Chapter 25: Meeting at the mall

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Jack's POV:

On Saturday, Elsa and I met up at the mall to... talk, I guess? She texted me at 5AM to ask me if I wanted to hand out. It kinda went like that:

--5:13 AM--
Elsa: Hey
          Wake up!
          You up?
Jack: Now, I am
Elsa: Wanna hang out?
Jack: Now or later?
Elsa: How about 1PM at the mall?
Jack: Sounds good! Now, let me sleep
Elsa: See you
Jack: Bye

What a text! FYI, I wasn't able to get back to sleep. Elsa woke me up, and now I'm stuck in bed thinking about... well, thinking about her. I started to look at the pictures I had on my phone. Then I saw something that shouldn't have been there...

 Then I saw something that shouldn't have been there

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Nice. Nice, Anna. Real nice. Stealing my phone and taking selfies. How did I not notice these before?!Wait, when did this happen?! How did I not see that my phone went missing?! Ooh, Anna! You just got your sister and yourself in trouble!

It was finally time for me to go see Elsa. I took the bus and it took me about 10 minutes to get to the mall. I called her midway to ask her where we should meet up. She told me that she's gonna be near all the fast-foods.

When I went in, she was already there. I came up to her and she smiled.

"Hey! There you are!" She said to me, cheerfully. We hugged.
"Hey. You've been here long?" I asked her.
"No, actually. I came in like, 3 minutes ago. Do you want to eat something, or..."
"Yeah, sure! What do you want?"
"How about McDonald's?"
"Are you a mind reader? Because that was exactly what I was thinking!"

She giggled and we went to buy something. We both ordered the same thing: a BigMac, big fries and a drink. We sat down at an empty table and began to eat. At one point, I stole some fries off of Elsa's plate, which she then noticed. She hit me in the leg, but I just laughed.

After lunch, we walked around the mall. We went to some clothes store, like Forever 21, Marshalls and Old Navy. I mostly just sat down on every chair I could see. She bought a few things, while I didn't.

When we went passed Swarovski, she stopped. I continued to walk and talk, until I realized she wasn't next to me. She was looking at this heart-shaped necklace. She shook her head, took my arm and continued walking.

I know it's kind of cliché because of the heart, but I kinda wanna buy it for her. It's 150$, but it seemed like she really liked it. I really want to do something special for her, but...

When I give her the necklace, she'll know I'm in love with her and... What if she doesn't feel the same way?

Elsa's POV:

After our trip to all the clothing shops, Jack wanted to go to his kind of store... A Game Stop... He bought himself this 'Steep' game. It's about snowboarding and skiing and... stuff.

After his little trip to the video game store, we went to the mall's fountain. We sat at the edge of it and didn't talk for a few minutes.

"You know... If my mom knew that I was with you right now, she would freak out and probably kill me!" I said.
"What?! Really? Why?" He asked.
"Because she says you're a bad influence... She doesn't want me hanging out with you anymore..."
"I'm the bad influence?! She didn't have the thought that maybe you were the good influence?!"
"*scoff* I know. It's crazy... She's crazy!"

"What did you tell her instead?" He asked.
"That I had to go to the library to work on an assignment Mrs. White gave us..." I answered.
"*chuckle* Not bad! I just told my parents I was hanging out with Hiccup."
"Yeah... It's easier for you!"
"Mm-yeah... I guess..."
"I just wish she could understand that you're cool, you know?"
"Well... there is this wishing fountain right behind us... Here's your chance to make your wish!"

I smiled. He gave me a quarter and I made a wish. Although it wasn't the one I just said to Jack. It was something else...

'I wish that... I just wish that Jack had the same feelings as I do...' I said, inside my head. I threw the quarter in the water.

"See? Now it's gonna come true! Just wait and see!" He said to me, in his oh-so-sweet voice.
"Yeah... Hopefully..." I replied in a sad voice.
"Hey, I promise it's gonna come true! I always keep my promises!"
"*scoff* Oh yeah? Which ones?"
"The one when we got stuck in the tree... We're still friends , aren't we?" I smiled weakly.

'Yeah... Just friends' I thought to myself.

"By the way, I wanted to ask... Would you happen to know what this is?" He asked, showing the pictures that Anna and I had taken a while back.
"*giggle* I forgot about that! Yeah... Next time, don't leave your phone to go get more iced tea!" I answered.
"Oh! So that's what happened! Sneaky, sneaky Elsie! You never cease to surprise me!"
"*giggle* I know, I'm surprising!"
"How is Anna?"
"She's good! She misses Kristoff, but other than that, she pretty good!"
"Oh. Well, tell her I said hi!"
""I sure will."

Our little meeting at the mall ended and we had to go back to our houses. I wish he could've walked me home like he did on Wednesday, but since my mom doesn't want me talking to him, he couldn't do that.

I got home safe and sound. Instead of going to my room, I went to my sister's, only to find her on her bed, reading the People Magazine. I locked the door and leaned on it.

"So... How was your date with Frost?" She asked me. She's my sister... Obviously, I told her about it.
"A. It wasn't a date. B. It was great!" I answered. "Jack says hi."
"You're gonna get caught, you know?"
"No, I won't and you should be reading this! It's lies... All lies!" I took the magazine out of her hands.

"Love makes you do crazy things, doesn't it?" She asked.
"Yeah... Wait... Where this you hear that?" I replied.
"People Magazine." She pointed at it.
"*sigh* Just don't tell mom, okay?"
"I'm not gonna destroy your little fantasy, sis! I won't tell. I swear!"

I hugged her. She's the best sister anyone could ever ask for! Even though she can be a pain in the ass sometimes, I still love her.

I don't like lying to my parents, but if I want to keep seeing Jack, I have to...

I mean, it's not technically lying... I'm just not telling the entire truth...


Hey! Double chapter day! Tomorrow's school for me, so... no new chapters for a few days. I'll try though! The conversation between Anna and Elsa was pretty easy. I just thought about how I would talk to my older sister and put that in. A kind of annoying-love type of deal. If you have any cool siblings, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I hope you liked this one as well!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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