Chapter 9: Food fight

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Jack's POV:

So, things between me and Elsa are just all right. We don't really talk much, just exchange eye contacts sometimes, but she still doesn't like me, for some reason... I'm actually being nice with her!

Today's Tuesday, and Rudy told us we'd go for a walk on the mountain. Not really looking forward to it. I don't like walking. After some time, my feet just begin to hurt and I just can't.

"You have to go, dude! Rudy won't go without you!" Kristoff said to me.
"Oh, yeah? I'll just stay here to find out, then!" I replied.
"Please don't! I like mountains and... walking... And so should you! It's fun!"
"Video games and food is fun. Sports aren't. They're a really pain. Literally! You get cramps and you can even get hurt!"
"Get hurt walking? You can't be serious!"
"I swear to you, Ill find a way of hurting myself!"
"*sigh* Just get off your ass and come!"

I looked at him in the eyes for a few seconds, grunted and got up.

We left the house and found Rudy waiting with all the girls, Hiccup and Flynn. When we got to them, I saw Elsa looking at me with those crazy, almost vengeful eyes of hers... She can be really scaring sometimes!

We began walking and (I kid you not) my feet began to hurt 10 minutes afterwards! Well, not pain pain, just like  a "Ow, my feet" kind of pain, you know? Anyways, I was forced to walk so... Yeah... Rudy was talking about his "very interesting" life and we were all had to listen.

"You don't like walking, do you?" Elsa asked from behind me.
"Yeah! How'd you guess?" I answered, sarcastically.
"Well, for starters, you drag your feet. After that, there's the fact that you let out small grunts every time you take a step. Finally, you're limping, meaning your feet hurt, meaning you don't walk or do any sports at all. Did I get it right?"
"Yes, yes and mostly definitely yes!"
"*laugh* That's what I thought! I'm not great at sports either..."
"*gasp* We have so much in common!"
"Please, don't!"

And she was off to her sister, just like that! I smiled and... was still thinking about her? That can't be right! It's not like I like her, I just... She's not even my type! I mean, she has blonde hair, but that doesn't mean I immediately like her or anything... God! She's really in my head! How do I make her go away?!

Elsa's POV:

The mountain walk was pretty long! It was about 2 or 3 hours, I think. I mostly stayed and talked with Anna, but I did have a short conversation with Jack about sports and... stuff...

He was really nice to me... for some reason... I guess that because now I know he's smart, I actually think he's nice, too... It could be it, but it's hard to tell why he's so strangely nice to me. Maybe he just likes me... Wait, no! That's not a thing! That's impossible! Even if it was... I would never, ever be interested in him! But that won't happen, because he doesn't like me! And that's official! God! He's really in my head! How do I make him go away?!

Right now, I just need to focus on food. It's buffet night! I'm very excited for that! I mean, who wouldn't?! It's free unlimited food!

I took some pizza and spaghetti, my two favorite meals! I know it's cliché, but it's cliché for a reason... It's really good! Anna got fish and chips, Rapunzel got a Cesar salad with chicken and Merida got like, 20 chicken wings! Who eats that much?! I know, I know! Look who's talking, right? Don't judge me! I like pizza and spaghetti!

I sat at my usual table and... Frosty sat at his.

I changed his nickname... Didn't feel right to call him Jack-ass since he's so nice to me and all, now... Anyways, back to heaven on a plate!

"You are so unoriginal, Elsa! Pizza and spaghetti?!" My sister said.
"I know, but I'm cherishing this night... It's buffet night!" I answered.
"Yeah, yeah! Whatever! I'm just saying you could switch it a bit, you know?"
"You always say that and II still take the same thing at every buffet we've ever been to!"

She rolled her eyes and began to eat. I looked back at Frosty's plate... or should I say "plates". He literally had three plates! The first one with only spaghetti. The second one with four slices of pizza and brocoli. The last one with mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, corn and two chicken legs. How can he eat this much?!

"Are you really gonna eat all of it?" I asked him.
"What can I say?! I like food!" He replied.
"Well, so do I, but that doesn't mean I have to eat like aa pig!"
"*gasp* Are you calling me a pig?"
"I would have called you fatty, but you're not, so... Yeah! You're a pig!"

And he shut up! But that wasn't the end of our interaction. Soon enough, I felt something warm hit the back of my head. I touched it with my hand and found out that Frosty threw a part of his mashed potatoes at me... Yes! Threw! I scoffed, took a bit of spaghetti and threw it at him. Boom! Revenge tastes so sweet!

After that, he threw his spaghetti at me and i threw my pizza and... well...

"FOOD FIGHT!!!" Flynn shouted, as he threw his chicken pot pie at Rapunzel.

Food was now flying all around the cafeteria. Rudy and the other adults tried to stop us, but it was a war now.

I took my whole plate and mushed it in Jack's face. He smiled, took his brocoli and forcefully feed it to me. I spite it out on him and he wiped it off. We bought laughed.

After a few minutes, everyone was out of food. The cafeteria was really dirty and pretty disgusting. The adults were really mad.

"Who started all of this?!" The manager of the camp screamed.

Jack and I looked at each other and stopped smiling. He looked at me with those eyes and I strangely knew what he was thinking. We slowly raised our hands, ashamed.

"You two, in my office! Now!" He screamed.

We looked at each other again and started walking. Well, this is going to end well!

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