Chapter 38: Offically together

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Jack's POV:

"M-Mom! H-Hey! I-I thought you were out with friends or something..." I screamed, jumping off of the couch.
"I was. It ended sooner than I thought. Who is this?" She asked, frowning.
"T-This is, um, Elsa. We're in the same class and... Y-Yeah..." I couldn't just tell her!
"And what?"
"And... we're... dating?"

I was waiting for her to continue, but she didn't say anything. She kept her surprised face on. She was analyzing Elsa from top to bottom. I hate it when she doesn't talk for a long time! It makes me feel guilty even though I didn't do anything wrong.

"For how long?" She finally asked Elsa.
"Th-Three month, Mrs. Frost." She answered, looking at the floor.
"Three months?! Wow! That's... That's a lot!"
"Y-Yeah, I know..."

Then she smiled. I was not expecting that. I thought she was gonna be mad about the fact that I didn't tell her anything about Elsa and me. She walked closer to us, but stopped behind the couch. She extended her arm towards Elsa.

"Well, Elsa, nice to meet you and welcome to the family!" My mom said in a happy voice. Elsa let out a big sigh of relief.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" They shook hands.
"Were you that scared?"
"Yeah... I really didn't know what to expect..."
"Well, what did your mom think about it?"

"Um... *nervous chuckle* If I had told her, she would have probably thrown me out of my house or change my class again, so..." Elsa said.
"Really? Why?" My mom asked.
"Well, she pretty much hates Jack. She hasn't actually met him yet and she's already drawing her own conclusions!"
"What kind of conclusions?"
"She says that he's a bad influence on me, but... the truth is... He couldn't be better..."
"Maybe your mother and I should talk some times."
"*scoff* Yeah! That would be great!"

My mom smiled. Elsa grabbed my arm  and we went upstairs to my room. I closed my door and she jumped on my beanbag.

"That went a lot better than I imagined!" She said.
"Yeah... Who knew my mom would be so okay with it?!" I asked.
"One thing's for sure. My mom would freak out! It'd kinda be hilarious to see!"
"Maybe for you, but for me... I would shit my pants! Do you have any idea of what she would do to me if she knew?!"
"Oh, yeah! She'd kill you, then bring you back to life, only to kill you again!"
"Ha ha, Elsa. Very funny."

I pushed her with leg while she laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Honestly, if you keep doing stuff like that, we're just going to have to break up!" I said, jokingly.
"You know what? That's a great idea! Now that you've said that, I can finally tell you how I really feel. I never liked you." She replied, following my joke.
"Ugh! Finally! I knew it, the moment I saw you, that I didn't like your face. I'm glad we had this talk, because, honestly, I didn't think this was gonna work out."
"Yeah, me neither..."

I smiled and she did, too. Elsa stood up and walked over to me. She sat on his lap and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I gave her one, too.

I love that we can just joke about that. I don't think a lot of couple do that. We're kind of, unique. We're really made for each other.

"So... What do you wanna do now?" She asked.
"I don't know. We can do anything you want!" I answered.
"Well, not anything! It's like 6, so... I think I'm gonna go at 8."
"Aw... So soon?"
"Yeah... You know how much I'd love to stay, but we don't wanna infuriate my mother, do we?"
"We sure don't!" We laughed.

Elsa's POV:

After the joke, Jack showed me his room and his books. He told me that when he got back from summer camp, he asked his mom if he could buy a bookshelf for his room. When she asked why, he simply said: "I'm gonna be my true self now."

He has all the books from "A Series of Unfortunate Events", meaning thirteen books. He told me it was now his favorite book series.

"You're not a classic bookworm..." I said.
"What does that mean?" He asked.
"Well, most people, their favorite book series is Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. You? A series for kid."
"Okay. It's not only for kids, all right? It talks about death, orphans and evil uncle! That's not for kids! It's dark. A-And Harry Potter... It's cliché and super long! I don't like long books..."
"Yeah, yeah... Let's say I believe you..."
"But it's true!"

"You read the entire "The Theory of Everything" book! Now don't tell me you don't like long books!" I said.
"Okay. That is different! That's science!" He explained.
"It's way harder! I don't know why you read that."
"I read that because I'm smart and I want to get smarter!"
"Whatever. Still doesn't make sense!" He rolled his eyes and kissed me on the cheek.

Then, his mom broke the silence by screaming our names.

"Yes?" We screamed at the same time.
"Come down here! Both of you!" She answered.
"But why?" Jack asked.
"Jack! You better come down here or else!"
"*grunt* Okay! We're coming!"

He opened the door and then I realized what was going to happen next. My mom was there, in his living room, with her arms crossed. She looked mad... Actually, she had "the face"! I was so scared when I saw her. And so was Jack. We went down the stairs and  stopped right in front of her.

"H-Hey, mom..." I said, lightly.
"Hi, Elsa. And... Jack..." She answered.
"W-Why... are you here?"
"Well, Jack's mom called me to tell me you were here. So, I came over to pick you up!"
"T-That's all you talked about?"
"Yes. Was there more to talk about?"
"N-No, no..."
"All right, then! Let's go. It's getting late."

Jack and I said our goodbyes. I didn't think the day was gonna end like that. I thought we would kiss goodbye, not wave goodbye. Well, we could've kissed, but it would've been totally awkward in front of my mom!

The way back was quiet... and awkward.

"So... You two are actually together!" She said.
"Y-Yeah... Have been for three months now!" I replied.
"Three months?! Wow! That's quite a lot!"
"Y-Yeah! I-I know!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ugh! I knew this question was coming!
"W-Well... because I knew you didn't like Jack and you'd probably just force me to break up with him and I wouldn't have done it, so..."
"*scoff* Yeah... You're probably right!"
"Does that mean I have to break up with him?"
"Well, it would, if I had hear what Jack's mom had to say..."

"What does that mean?" I asked.
"She said that she didn't know either, but she suspected that something was going on." She answered.
"Yeah. She said that she noticed that Jack was happier than usual. For the last three months, he's be nice and happy and smiling a lot more. She suspected that something must have happened to him. I told her that the same was happening with you. I thought it was weird that you were so happy, especially after your break up with Hans. But I just decided to let it go."
"R-Right... So, you're not mad?"
"Mm... Not really. I mean., I was, at first, but then she told me what she did and I understood everything!"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I understood that you two were dating and were happy together."

"Yeah, we really are!" I said.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked.
"Um, sure."
"Do you love him?"
"*scoff* More than you could imagine! I love him so much!"
"Well, then! This discussion ends here!"

"W-Wait! What?! We can keep dating?!" I asked.
"Of course! I'm not going to ruin this for you! Unless he breaks your heart. Then you won't be able to date him, ever again!" She answered.
"*laugh* Yeah... That's kind of obvious. Thanks mom!"
"You're welcome, sweetie!"

I never realized my mom could be so cool! Now that Jack and I are finally official and that we can finally date... This is going to be great!

This changes everything!

Hello! New chapter! Also, RTTE reference because... why not! It kinda fits with the end so... Decided to make Elsa's mom okay with them dating. Was that a good decision? Anyway, maybe gonna do a few more chapters. 2-3-4 maybe... I don't know. We'll see I guess! Have a lovely evening/morning/night/whatever!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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