Chapter 22: Leaving Camp Kawiki

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Jack's POV:

So, today's Monday and also our last day at the camp. I woke up at 7, but our parents are only coming at 1 in the afternoon, so... just 6 hours to go! In an hour well have our last breakfast. I'm planning on spending the last 5 hours with Elsa before we leave... Just in case we part ways... forever...

I didn't eat much at breakfast and Elsa noticed it. She notices wether I eat a lot, a normal amount or less than usual. *sigh* She's great!

"Jack, are you all right?" She asked me in a concerned voice.
"Hm... I don't know..." I answered in a low voice.
"Okay... I'm gonna take that as a no. So, what's wrong?"
"*grunt* I guess I'm just feeling down because it's the last day... the last breakfast... perhaps the last time I'll spend with you..."
"*chuckle* Don't worry, we'll still get to diss each other in class! It's gonna be fun!"
"If we're even in the same class..."
"Wow. You are very depressed! What can I do to make your day better?"

When she said that, I scoffed. I had one thing in mind that could make my day (or should I say my life!) a thousand times better, but I couldn't just say it! Imagine all the reaction from everyone in our group and  in the whole cafeteria if I say: "Well, you could always kiss me! That would make my day!"!

"Um... I don't know... If I don't want food, I don't want anything..." I lied.
"How about if we spent our last hours together?" She asked. I smiled lightly.
"That... That could work... What do you wanna do?"
"Wanna go to the beach and... do... something there?"
"*chuckle* Yeah. Let's go to the beach and do something!"

We finished eating and did what we said we would do. We sat down on the cold sand and just... started at the water. I just wish that that moment could've lasted forever. Just both of us, alone on a beach. We spent the first hour silent, just thinking.

"What's gonna happen when we're back at school?" She asked while still looking at the lake.
"I really don't know what to expect... I really hope we're in the same class. It won't be fun without you." I answered.
"Yeah, same... I'm gonna miss your jokes!"
"Oh! So they were funny! Why didn't you laugh at any of them, then?"
"Oh... *nervous chuckle* That was a long time ago, and I didn't really know you then..."
"*chuckle* I know! I was just kidding! Now you know I'm a lot smarter than I look, too!"
"*giggle* Yeah! A lot nicer, too!"
"Ouch! What a burn, Elsie! What a burn!"

She laughed and so did I. We kept talking about back to school and classes and... us after all this...

Elsa's POV:

It was now 12:45, just a few minutes before our parents come get us. We had to pack up our stuff and wait in front of the main building.

All the groups were sitting together, meaning I was with Jack, Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, Flynn, Merida, Hiccup and Astrid joined in, since Hiccup and her now a thing. I hope they figure a way to be together... They really look in love and happy.

20 minutes later, I saw my mom's car approach. Actually, there were a lot of cars in the camp's parking lot! Anna and I got up and I waved at Jack one last goodbye. Then, he got up. I frowned as he joined us.

"My parents are here, so I decided to walk with you!" He explained, pointing at a red Nissan.
"Oh! Yeah, our mom's here too, so..." I said while pointing at our white Toyota.
"Yeah, I figure it out when you started to walk towards all the cars!"
"*laugh* Yeah, that was pretty obvious! *sigh* Well, here we are! Goodbye, Frosty!" I opened the trunk and put my stuff in.
"Goodbye, Queen Elsa..."

He bowed and walked to his parents' car. I just rolled my eyes and giggled. I'll never truly understand who Jack Frost is... He's stupid but smart at the same time. He's silly but serious. He's the worst but the best.

"Who was that, honey?" My mom asked me. He's just...
"Jack Frost." I answered.
"His name sounds familiar. Was he in your class last year?"
"Yeah... I might've mentioned him one time."
"Isn't he the boy who got you in trouble on the last day of school?"
"*chuckle* Yes! That's exactly him! Turns out he's pretty cool!"
"Wow! What a coincidence you went to the same camp!"

I smiled at that thought. It really was a coincidence that we went to the same camp. At the same time. And we ended up in the same group! It's like it was ment to be! But it wasn't, because that's just stupid to think that.

The trip back was filled with music and talks about how it was and everything that had happened to us during those seven weeks. Anna talked about Kristoff and how great our roommates were. I just talked about the activities and the food. I didn't really want to talk about Jack.

When we got home, our dad was waiting for us in front of our house. Anna and I ran to him and hugged him. He helped us get our suitcases to our rooms, even though we could've done it by ourselves. We had diner and after that, I went to my room to unpack.

I had two disposable cameras full of pictures, so I asked my mom if we could get the pictures out. She agreed and told us we'd go as soon as possible.

Hopefully, she won't look at the photographs, because most of them are of me and Jack, and I really don't want to explain everything. Like the food fight, or that time I fell off our tree and... well, his tree... and he caught me. Or that time when we got stuck on the tree because of the rain or the Lacrosse game after that. So many memories!

When it was dark, I locked myself in my room, jumped on my bed and started to cry into my pillow, to not worry anyone. I was crying, because I knew deep down that... all of those memories I had with Jack, they're just that. Memories.

Memories that I'll eventually forget. All this perfect time that we spent together was now gone...

Jack and I... It's all in the past and nothing will ever happen between us... That's what broke my heart the most...

Aaaaah!!! My hearteu!!!!! Why am I doing this?! My eyes where filled with real tears as I was writing those very last words... God I am awful! This is bulls**t! I am mad at myself right now! Ugh! Anyway, here's the next chapter. I hope I was able to crush your heart like I did mine... Better (aka happier) chapters to come!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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