Chapter 7: Archery

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Jack's POV:

Today's Sunday... Like every Sunday I've ever been through, I'm gonna just stay in bed and sleep. And nobody's gonna ruin it for me!

"Hey, Jack! I'm going to the archery. Wanna come?" Hiccup asked.
"Um... Sure, why not..."

Okay, so maybe I'm not actually going to do nothing. I still have six other Sundays where I can do nothing, right? I struggled to get up, but when I finally did, I realized it was a horrible mistake. But it was too late now... I was... up!

I got dressed and we left our house. It took us a few minutes to go there, so we mostly talked about what we thought of the camp so far. He told me he like it, while I told him I just found it all right, considering the fact that there were no electronics allowed here. He agreed with me.

When we arrived at the archery, the red-haired girl was there, shooting arrows. She was really good, too! I didn't know girls could be this good!

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Hiccup asked.
"Who? Red? She's good, not amazing... but hey! Good for you dude!" I answered.
"Not Merida! God no! I'm into blondies! I was talking about Astrid, dude!"
"Look! Her!" He pointed at a blonde girl behind Red. What a great nickname, right?!
"Yeah... I'm into blonde girls, too, man, but not that specific type..."

"The Elsa type?" He asked.
"Don't ever say that again!" I answered, hitting him in the arm.
"Ow! *chuckle* Alright!"

This Astrid girl then high-fived Red and they laughed.

"*gasp* You think they're friends?!" He almost whisper-shouted.
"No, no! I think they're worst enemies that just high-five for fun..." I replied.
"Ha ha. You're sense of humor is absolutely hilarious... *fake clapping*"
"If you knew the answer, why did you ask me?"
"It was a rhetorical question!"

"*laugh* What do you plan on doing?" I changed the subject.
"I'll ask Merida what Astrid likes and I'll ask her tips and..." He said.
"Tips? Like what? Girl tips?! Dude! You're talking to the master in dating advices!"
"Really? What do girls like?"
"They like flowers and chocolate. But in your case, learn some sports. I'm guessing she's the athletic type."

"O-Okay. And when's the right time to ask for a date?
"When you know she's into you."
"And how do I know?"
"Three easy signs a girl likes you: 1. She keeps eye contact for a long period of time, 2. She finds every possible reason to touch your shoulder, 3. She laughs at all of you're joke. Trust me, it works!"
"Okay! I'll try!"

He walked up to her and just began talking to her... What crazy person that?!

Elsa's POV:

"Come on! It could be fun!" Anna said.
"It could be... if I knew how to shoot an arrow!" I replied.
"Merida can teach you!"
"What if I don't want to?"
"You don't have a choice. Mom and Dad said you need to look out for me. What if someone shoots me accidentally and you're not there?"
"Ugh! Fine! But never again!"

She smiled and dragged me to the archery. I'm just not gonna do anything. I'll just talk to Merida or something. I'm not so great at sports... like, any sports. My sister is the more energetic sibling in our family. I'm the more quiet one.

When we arrived, I immediately noticed the one person I didn't want to see. Jack... Fortunately, he was back to me, so he could see me, and I had my hoodie on, so I could cover up my hair. And I did.

"Why are you putting your hood on? It's like 30 degrees out here! You're gonna overheat!" Anna asked me.
"Because... *whispers* He's here!" I answered, pointing him.
"Hot Jack? What about him?"
"Ugh! Don't call him that! It sounds so wrong coming from your mouth!"
"But he is! Even today! Look! He's wearing sweatpants, a sweater and a scarf! Even when he's being lazy he's stylish!" (A/N: Like the picture of this chapter)
"Stop talking so loud our he'll notice us!"
"Too late..."

When I heard those words, my heart stopped and I started to slowly turn our. When I did, Jack was looking at me with this look in his eyes... I don't know how to explain it... It's like I could see fire in his eyes... It's like he was still mad, but was happy to see me because he could mess with me. Just... pure evil.

" Hey. You're Anna, right? Elsa's sister?" He asked her. Oh no! He is not hitting on my sister!
"Yeah! And you're Jack!" She answered.
"Yup! That's me! You know Elsa's in my class, right?"
"What?! You never told me that!"
"I guess it never came up..." I said, in a low voice.

Then, he put his arm on my shoulder! What is his problem?! I honestly cannot figure him out!

Hey-yo! I'm back in Canada, Butches!!! So that's why I didn't update in two days. Anyway, there's some serious beef going on between Jack and Elsa, right?! Also, I'm not a huge Mericcup shipper, or whatever their name is, so... STILL HICCSTRID!!!!! Hope you like this chapter, too!
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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