Chapter 31: Telling lies... and truths

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Jack's POV:

It's been two weeks since they started dating and... It's like living in hell. I always see them together, and that weird feeling about Hans is just getting worse!

It's like he's hiding something. Something evil... Maybe it's nothing, but you never know with Hans. I hate him and he hates me. Maybe he knew I liked Elsa and he wanted to steal her from me as vengeance... When I say it aloud it sounds weird.

Elsa and I kinda stopped meeting up. We even stopped talking! You know what? I'm sick of this! I'll find out what the hell is Hans up to!

We had PE class, and thank god I have it with him! It's my chance to finally end whatever Hans is doing.

I went inside the changing room and hid in one of the bathroom stalls before everyone else so that Hans wouldn't know I was there. If he says anything, I'll know... The other guys came in and began to change.

When I thought everyone left, Hans began to speak to his little buddies.

"Guys, remember the thing I wanted to tell you?" He asked.
"Yeah... What about it?" One said.
"So, Sunday, Elsa came over to my house, right? My parents weren't there, so I was like 'Come over! It'll be fun!'. Then we started to make out like a lot and..."
"Dude! You did not have sex with one of the hottest chicks at school!" The other said.
"I totally got down on her, man! She was screaming my name and all! It was so hot!"

They laughed. I wish I could've been right in front of him so I could punch the shit of his face!

"Do you even like her?"
"*laugh* Are you seriously asking me that?! Of course not! She's just super hot! All she cares about is those stupid romantic movies and emotions. It's pathetic!"
"Let's hope she doesn't find out!" The first one said.
"She won't. Like she won't find out about Chloe..."
"Dude! You're cheating on her with Chloe?!"
"Of course I am! Elsa's so stupid... She's so trusting, too! I mean, I could tell her anything and she'd believe it!

"Boys! Let's go! The others are already running!" Our teacher said, coming into the changing room.

I was nowhere near a mirror, but I'm sure I was red from anger. I could hear their footsteps fading as they left, but Hans' laugh was still burning inside my head... I had to come out, even though I didn't want to...

I don't remember anything from that class. I was just staring at that little dick the whole time and thinking about what he had said.

I know Elsa. She wouldn't have s-... se--... She wouldn't do... that with him so fast. And... cheating?! Who would even do that to someone so wonderful?! And amazing and... beautiful and... perfect...

I couldn't let Hans talk about her that way, so, at lunch time, I went to him.

"Hey, Hans!" I screamed. It seemed to have gotten more than Hans' attention. All of the cafeteria was looking towards us. Even Elsa.
"Jack! What... are you doing here?" He asked.
"I heard what you said in the changing room earlier!"
"*chuckle* Really? What did you hear, exactly?"
"You said that you had s-... *grunt* You lied!"

"Jack? What are you talking about?!" Elsa asked.
"Um... He said things about you and..." I answered
"Like what?"
"He said that you and him had s-... *sigh*"
"That we had what?"
"That you slept together! He said that you two slept together!"
"What?! Hans, is that true?!"
"Of course not! He's only saying that cause he lo-"

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