Chapter 24: The distraction

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Jack's POV:

Two days has pasted since the first day. Things have been going pretty well! I'm hanging out with Elsa and Hiccup and it's really cool! We haven't really seen each other outside of school, but that's okay!

Today's Wednesday, and I have English first period. After that, I have Algebra, then Chemistry. After that, it's lunch, so I'm looking forward to it!

Mrs. White is our English teacher. She's the last teacher we had before going on summer break. It's also our first class with her. I wonder how she'll react when she gonna see me and Elsa so close together.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Mrs. White, if you already forgot! I'm so glad to see you all again! This is your last year with me, so I hope that everything will go smoothly and that we'll have a wonderful time together! Also, I heard that we have a new student with us, so could this person just raise their hands?" Mrs. White asked. Hiccup gently raised his hand.
"H-Hi..." He answered.
"Oh! Hi! Well, welcome to our class and..." She noticed us. "*sigh* Mr. Frost and Miss Elsa! I hope you won't cause any more trouble this year! Will you?" The class laughed.
"*nervous chuckle* N-No. We... We won't! We promise!" Jack answered for both us.
"Good! Well, in that case, let's get started!"

She started to talk about what we'll be doing this year and I didn't pay attention. I invented this game called "How many pieces of tape can I put in Elsa's hair until she notices?". Then, Hiccup joined in and we started bidding. He bid 10 dollars on more than 10 piece. I bid 10 bucks on 15.

1... 2... 3... 5... 9... 11... 13... 16...

"Ugh! Come on!" Hiccup whispered.
"See? I told you!" I whispered back.

17... 20... 21... She stroke her hair and felt the pieces of tapes. She gasped and slowly turned her head to face us.

"Are you kidding?! You can't stick tape in a girl's hair! That's like, against the law book?!" Elsa whisper-screamed.
"*scoff* What law book?" I asked.
" The woman's law book! You'll pay for this!"

We laughed while she took out the tape. Hiccup took out 10$ from his wallet and handed it to me. I thanked him and class finish a few minutes after that. We got up and it was time for the break. We took our Algebra and Chemistry books and went back to class.

At lunch time, Hiccup had to got to the principal office for something he had to give to his parents, so Elsa and I went to the library. It was really small compared to the one at Camp Kawiki!

When we were in the sci-fi aisle, she kinda back up and... we got really close and I kinda freaked out, so I backed up, too... I ended up backing up into the shelf, making it fall onto the next shelf and so on. Why do I have to be so nervous and clumsy when I'm around her?!

Elsa's POV:

I heard some loud noises, so I turned around and saw the huge mess Jack just made.

"*chuckle* Are you okay?" I asked him.
"*nervous chuckle* *deep sigh* Oh god. I'm in so much trouble!" He answered.
"*giggle* What happened?"
"I got, um... distracted?"
"That must have been one hell of a distraction!"
"*nervous chuckle* Y-Yeah... B-Big discraption..."
" 'Distcraption'? Wow! You must really be 'discrapted' to say 'distraction' wrong!"

The librarian went up to Jack and started to yell at him for destroying the library. He apologized and put everything back in its original place. We had a lot of time left for our lunch time, so I help him. It took us 20 minutes, but it was still pretty cool!

Then we had History and we ended the day with PE. It was pretty cool, because we play basketball, and I played against Jack.

I won. He wasn't to happy about it... but I was! When I was about to take my bus home, Jack proposed to walk home... and I agreed. It's gonna be the first time we hang out outside of school. I found out that Jack doesn't live that far away from me!

During our walk, he mostly told jokes and I mostly laughed at them. We got to my house in 30 minutes.

"Hopefully, my mom won't be too mad!" I said to him.
"Between our two moms, I think mine's the one who's gonna be more mad!" He replied.
"*chuckle* Yeah... We probably should've called them before leaving school... Oh well! It's too late now!"
"Yeah! *chuckle* So... See you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow!"

He smiled and began to walk away. As I was about to go into my house, I looked back and so did he. We waved at each other one last time before I closed the door. To my big surprise, my mom was waiting for me!

"Where were you?!" She shouted.
"Sorry, mom... I should have called you, but I forgot... Jack and I just decided to walk home and--"
"Jack? Jack?! You know, I'm starting to think he's a bad influence on you." She interrupted me
"Wh- *scoff* Mom. We just walked home. What's bad about that?"
"Someone could've robbed or hurt you!"
"But I'm here, right?! Even if something did happen, Jack was there!"

"Ever since you've come back from this camp, you've changed!" She shouted.
"Yeah! I'm happy now!" I shouted even louder.
"Do not raise your voice at me!"
"I'll raise my voice if I want to!"
"I don't want to see you hanging out with him anymore!"

I just grunted, went to my room and slammed the door. I jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow. She can try to keep me from seeing him, but that won't work. I'll keep seeing him. I... I love him...

He makes me feel like I'm special, like I'm the only person he cares about. Every time I see him, he just makes my whole day better. Every time I'm with him, the world around us doesn't matter. When I look into his eyes, it's like I can see his soul. When he smiles, my heart melts, and when he touches me, my heart stops.

If that's not love, then I don't know what is...

Hi! Wow! Is this what love feels like? Because I honestly have NO idea! I've never been in love so... If you were ever in love, please tell me if I wrote it right... Anyway, tomorrow's Tuesday for me, meaning I go back to school for the second week. I'll try posting, but I have homework, so... yeah! Good evening/morning/night/whatever!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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