Chapter 19: Lacrosse

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Jack's POV:

Today's Friday! Something even more fun... Today we play Lacrosse! I have heard of it... but I have never played it! But I'm excited! I'm excited because it's all the groups that play together, but more interesting...

It's Group 1, 3, 6 versus Group 2, 4 and 5. We get to be teammates with Eep, Guy, Astrid and... Well, all of the others in her group. Meaning Snotlout, the twins and... I guess Fishlegs is all right. But Snot-stuff is really competitive, so that means we're gonna win!

Everyone had to play, and since it rained a couple days prior to now, there mud everywhere! Elsa and I are super excited to play! the rest of our group... not so much. Merida, though, has played Lacrosse before, so she's super pumped up!

But first, we have to eat a huge breakfast... A buffet breakfast! They forced us to eat a lot, but I was already planning on doing that! When we got to the cafeteria, we sat at our usual places, well... our "new" usually place. The one were I sit in front of Elsa and Kristoff in front of Anna, and so on!

"All right! Teach me!" Elsa said to me out of nowhere.
"Teach you what?" I asked her, confused.
"How you eat this much! They told us to eat a lot, so... Help me do that!"
"*chuckle* Well, there's really only one way to do it... You want to know what it is?"
"Yes! I'm asking for your help, aren't I?!"
"You... eat! You open your mouth and put stuff in it. Then, you close and open your mouth to crush your food, then, and that's the best part... you swallow! Isn't that amazing?! Wow! Fantastic!"

"Ha ha. Very funny... I know how to eat, I'm not stupid. I just wanted to know how you could eat that much!" She said, almost annoyed.
"I try not to worry about calories and I also try to stuff as much food as I possibly can in my mouth... Even if I don't want to anymore. Food always tastes like heaven, so..." I said.
"Right... If you have left over food... are you willing to give it to me?"
"*scoff* You wish! The only reason I'd have left over food is if someone shot me while eating! No way, Elsie! Not even in your wildest dreams!"
"But what if you don't like something, will you give it to me?"
"Food is food, Elsa... It tastes like..."
"Exactly! And you can't take that away from me!"

She rolled her eyes and we all began eating. It was delicious, as always! God, I can't wait to play Lacrosse with Elsa!

Elsa's POV:

I was pretty surprised today! Jack didn't finish his breakfast like he said he would! He had two pancakes, three sausages, three strips of bacon and half a glass of orange juice left. To give you an idea, he had seven pancakes, six sausages, seven strips of bacon and four full glasses of juice.

He was starting to fall asleep. I guess he ate to much. Ironic!

"So... You ready to give me the rest of your breakfast now?" I asked, in an "I told you so" kind of tone.
"*long grunt* Sure... Just take it..." He answered, pushing his tray over to my side.
"See! I told you so!"
"*grunt* Yeah, whatever... You're the best. You know everything. Bla-bla-bla..."

I laughed and happily took his breakfast. I took a smaller portion so I could eat the rest of his. I was planning that since yesterday! They told us yesterday that we had to eat a big breakfast. Although I thought Jack would be kind enough to give me his food if I asked him enough... He really cares about his food...

We had four hours free before the big game. I was very excited! I'm gonna play with Jack and it's gonna be awesome! We had to put on those big equipment stuff to protect us from physical harm. Then we got to the enormous field... Mud everywhere! It's even better!

We went into our teams. There was Snotlout, but it's almost the end of our stay, so... I'll cut him some slack. There were 24 persons on each team. Pretty big for a Lacrosse team... It's more fun that way! The supervisor explained all the rules and we finally got to play!

It lasted an hour and it was the coolest things I've ever done in my life! Obviously, we won, but that's really not important. Everyone had fun! At one point, during a two minute break, Jack and I started to throw mud at each other. That, too, was very fun!

Merida and Snotlout got really competitive and we had to remind them that they were on the same team. This one girl, Eep, was really good at Lacrosse and made a lot of points! Merida, Eep and Astrid did the most points. Snotlout had like... one? And the rest of us just didn't get the chance (or didn't want) to make any points.

After this amazing activity, we all went to the lake. We didn't even bother changing into our swimsuits! We just rushed to it and it was really refreshing! This is a good way to spend our last Friday here!

While everyone was near the lake's beach... Jack and I went further away from anyone. We started to float on our backs.

"So... That was fun!" He said.
"*chuckle* Yeah! It's good to get dirty and not have your parents yell at you!" I replied.
"*scoff* Tell me about it! *sigh* Two days left..."
"Well, three, if you count Monday..."
"Well, our parents are coming Monday, so... I'm not counting that."

It was very peaceful. It was very... perfect...

We were floating pretty close to each other... I knew it was crazy, but I did it anyway. I saw his hand and... I just wanted to hold it! I reached out and took it...

He looked at his hand, them at my face. My heart was beating so fast, but when he smiled, it started to slow down. He tightened his grip on my hand and my heart just melted...

He looked at the sky while I was still gazing at him... After a few silent seconds, I did the same. His hand was warm... It felt really good to hold it.

We unfortunately had to go back to our houses. Jack went to his and I went to mine... Maybe he'll ask me to Sunday's dance...

Hey! New chapter! New cover!! Made by @heysierra ... It's awesome! Anyway, the lake scene is inspired from Orange is the New Black. Also, I left you with an idea of what will happen in the next chapter... Dance... It's gonna be good! I have a three day weekend, so...  I'll be writing a lot!!! Anyway, have a nice day, my dear readers!
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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