Chapter 3: Kill me now

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Jack's POV:

Today's the day... I got in the car with my suitcase and my parents began to drive. It's gonna be a long car ride! It's like, 4 hours!

The thing that's unfair is that my sister gets to stay at home, but not me! And when I asked my parents about it, they said: "She is a responsible young girl and is capable of doing something else than playing video games!" Pfft! Whatever!

I mostly tried to sleep or listen to music the whole car trip. My mom woke me up when we were there and I opened my eyes to see... Green. Just green, everywhere. Trees, and grass, and... more trees! Well, this is going to be fun!

I opened the door and took my suitcase out of the trunk. They didn't even got out of the car! The just shouted "We love you! We'll be back in seven weeks!" as I was walking to the main... wooden building. "Hopefully." I thought to myself.

"Well, hello there! Welcome to Camp Kawiki! What's your name?" A girl said in a bit too happy voice.
"It's better than Kawiki that's for sure!"
"*fake laugh* Very funny, Mister..."
"Frost. Jackson Frost. But my friends call me Jack, meaning you can't."
"Alright! Let me just... look it up, and... Oh, yes! Jackson Frost, for a total of seven weeks, right?"
"Yeah... lucky me."

"Here's your key to your house and..." The girl began to say.
"I have my own house?!" I interrupted.
"Well, you'll be sharing it with other boys."
"You have the house number 5. You go out the back door behind me and it's the third house on the left!"
"Okay, thanks."

I went to the house she said to go to: number 5. I opened the door and say two dudes already there. One was this nerdy looking guy and the other had blonde hair. That nerdy guy came up to me first.

"Hi! I'm Hiccup, we must be roommates!"
"*snickers* H-Hiccup? Really?"
"*nervous chuckle* Yeah... Great name, I know, but I've heard worst, you know?"
"Right, I'm Jackson, but my friends call me Jack. Since we're roommates, you have the honor of calling me that!"
"Hey, thanks! That's Kristoff, by the way!"

He pointed at the guy behind him. This Kristoff dude nodded, but didn't say a word. I just waved at him. Then, Hiccup told me there was still one more guy that would come. I just said "Okay" and left to go explore a bit. "Make sure your here at 6! They're counting us the first night!" Hiccup said before I left.

I've been walking around for about 45 minutes when I notice something... or someone.

"Ooooh! *chuckle* Jackpot!" I whispered to myself.

Elsa's POV:

"Thank god we're roommates! I didn't want to be stuck with strangers!" My sister said to me.
"I know, right? Maybe it'll be fun after all..."

"This will be fun indeed, Grim Reaper!" A voice said behind me.

Oh no. I know this voice. I know this voice way to much! I slowly turned around to see...

"Ugh! Kill me now! You?! What are you doing here?!"
"Destiny called and told me you were coming so, *clicks tongue* I'm here!"
"What are you really doing here?"
"My parents forced me to come here, but I'm starting to like it here!"
"Alright. Listen here, Jack-ass. I've had it with your shit at school. Don't talk to me or my sister, okay? Just don't come near us."
"*sarcastic gasp* Now that's just hurtful!"

I frowned and just walked into our assigned house.

"I know where you live, now! Don't forget it!" I hear Jack-ass shout from outside.

I just rolled my eyes and pretended I didn't hear him.

"Who... was... that?!" Anna asked.
"*sigh* Just this stupid guy in my class... His name's Jackson, Jack for short, but I call him Jack-ass."
"Great nickname!" A red-headed girl said. "I'm Merida! And I'm looking forward to knowing you more."

I laughed. After meeting Merida, I met my other roommate. Her name's Rapunzel and her hair's amazing! It's super long, but super soft! I wish I had hair like that! After that, I started to unpack, and so did my sister.

At 6 o'clock, they counted us to see if we were all here, then we went to the dining area to eat before going to bed. The area was huge! I sat at this one table with my new roommates/friends. Surprisingly, Jack-ass sat down right behind me! I tried not to pay attention, but it was really hard! He kept talking really loudly, and on purpose! He totally knows I hate him!

Right when I thought I could go back to my house without seeing his face, he talked to me.

"So... What's your name?"
"*scoff* Are you serious?! You don't know my name?!"
"Is it close to Elisa?"
"It's Elsa!"
"Mm... Very close!"
"Look, let's make a deal."
"Ooh! I love deals!"
"I don't mess with you. You don't mess with me. Deal?"
"Mm... No can do! It's like life brought us together! Now I have to mess with you!"
"Honestly, I can't do this tonight! Goodbye!"

I had had enough, so I took my plate, left it where the dirty dishes were and went to my house.

This is going to be the worst summer ever!

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