Chapter 39: What's after?

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Jack's POV:

About 10 minutes after Elsa left, I got a text from her.

Elsa: Jack?
Jack: Hey!
          What happened?
Elsa: She's cool with it!!
          We can still be together!!
Jack: So I'm not gonna die?!?!
Elsa: -.-
          You're not gonna die
Jack: 😊
           I was kidding!
          This is awesome!!
          See you tomorrow?
Elsa: See you!
Jack: Love you too
           My Queen

This is great news! We can finally be an actual couple! I can finally tell Hiccup!

I know. It's weird not telling your best friend you're going out with the love of your life, but Elsa was right. If we make an exception for him, then we might as well just tell everyone. The worst thing about all this was that he was pushing me to tell her how I felt. Something that she was already aware of for three months now!

"So... Mom's okay with it?" I heard Flee say.
"Actually... They're both okay with it! Her mom is, too!" I answered.
"See? I told you it was gonna be fine!"
"You sure did. Come here!"

I opened my arms and she came up to me. We hugged and I stroke her hair. She laughed as I kissed her head. She told me she had to go do some homework, so I let her go.

I jumped on my bed and let out a big sigh. I couldn't wait until tomorrow! It's gonna be kinda weird to be an actual couple in school. I wonder how Hiccup's gonna take it...

The next day, when I got to school, I saw Elsa in front, probably waiting for me. She saw me and smiled. I waved at her as she walked to me. She put her hands on my neck and kissed me... In front of the whole school! Well, not the actual whole school, but there were a lot of people there! Like Hiccup...

When she ended the kiss, I smiled at her, then looked at Hiccup. He was very confused. His mouth was open as to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Uuuuuuh... W-When did this happen?" He asked.
"Like... three months ago?" I replied. He stayed silent for a while.
"What?!?! Three months?!?! B-But! How?! What?!?!"
"*chuckle* Calm down, Hiccup! Just... let's go inside and we'll tell you everything!"

Since we begin in English, we asked Mrs. White if we could come into class earlier. She happily agreed and left the classroom.

"Okay... What is going on?!" He screamed.
"Look, Elsa and I have been dating for about three months now... The day after Halloween, if you want preciseness..." I answered.
"But why didn't you tell me?! I'm your best friend, aren't I?!"
"Yes! You are! But we only told our sisters and that's it! Our moms only found out yesterday!"

Elsa's POV:

"Look, Hiccup. We didn't tell you only because, if we told you, we might has well have told everyone! We didn't want to make any exceptions..." I said.
"But you told your sisters! That's not fair!" Hiccup screamed.
"That's because they kinda helped us deal with all this. They're family, all right? This has nothing to do with you!" Jack explained, "We're still best friends, right?"

He took out his fist in front of him, waiting for a fist bump from Hiccup.

"*sigh* Y-Yeah... Just... next time, let me know!" He said.
"Next time? Yeah... Not sure there's gonna by a next time, you know... We're pretty serious, but... Let's just say I won't keep any more secrets from you, all right?" Jack said. I kissed his cheek.
"*scoff* Yeah. That sounds good! *sigh* Come on! School's gonna start soon!"

Jack and I smiled and we all sat at our places. A few minute later, people started coming in.

English class went by pretty fast. When we left, I realized that everyone was looking at me or Jack. Then it hit me... News travel at the speed of light at this school! They started to whisper as soon as I got close to him.

"Um... Do you think they know already?" I asked him.
"Oh, yeah... No, I don't think so. I think they're just whispering about us because they love our outfits..." He answered, sarcastically.
"You're right... Wow, that's crazy! Thank you, 21st century, for spreading news so easily!"
"*scoff* Tell me about it!"

"Talking about news... My mother invited you over to our house!" I said.
"Wait really? When?" He asked, surprised.
"Any time you want. Maybe today after school?"
"I would love that!" He wrapped my arms around me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I just have to tell me Mom, okay?"
"Yeah. Just call her after school!"

At lunch, a lot of people came over to our table to tell us that we made a cute couple and everything. We both didn't like the attention.

"You know what?" Hiccup asked.
"What?" Jack replied.
"I finally understand why you two waited so long to tell everyone!"
"*chuckle* Right?!"
"This really sucks! I mean, all the people coming over here and talking about you... It's annoying!"
"Thank you!"

School ended, he called his mom and Jack and I went to my house. It was the first time he was seeing my house. My mom treated him very warmly, something I didn't know could happen for her... We ordered pepperoni pizza and watched movies.

At around 6PM, we went to my room and got to chill alone for a bit. I told I wanted to finish a book I had started a while ago, so I won't be talking a lot. I sat on my bed while he laid down, put his head on my lap and started to play with my french braid.

"Elsa?" He asked, after a while.
"Mm..." Ihe answered.
"Can I ask you something serious?"
"Can't you wait two pages?"
"No... Not really..." I lightly grunted and put my book down.

"What's up?" I said.
"What's gonna happen after that? After high school?" He asked.
"What do you mean? We're staying together, right?"
"I mean that, you know, after all this, we go to college and everything... I sent a letter to this engineering school and... If I get accepted, I'm gonna have to move..."
"We can make it work. Don't worry, Jack. I love you and you love me... That's not gonna change!"

"I really wanna make it work because you're the perfect girl! And... I can't afford to lose you..." He said. Jack is probably the best boyfriend in the entire world!
"Thanks, but I'm not perfect. And you won't lose me, because I'm not going anywhere." I answered.
"But you really are! *pause* I don't think I could live without you..."

I kissed his forehead and got back to my book. I couldn't finish those two final pages. I kept thinking about what Jack said. He was right... After high school, we'll probably go our separate ways. But we'll try to make it work. I'm sure we can have a long distance relationship.

One things for sure, our story doesn't end after high school!

Hello! Sorry for not posting in a LONG time! I thought I was gonna write more during my 4 day break, but I ended up drawing instead, so... Here's the new chapter! Also, I'm pretty sure there's only gonna be 2 more chapters. See you soon, my dear readers!

(PS: Sorry if there are any mistakes, I sometimes forget that it's Elsa's POV, so I write it as Jack's and then I have to go back and change all the pronouns... so, sorry about the mistakes!)

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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