Chapter 4: The Lake

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Jack's POV:

"Dude, who was that girl you were talking to, yesterday?" Hiccup asked.
"This girl at my school. She loves me!" I replied.
"Really? It doesn't look like it..."
"Dude, I was being sarcastic, so don't be surprised if you wake up one day and I'm dead, alright?"

He laughed. I always had the gift of making people laugh. Well, not Elsa, apparently. She really does hate me! I mean, how is that even possible? I'm so lovable!

It was morning and our first day at Camp Kiwi or whatever was now. I put on a blue hoodie and some grey sweatpants and left the house. We were supposed to go to the main entrance to find out what our groups were. Hopefully, I'll be with Hiccup. We're already pretty good friends, and he likes science!

"Everyone! Please stop speaking now! Alright, you will now be assigned to a group. There will be six groups. Group  is made of..."

I didn't really care at that point, so I just didn't listen. Hiccup's tell me where I am.

"... Group 3 is made of the house number 5 and 6."

Ooh! That's me! I wonder who's in house 6... They made us go find our group, but I just stayed next to Hiccup. I'm not super good at the socializing stuff. Not my area of expertise.

"Hey, guys! I found them!" Flynn shouted.

We followed his voice and found... Oh, yes! I so love my parents right now! There was Elsa and her sister, a blonde girl and a redhead. For some reason, Elsa looked really mad...

"*grunt* Really?! I'm stuck with you all summer?!" Elsa said.
"Well not all summer... You still have night time! I'm not that creepy!" I replied.
"I'm just not gonna talk to you."
"The silent treatment? That's such a baby thing to say! I thought you were smart."
"I am! Smart! Ugh! Don't mess with me, Jack-ass!"

I just put my hands in the air like "alright, chill" and went to Hiccup.

"You might consider being nice with her, since you two are gonna be stuck with each other for seven weeks..." Hiccup said.
"What?! But I am nice! She's the one who calls me Jack-ass!"
"She has to have a reason for that! *sigh* Just... Don't be rude. And don't talk about her intelligence!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever!"

I rolled my eyes and a man came up to us. He had the camp's uniform, so I'm guessing he's gonna be watching out for us.

Elsa's POV:

"Hi, kids! I'm..."
"We're not kids. Most of us are 17." Jack-ass said, interrupting the man.
"I'm 16, actually..." My sister said.
"Well, in that case... Hi, teens! I'm Rudy and I'm gonna be looking out for you!"
"Why are you so happy?" Jack-ass asked.
"Why aren't you?" He replied.
"Fair enough!"
"Alright-y! Let's begin our first day! Follow me!"

We follow him and found out we were doing canoe on the first day. He asked us to go put on our swimsuits and met him at the lake. This is just great! First day here and we're going swimming! I don't really like showing my body to others, but now, Jack-ass is here! This is living nightmare! fortunately I took my one-piece and my shorts, so I put them on. I didn't feel so naked now...

We left for the lake. Rudy made us wear life vests for safety, but obviously, Jack-ass didn't want to wear it. He ended up putting it anyway. We got to choose who we'd partner with, but it had to be boy-girl. As soon as he heard that, Jack-ass looked at me with a smirk and shouted "I shotgun Elsa!" while raising his hand.

We took out the canoes and began to row. Me and my nemesis rowed until we were in the middle of the lac. Rudy told us we could go wherever we wanted on the lake, so I thought it'd be nice to go in the middle. When I stopped rowing, so did Jack-ass.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked me.
"Cause we're in the middle." I answered turning to face him.
"And you're gonna kill me now?"
"Well... now that you've brought it up, maybe..."

He laughed and so did I, but stopped when I realized I was actually laughing with him. Okay, so it wasn't that bad, but I still don't like him.

"Why's your hair white?" He asked.
"It's not white, it's blonde platinum. And please don't talk about my hair, I'm... never mind."
"No, what! Tell me!"
"I'm self-conscious about it, all right?"
"Why? I have white hair and I'm pretty proud of it!"
"Why do you have white hair?"
"I died it! I have brown hair, originally."
"I was just born with it."
"Well, unlike me, you look cute with almost-white hair."

I laughed. He was finally nice with me! Wait! No! It's maybe one of his ways of getting me to like him and then betraying me! Jack-ass is the type of person to do that! Well, I still have to thank him for the compliment...

"Thanks, Jack. I mean, Jackson."
"You can call me Jack. I don't mind."
"But we're not friends..."
"I have exceptions."

He smiled and so did I. We rowed back to shore. The rest of the day went pretty fast. When it was time for bed, I could sleep. I kept thinking about what Jack had said.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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