Chapter 33: Flee

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Flee's POV:

Today, when Jack came home, he looked... different. It's like he wasn't sad anymore, but he still was a bit... Weird. He went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, took some apple juice and went to his room. What really made me realize that something was going on was the fact that he didn't shut his door.

When I went up the stairs to his bedroom, I saw that he was writing something. Probably homework. I gently knocked on his door and he looked in my direction. He smiled. He span his chair around to face me.

"Hey! How are ya?" He asked, quite enthusiastically.
"I'm... good. How are you?" I answered, frowning.
"I'm good, too!"
"Why are you smiling so much? Something happened at your school?"
"I'm just glad to see you! What? Can't smile when my little sister comes to see me anymore?"
"No, it's not that. It's just that you look strange... You're kinda sad looking but not, at the same time... It's weird..."

He lost his smile.

"*sigh* Well, today, I saw Elsa cry and... it always makes me sad, too. I hate it when she cries! I just... *sigh* I just want her to be happy..." He explained.
"Why was she crying?" I asked.
"Well, that's the other thing... Hans and her broke up, so... I'm kinda happy that she's not with this di-- idiot anymore."
"I'm not gonna tell mom that you said dick, you know?" I lightly hit me behind the head. "Ow!"
"Don't... say that! You can't ever say that! You're too young for that, all right?!"
"*chuckle* Okay, okay! I won't swear again!" He stroke my hair and that made me laugh.
"Now go on! Get outta here! Go do your homework or whatever!"

I smiled and left him alone. It's good to now that he feels a bit better now, but I feel bad for Elsa, even though I've never actually met her.

When my mom came home from work, I asked her if I could go to the park. She said agreed, but only if Jack went with me. I grunted and rolled my eyes. It's not that I don't want my brother to come with me, it's that I can't go alone. I'm 9! I pretty sure I can go to some park alone...

It was a 10 minute walk from my house to the playground. Jack sat down on one of the bench while I went on the slides. After sliding down a few times, I noticed someone quite... unique. She had white hair, so I thought "Maybe that's Elsa!". I went to my brother, who was looking at something on his phone.

"Jack?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"What does she look like?"
"You know, Elsa." He looked away from his phone to look at me.
"Well, She has platinum blonde hair, almost white. She has very blue eyes an-"
"Kind of like you?"
"No... Better than me! She also has pale skin and... she's beautiful... Why do you ask?"
"Just to know! You never told me so..."
"Okay... Anything else?"

I shook my head and ran to the slides. I climbed the stairs, but stayed on the highest platform. I kept looking at that girl. She did look like what Jack had described. She was reading some book.

Maybe I should go up to her...

Elsa's POV:

I really like this book I found at the library! It's actually the fifth book of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'. Jack actually made me read it. Well, not directly, but at the camp, he was reading them and I got curious. It's actually really good.

When I finished Chapter 7, I heard a voice say: "Are you Elsa?" I looked up and saw that a little girl with brown hair was talking to me.

"U-Um... yeah... Do I know you?" I asked her.
"Oh, no! We have formally met yet! I'm Emma, but everyone calls me Flee!" She answered enthusiastically, sitting down next to me and putting her hand in front of me to shake hands. I gently shook it.
"Flee? That kinda sounds familiar..."
"Maybe my brother talked about me! He calls me Flee a lot! But he does use Emma when he's serious or sad."
"You're brother? Wait... Jack?!"

"Yeah! You know, he's right..." She said, tilting her head.
"About what?" I asked.
"You're super pretty! Your eyes, too!" She got closer to my face while I went backwards.
"U-Um... Okay... Thank you, for... that... Do you want anything else?"
"You know, he seems happier. It's because of your break up with that idiot, but he's also sad... Thank god I don't have a boyfriend! It seems super complicated!"
"So, wait... He's happy that we broke up?"
"Well, it does make him fell better, but he hates seeing you crying. He just wants you to be happy, you know? At least that's what he told me!"
"Yeah... He told me that, too..."

"He really cares about you. I mean, really really cares about you! Two days ago, when he told you his true feelings for you, he came home and started crying because you didn't care," she said.
"What do you mean 'I didn't care'? Wait... he was crying?!" I asked, surprised.
"Well, he said you didn't say anything else after that, so he assumed you didn't care."
"Okay, but the crying?"
"I went to see him and his eyes were red and he told me what happened. He was really in pain!"
"God... I... I feel terrible! I-I didn't know he was going to cry! I do care! I just didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say! God, I'm so stupid!"

"You care? But why didn't you just say that to him?" She asked me.
"Because I'm stupid, that's why! *sigh* I let the one guy that ever mattered go..." I answered.
"You don't mean Hans, do you?"
"*giggle* No, no! I meant your brother..."
"So wait, let me get this straight. You went out with this Hans guy while you were in love with Jack, but then when you break up with him, you don't even talk to Jack, even though you still want to be with him?"
"Yeah... more or less... But I don't talk to him only because he hates me!"

"*chuckle* A-And why do you think he hates you?" She asked.
"Because I shut him out... Why did you chuckle?" I answered.
"Because he thinks you hate him!"
"*scoff* Wait, really?" She nodded.
"You know, he's right over there, if you wanna talk to him..." She pointed somewhere behind the slides. He really was there!
"Um... N-No... Not right now... I don't think I can..."
"Well, doesn't matter, you have his number anyway, so... It was nice meeting you!" I smiled.
" You too. Just... don't tell Jack about this..."

She nodded while smiling and went off to her brother. She's really cute and sweet. The things she told me actually made me happy! He doesn't hate me!

This changes everything!

Hello fellow readers! New chapter! Finally got to right more about sweet little Flee (aka Jack's sister). I'm planning on writing some Jelsa soon. Not next chapter but close to this! The cute little fan art I found is AMAZING!!! Anyway, hope you liked this chapter as well!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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