Chapter 28: New class

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Jack's POV:

Elsa: Jack?
Jack: Hey! What's up?
Elsa: Not good...
Jack: What is it?
Elsa: Remember when I told you my mom didn't want us to be together?
Jack: Yeah, what about it?
Elsa: We're not in the same class anymore
           She changed me
Jack: What?! But that's crazy!!!
           We can still see each other at lunch
Elsa: We can't
           She said she asked someone to look if we were together
Jack: That's insane!
           Tomorrow, meet me at lunch between the school and the gym
There's this alley and nobody really knows it exists
We should be able to work something out
Elsa: Okay
Jack: Goodnight

I wanted to add that smiley that kisses a heart, but I didn't. It would have been weird and it really wasn't the time to do so. Hopefully, my plan'll work.

The next day, Elsa wasn't in my class the first few hours before noon. I was expecting it, but I didn't know it was gonna hurt that much. The wait was super long, too. It felt like days, but it wasn't. Hiccup was there, but it wasn't the same.

At lunch, Elsa and I met up at my secret spot. She was already there. When she saw me, she ran to me and... hugged me! I didn't know what to do, but after a few seconds, I hugged here back even tighter. I could hear her crying, even though she tried to hide it by shoving here face in my jacket.

"Hey, don't worry! Everything's gonna be fine!" I said, trying to reassure her.
"But it's not! It's not, Jack! Everything is wrong! Everything's fucked up and... I don't know what to do anymore..." She replied, still crying.
"I know... but... we'll figure something out, okay?" I wiped her tears with my hand.
"*sniff* O-Okay... *giggle* I miss your jokes..."
"And I miss... just you. All of you."
"*giggle* Thanks... Can I give you one last hug?"
"You can give me how many hugs you want!"

She smiled and gave me a huge hug. I wrapped my arm around her and I didn't want to let her go. It felt so good to just, hold her against me. We hugged back at the camp, but it didn't feel the same. I didn't love her love like I do know.

"Mr. Frost, Miss Winters..." I heard a familiar voice say.

We both turned our head to see Mrs. White. Elsa quickly wiped away her tears.

"U-Um... Hi, Mrs. White..." I said softly.
"Look, I'm going to cut right to the case. Miss Winters' mother called me, particularly, last night to tell me that she doesn't want you two to be together..." Our English teacher said to us.
"P-Please don't tell my mom!" Elsa screamed. Mrs. White smiled and walked closer to us.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. A dummy could figure out that you two have become great friends! I don't understand why your mother would do such a thing, but... life isn't fair sometimes."

Elsa's POV:

"C-Can't you do anything? Can't you call my mother?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, but even if I did, she wouldn't change her mind. She looks like she's already made up her mind. What I can do, is let you two keep seeing each other here." She answered.
"R-Really?! You'd do that for us?!" Jack asked a bit surprised.
"*smile* Ye,s I would. You've grown, Jack. And so have you, Elsa! I know I'm not supposed to have favourites, but... I really liked having you two in the same class. You looked really happy and it made me happy!"
"Th-Thank you! You're our favourite teacher too, Mrs. White!"
"Just be sure to be back for your next class."
"W-We will!"

She left and we stayed. Before I had the chance to look at Jack again, he hugged me. I was a bit surprised at first, but God how it felt good!

His body's just so warm and comforting. And when he holds me, it's like it fixes everything. I never want to let go of him.   He holds me like I'm the most precious thing he has. We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes until we had to get back to our classes.

I actually had English, so... looking forward to that! We have a new project in teams of two. We have to talk about a country of our choice.

Mrs. White teamed me up with this Hans guy, since I didn't know anyone. I'm pretty sure he's rich, because he dresses all fancy and stuff. He's kinda cute, but not as cute as Jack! We got to know each other and... he's pretty cool! He's nice and funny, and... yeah! He's really cool!

We chose to do our project on Norway, because... Why not? We both like cold places and other cold stuff. We started working, but we only had about 20 minutes to do so, so we talked and we're gonna see each other over the weekend!

"Hey, Elsa! Um... Do you mind giving me your number? Cause, you know, we have to see each other over the weekend and all!" Hans asked me as I was walking to my bus.
"Yeah, sure!" I answered.
"Oh, cool! Alright, just..." He gave me his phone and I entered my phone number.

We waved each other goodbye and we each went different ways. When I got home, I was still thinking about my new friend.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized he's very sweet and innocent and... Y-Yeah, let's leave it at that...

Hans' POV:

So today, I made a new friend. Actually, I arranged to make a new friend. I asked Mrs. White if I could be in team with Elsa so I could help her 'fit in' our class better. Pfft! And she actually believed it!

The only reason why I'd even want to be seen with her is because she's like... So hot! And also because she's Jack's girlfriend or whatever. They always hang out and laugh together. If a loser like him can get a girl like her to hang out with him, I can get any girl I want!

I just have to be nice with her, then she's gonna fall in love with me and we're gonna go out. I don't particularly like Jack, so it'll feel good to steal something from him.

Saturday, we'll see each other at my house, so I'll ask her what the deal with Jack is. Hopefully, my little plan will work just fine...

Hello! I'm posting this at school. Also, I hate myself right now. Someone requested Hans, so I put him here. Hopefully, I stayed true to the character. Friday is a day off, so I'll be writing a lot!

Special note from my friend (her birthday is on September 15th) for Hans:


From: Sarah xox love you

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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