think of my feeling for Elsa...

If she asks me what other movie or book is cliché like 'Romeo and Juliet', I'll probably tell her: "Well, there is this one story. It's about a guy named Jack and a girl named Elsa. The guy loves the girl to death but she doesn't seem to feel the same. Even if she did, her mother is trying to keep them apart, but that doesn't work, because they keep seeing each other. Although I'm not sure about the ending..."

Halfway through 'Romeo and Juliet', we had a 15 minutes break. We got to leave the theatre and walk outside for a bit. We're in November, so it was a bit cold, but it still felt good to move a little.

"See? I told you it's true love!" She said to me.
"Yeah, whatever!" I replied.
"*chuckle* Name me another movie."
"Um... 'Titanic'. Jack falls in love with Rose, but that guy tries to keep them apart, but then there's the... *clears throat* car scene. But then Rose lets go of Jack, even though she said that she won't let go."
"*scoff* You're good! *shivers* Wow. It's freezing out here!"

I had a hat on, so I casually removed it and put it on her head. She smiled.

Elsa's POV:

"Why thank you, my dear gentleman!" I said in a funny voice.
" 'Tis all right, mine love! It is only a simple gesture of compassion. I would die if I knew I was the cause of your... Okay, just... *sigh* I don't want you to get a cold." He replied, trying to talk fancy.
"*laugh* You've got to work on your Shakespeare talk!"
"Yeah, yeah. At least I tried!"
"*laugh* Come on. We should get back inside."

We went in and found our seats again. The play started and we just sat there quietly.

Did Jack call me 'his love'? What was that even supposed to mean? Does he have feeling for me or did he just say that to make it look fancy? That's all I could think about... I mean, I like him. I really like him, but... Does he really like me too?

'Romeo and Juliet' finished without me even noticing it. Jack had to wake me up from my daydreaming. We got back to the school and the day past by pretty fast. I just kept talking about what Jack said.

You know what's funny? In 'Titanic', one of the main character is named Jack, kind of like him, and, well, Rose isn't exactly Elsa, but it does have 4 letters in it, like mine.

Our story is kind of like the cliché of every romantic movie. Two people in love, if Jack really was in love with me. My mom keeping us apart and... well, there is no ending yet. When it does happen, we'll know for sure his feeling for me. If we're just friends, or... more than that.

When I was finally in my cozy bed, my sister barged in my room.

"You know there's a thing called knocking, right?" I asked here, sarcastically.
"Elsa, this is serious!" She said in a very serious voice.
"Woah! W-What is it?"
"Mom found out."
"Found out what?"
"About the mall and the movies with Jack!"
"What?! How?!"
"I don't know, but when I got back, Mom asked me where you were, so I asked why, so she said that she had to talk to you. But she all said it in this very serious tone and 'the face'!"
"But... That could mean anything!"
"But the fa--"

Our mother opened the door, cutting Anna mid-sentence. She looked... She had 'the face'. It's like angry, but calm at the same time. Whenever she makes it, you can never tell her mood. But one thing for sure, it's always bad.

"Anna, please leave us alone." She said, in a monotone.
"Y-Yes..." She replied, keeping her head down. She left.
"Elsa, what is happening to you?"
"W-What?" I asked. This is going to be horrible.
"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"
"I-I don-"

"I told you not to see that boy again! Did I or did I not say that?!" She interrupted me.
"Y-You did..." I answered.
"Going to the mall and watching movies with him?! What is going on with you?!"
"Mom, he's really not that bad..."
"I don't care if you think he's good! Every since you two became friends, you have not been the same!"

"How did you find out?" I asked, still with my head down.
"His mother called me to tell me she brought you home last Friday. She also told me that you two had met at the mall before that. Did you know he lied to his mother as well about your first meeting?" She said.
"Yes. Jack told me he said something else."
"Well, this 'Jack' of yours won't be a problem anymore."

"W-What do you mean?" I asked.
"I called the school and asked for you to change class." She answered.
"What?!" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.
"I can't follow you to school, but I can ask people to do it. I asked some personnel at your school to be sure you're not with him."
"That's final! Whatever you had with that boy... It's gone!"

She left just like she came in. My knees didn't support me anymore, so I fell to the ground. I started to cry uncontrollably. It's over... It's really over this time. My own mother broke my heart. I have no friends besides him.

If I can't see him, might as well text him...

--6:44 PM--
Elsa: Jack?

😭 God, why?! I know I'm the one writing this, but I still hate myself for writing it like that. Anyway, tomorrows Monday, so (probably) no new chapters for about 4 days (Friday's off!!). 100 votes!! Pretty proud of myself! Anyways, good night! (If you're reading this at 21:40 in Canada or the USA, like me)

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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