Chapter 36: At long last

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Jack's POV:

I was so angry when I got home. I punched my pillow and screamed in it to release all the emotions. When I was in my bed trying to sleep, I rethought of what had happened. "Maybe I was too harsh on her..." I thought, "But so was she! So... We're even! Yeah... even..."

The next day, I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to deal with Elsa. But obviously, my mom made me go. I'll just ignore her or something. Turns out, she didn't want to talk or even see me! It's perfect! We both want nothing to do with each other!

I'm saying that now, but... I'm actually really sad. I really thought she was the one! I know it sounds stupid saying that, but I really really loved her.

And I know it's love, because a simple crush is just thinking she's cute and barely talking to her. Love is more than that... Every time I saw her, it made me light, like I could float. She had the warmest smile I'd ever seen in my life! I... I'm just glad she was the first girl I fell in love with.

At the end of our third period, it was time for lunch. When I stood up, Elsa did, too, and turned around to face me.

"Jack, meet me at your spot," she said, firmly.
"Yeah... That's not gonna happen... I don't wanna see you anymore, Elsa," I replied.

I started to walk towards the front of the class to leave. She grasped my arm, refusing to let me go.

"Jack. I'm not kidding! It's really important!"
"What makes you think I'll even consider going?"
"Please, Jack... Just one last time... That's all I'm asking..."
"Ugh. Fine! Just... Let me go now!"

She removed her hand, allowing me to leave. Most of my lunch, I just wondered if I should go or not to this secret meeting. I decided I should, but that I was gonna be late. She didn't really say what time to be there, but I'll try to make her wait. Maybe come 10 minutes before class starts...

When I finally got to my spot, Elsa was already there, leaning against the brick wall. I had my hands in my pockets as I was walking slowly towards her. When she saw me, she began to walk towards me kind of fast.

"Okay! I'm here! What was so important that we just had t--" I began to say in a sarcastic tone, but she stopped me...

By kissing me...

On the mouth...

I kinda leaned backwards at first, because she was coming very fast and she had this look on her face that looked really serious. I have to say... I was kinda scared! Especially when she took me by the collar. But then she put her lips against mines and... yeah... She kissed me!

I have no idea how long it lasted. Honestly, it could've lasted a second or an hour! I didn't care. All that mattered was that we were kissing. Finally...

Elsa's POV:

I finally did it! I kissed him! I was kinda scared about the fact that he didn't want to come see me. I thought my plan wouldn't work when  he refused to meet me. But then he came. Late. Very late actually, but still came... I was super scared to do it, too! I couldn't imagine what his reaction would be like.

I wasn't thinking. As soon as I saw him, I rushed to him, grabbed his collar shirt and kissed him. I closed my eyes shut. I'm pretty sure I was frowning, but I actually really enjoyed it! I hope he didn't see that, though. That'd be embarrassing!

After a few seconds, I felt way more confortable and stopped frowning. Then, he put his hands on my waist and leaned in. I cupped his face and we stayed like that for quite some time! Then, we had to break the kiss. His face was red. I think mine was, too.

He looked me in the eyes and opened his mouth as to say something, but nothing came out. I was kind of waiting for him to answer first, so I just kept looking at his mouth. The bell rang and we looked at the speaker. Looks like it took longer than it was supposed to!

I sighed and started to walk back to school. He gently took my arm, making me look at him.

"Y-You know... W-We could just come in late..." He said, lightly.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask.
"I-I don't know... Maybe... we could... hang out here for a bit?" I lightly smiled.
"I mean... Sure, but... shouldn't you be mad at me? Those things I said, they were horrible! Truly! And, just so you know, I regret everything I said yesterday!"
"Well... I was, at first, like 10 minutes ago. But now... I... I don't know... I mean, we kissed! So, that's amazing! *nervous chuckle* But... It was really mean the things you said..." He looked down.

"Ugh! Yeah, I know! And I really felt bad for that! If only I had told you sooner that I..." I stopped. How did he do it, just say that he loved me?!
"That you what?" He asked.

I didn't know how to say it, so I just went on the dip of my toes and kissed his cheek.

"I that..." I answered. Great Elsa! Genius!
"*scoff* Can't say it in words, Elsie? Too hard to say those three words?" He asked.
"Um... I'm just... Not great with... that... I mean, the last guy I kissed cheated on me, so..."
"Aaaah! Please don't say that! You're just making it worse!"
"*laugh* Okay, okay! Just... I know you're a good guy and... I love you, Jack. I-I love you to death! And how stupid was I to go out with Hans, even though I was still madly in love with you?!"
"Yeah... That was pretty stupid. But it's nice to know you feel the same way I do!"

The second bell rang and we were now officially late for class! He smiled and brought me closer to him for another kiss. It was so much better than the first one! We entirely skipped that period and stayed at his spot. Well, at one point, he said it was now our spot. That was pretty sweet of him.

He kept telling jokes and we just laughed the whole hour. It's the definition of our relationship. Jokes and laughing. It's actually pretty great that way! I'm glad things are back to the way they were. It's even better now!

Basically, it's like being with your best friend, but like way closer than that and... you get to kiss him and always be with him. That's what's so perfect about us... I can be who I am when I'm with him and... I just...

I love him.

God, it happened!!! Finally! I finally feel clean from all this Helsa stuff! Wow! That feels amazing! I hope I wrote it well. Hope you guys are happy with that, if not, well... You gotta deal with it! Nothing else to say so... Good day/night/morning/whatever!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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