Chapter 37: Coming over

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Jack's POV:

So, Elsa and I are still dating... after 3 months. And our parents still don't know. Well, my dad knows, but that's it. Well, sort of. He knows part of it. He knows I liked this girl, but he doesn't actually know her name. Of course, both our sisters know, because, why would we tell them? Other than that, nobody knows.

"Jack?!" My mom screamed from the kitchen.
"Mm? What?!" I screamed back.
"I'm going to meet some coworkers after work, so I probably won't be home till 8!"

I was still laying in bed when it hit me. She won't be there when I come back! I can do what I want! I can bring a certain someone without her knowing. I'll ask Elsa at school. But first, I have to get dressed, eat, brush my teeth, and actually get to school.

Today, our first class was English. Oh, how I love English class!

I sort of lied when I said nobody knew about me and Elsa.  I think Mrs. White guessed. I mean, whenever we have a group project where we can't choose our partner, she always puts us together. She's also very smart, and we're kinda obvious.

We laugh way more than before and we always disappear at lunch to go to our spot. We just hang out there. We cuddle and kiss. Things we wouldn't normally do in public.

It's kind of crazy when you think about it. We've been dating for 3 months now and we still haven't come out as a couple yet. If the school knows, then it'll spread out of school and get to our parents. And if Elsa's mom finds out, it's gonna be a living hell.

"Elsa?" I asked when we were finally alone.
"Yes?" She answered.
"So, um, my mom isn't gonna be at home until like 8, right? So... would you want to maybe... come over?"
"And do what? Hang out like we always do?"
"Well, yeah, but we never got to hang out outside of school, so I thought you could come over and play video games, or something..."

"Sure, why not. But... what about your dad? Is he gonna be there?" She asked.
"Maybe. I don't know. But he knows abouta girl that I'm seeing." I answered.
"You told him?"
"Well, yes. But he doesn't know your name. But he did say he'd be happy to me you! Maybe today? What do you think?"
"Well, I don't know. Once I meet you're dad, I'm gonna get involved and it's gonna be moving fast."
"We've been dating for three months now! I just thought you cou-"
"I'm just playing with you. Of course I want to meet your dad! Also, I want to see your house and your little sister."

I hate it how good she is at screwing with me. She always says I'm too much of an easy target. She once humiliated me in front of the whole class! But I got over it pretty fast. It was really stupid actually.

She put a whoopee cushion on my seat and put my jacket over to cover it. I sat down and, well, the whoopee cushion farted. But obviously, the class didn't know that. Only Elsa and me. I guess I really am easy to trick!

Elsa's POV:

I'm getting pretty good at lying to my mom! When Jack told me I could come over to his house, I called my mom and told her I wasn't gonna be there after school because I got invited to go study at the library with some friends. And I asked all those "friends" to pretend I was studying with them, just in case.

At the end of the day, Jack and I walked to his house instead of taking his bus. It was a very peaceful walk. When we couldn't see the school anymore, Jack gently took my hand and held it. I looked down, then looked up to his face. I could see he was nervous.

In our three months of dating, I think we held hands only about... never? This is actually our first time hanging out outside of school, and since we don't really show our affection there, I don't think we've ever actually held hands.

It really felt good. His hand was all warm and everything. I tighten my grip on his hand and I could already feel he was more relaxed than before.

When we finally got to his house, he unlocked the door but didn't go in.

"After you, my Queen!" He said.
"*giggle* My! Such a gentleman! Don't mind if I do!" I replied.

He laughed and opened the door for me. His house was pretty big. Not as big as Hans', though. But at least, it really felt warm and lovable. He then asked if someone was there. A little head popped out of a room on the second floor. I think it was Emma.

"Elsa!" She screamed, as she ran down the stairs to hug me.
"Woah! H-Hey, Emma! How are you?" I said, hugging her back.
"I'm super good! But you know, you can just call me Flee! Since you're gonna be my future sister-in-law, I think you can call me that!"
"Woah! A-Alright, Flee! Just... Wh-Where did you... D-Don't you think it's a bit early for 'sister-in-law'?" Jack stepped in.
"Please! You've been in love with her her fore-" He put his hand on her mouth to make her stop talking.
"Okay! Just... shut up now! *grunt* Just go do your homework or something!"
"Okay! Nice to see you again, Elsa!"

And she went away just as quickly as she came.

"S-So... *nervous chuckle* That was something, um?" He asked.
"Mm... yeah... *sigh* Do you think I'll ever be her sister-in-law? Like, do you think we'll ever get married?" I asked.
"I really hope so. Because, you're like the best person ever! You're really cool to my sister and to me and... I really love you..."
"I also think you're the best person ever. I love you too, Jack." I kissed him on his cheek and he smiled.

After that sweet moment of talking about our future together, we played video games and I was winning. Like every game! And he was actually trying to win! That was pretty cute. Every game I won, I could see him get more and more desperate.

But then, at 6PM, his mom came home.

Hello! Forget the previous chapter (or technically Author's note). I got inspiration today so... Yeah... New chapter!! Hope you're happy about that. I neglected my Math exam like I do for literally every exam I ever have. You're welcome. Playing with my grades just for my dear readers.

Also, should I call you (dear readers) something? Like bees? Or bees-knees? Could be fun, I guess...

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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