Chapter 26: Movie night

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Jack's POV:

It's Thursday. Also, tomorrow we have no school, so Hiccup invited me to his new house to watch horror movies! I never get scared easily, but it's still fun to scream at the character for going in the basement.

"So, I was thinking maybe 4?" He asked.
"Yeah! I think I can make it! I'll just asked my mo-"
"Mr. Haddock and Mr. Frost! Please keep your heads facing the assignment!" The teacher interrupted me. How rude! He took our heads and straightened them.

Mr. Black, our history teacher, is the worst teacher ever! Actually, let me be more specific... He's the worst human to ever have existed! I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a heart. When he was finally gone, we continued our conversation.

"I'll ask my mom and we should be good to go!" I whispered.
"Should I ask Elsa, too?" He asked.
"I'm not sure she could go, but ask anyway! It could be fun!"
"What are you talking about back there?!" Elsa whisper-screamed, keeping her head down.
"Hiccup's doing a horror movie marathon tomorrow at 4 and he asked me if he should ask you if you would liked to come..." I answered.
"Lots of 'he's and 'you's in your sentence... But I'd love to go! I just have to think of a way to--"
"Miss Winters! Please focus on your assignment or I'll have to move you!" Mr. Black yelled out from the front of the class. She straightened her head, but kept talking.

"I'll just find an excuse..." She continued.
"Okay. Text me tonight to let me know." I said.

The class ended and I couldn't be happier! God, I hate our History teacher! The day ended pretty quickly, too! We each went back to our houses and just... lived our lives!

At around 6PM, I received a text from Elsa.

--6:17 PM--
Elsa: Hey!!
Jack: So??!!
Elsa: I told my mom that I'm going to a friend's house to relax tomorrow
Jack: And that worked?!
Elsa: Yeah! I told her it was Rapunzel!
Jack: That's crazy! 😂
See you tomorrow?
Elsa: Yup!
Good night
Jack: It's not even night
Elsa: Ok
Shut up
Jack: 😊

Even the way she texts me is amazing! Every single thing she does is perfect! I really need to look out for myself tomorrow!

The next day at 4, my mom took me to Hiccup's house. Elsa wasn't there yet, but it's fine, you know, we're just gonna be settling in. He took my downstairs and showed me his TV room. It was awesome!

It had two couches, one in front of the TV and the other one right next to it, so it made a 90° angle. There was this table in front of them. Hiccup also showed me his Xbox One and PS4! How rich is he?! Then there was two shelves filed with movies. It was all organized as well! Romance, Horror, Sci-fi, Mystery, Fantasy, everything!

We started to prepare for our night. He bought two family sized bags of chips: one ketchup, and the other one cheese puffs. I only bought one bag of Doritos. Then he took out glasses and two bottles of soda with 2L each: one Coke and one Iced tea. Then we took pillows and blankets to make it more comfortable.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! I had to take the bus so, yeah..." She said to them as Hiccup opened the door to let me in.
"Don't worry! It's fine! We were just preparing for our horror movie night." He answered.
"Wait... Horror movie?"
"Oh! Jack didn't tell you?" She look over Hiccup's shoulder to see me with an evil smile on my face.
"No. He didn't..."
"Well, good luck?"
"*nervous chuckle* Thanks..."

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