Chapter 14: The fight

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Kristoff's POV:

It's really weird. Anna and I usually talk when we're doing all of the camp's activities. Today, she mostly stayed with Merida and Rapunzel. Maybe it has something to do with what happened this morning... I guess I'll just ask her at the movie.

Since we had to play sports, I decided to play basketball. I played with Flynn and Hiccup, even though he wasn't a very good player, but it looked like he had fun. Especially since he and Astrid are together or something! Honestly, I thought Jack would have a girlfriend before him, but I guess not...

"Kristoff, why aren't with Anna? I know you like her..." Flynn asked me.
"Sh- Just shut up!" I whisper-screamed to him.
"But it's true, isn't it?"
"I mean, yeah, but don't scream it!"
"Alright, alright! But why weren't you with her?"
"I don't know... She just... didn't come to me, I guess..."
"Okay, but why?"
"Well, I think that it's because of what happened this morning..."
"Oh... That..."

I kept glancing over at Anna to check if she was alright. I may look like a tough because I'm big, but I actually really care about the people I love. Or like! I care about the people I like! Not love... Not now, anyway.

It's really kind of like Jack. He looks mean and everything, but when he talks about Elsa, he has the biggest smile I have ever seen in my life!

When the activity ended, when ended to the cafeteria to eat. Today, we had fish, rice and brocoli... It was all right, but I prefer cold stuff, like ice cream, or... mostly ice cream...

After that, we had about three hours to kill before... Movie night! I just took a nap, so it went by really fast. When the time came, we had to meet up on this large abandoned parking lot. They changed it to a big outdoor movie theatre, so it's really cool looking.

You could sit with whoever you wanted, but it ended up with each group being together. Although Group 6 was next to us, since Astrid and Hiccup wanted to be together. Jack was next to Elsa, Flynn was next to me and Rapunzel, Hiccup was with Astrid, and Merida and Anna were together, next to Elsa.

Everything was going good... then this guy from group 6 came...

Jack's POV:

"Hey, Anna! I heard you forgot to put on some clothes this morning!" Snot-stuff said to Elsa's sister.

He laughed and so did the twins in group 6. Anna looked down like she was ashamed, while Elsa looked furious. I wonder what happened.

"Elsa, what is he talking about?" I asked her.
"Um... This morning, I splashed water on my sister and she ran out of our house in her pyjamas and... well..." She answered.
"Yeah... And now, I have a feeling he saw her..."

"Mommy didn't teach you how to put on your clothes?" Snot-stuff said in a mocking tone.
"Hey! Shut up!" I shouted, getting up.
"Ooh! You in love or something, Jackie?"
"She's my friend, and she's in my group! Don't be talking about love! Now, shut up, or I'll make you!"
"Oh, really? Try me!"

I got up, walked closer to him and punched him so hard that he lost his balanced and went crashing on the ground. He quickly got up and hit me back. And after that, it went on for like a minute before some people had to break the fight. We both had a black eye, a bleed nose and other bruises. It was pretty messy...

"We do not tolerate violence here!" The manager screamed. We payed a sweet little visit to the camp's manager...
"Yes, sir..." We both answered at the same time.
"It's the second time for you, Mr. Frost."
"Yes, I know, sir..." I answered.
"If you get in trouble one more time, I'm afraid I'll have to call your parents..."
"Yes, sir... I understand."
"Now, what happened exactly?"
"I was talking to Anna in group 3 and he just stood up and punched me! I had to defend myself!" Snot-face said. What a douche! I just have to keep it cool.

"Is that true, Mr. Frost?" Mr. Montgomery asked.
"Not entirely... He was making fun of her and I was just protecting my friend's honour. I know it was bad, but what he said was wrong and I didn't like that." I answered, truthfully.
"What?! T-That's a lie! That didn't happen like that!" Snot-face screamed.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Jorgenson, but I truly feel like Mr. Frost is telling the truth." Mr. Montgomery said.
"But! That's so unfair!"
"Now, now! Mr. Jorgenson, you'll be washing the dishes for the following three weeks."
"What?! But he only had two weeks and help! It's unfair!"
"I added another week to your punishment for lying."

He just grunted and left. I lightly laughed, stood up and walked to the door. When I was about to walk through the door, I looked back at the camp manager.

"Thank you, sir!" I said to him.
"Just don't get in trouble again, Jackson..." He replied.

I smiled, nodded and left his office. I hope Elsa and Anna are fine...

Elsa's POV:

The film started without Jack. I was really worried for him! When it ended, I went straight to his house. I knocked on his door and, thankfully, he opened the door.

"Oh... Hey, Elsa..." Jack said, in a low voice.
"Wow... You got messed up pretty good!" I said.
"*scoff* Yeah! I guess... Not as bad as him though!"
"*laugh* That was really cool, by the way."
"Cool? Getting in a fight was cool?"
"Well, you were defending my sister, so... Thank you... for that..."
"Oh! That... Yeah, well, it wasn't very cool of him to say what he said, so..."
"I know, but... You didn't have to do it, so why did you?"
"Always feels good to help out other people, I guess..."

"Mm, right... It doesn't have anything to with the fact that Anna's my sister?" I asked.
"Wh-What?! Um... No! It... It's not... that..." He answered. Very badly, might I add.
"You know you're a horrible liar, right?"
"*nervous chuckle* Yeah? Well... Maybe... you're... right?"
"See! It wasn't so hard, was it?"
"*chuckle* Yeah, I guess..."
"Always guessing! Why not just say it straight!"

"*laugh* I'll take that advice! *sigh* Anyway, it's getting late, so..." He laughed.
"Oh, yeah! Totally, I should, um, get going..." I answered.
"Yeah, sorry! I just..."
"Oh no! It's fine! I'm tired, too, so... G-Good night!"
"Good night! See you tomorrow!"
"Yeah... See you tomorrow."

He smiled and gently closed the door. I went to my house and when I went inside, the girl were waiting for me.

"Did you thank him?" Anna asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"Was he bleeding?" Merida asked.
"Yeah, from the nose and he had a black eye."
"What did you talk about? Is he in trouble?" Rapunzel asked.
"Well, I thanked him and... that's pretty much it! And I think he got in trouble, but we didn't talk about that too much..."

Then they started to ask and talk about me and Jack and our friendship. Thank god I was tired, because if I wasn't, they might have continued asking me thousands of questions! I just went to sleep, which was kind of hard...

I really felt bad for Jack. For the first time since we've meet, I'm the one who got him in trouble. But that was really nice of him to protect my sister like he did. It looks like he really cares... and... I guess I really care, too...

Hello! New chapter, 1290 words. I had to make it longer, because... Jelsa! Anyway, I hope you like this as much as the other chapters! Thanks for all of your positive comments and vote!
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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