Chapter 29: Hans' house

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Elsa's POV:

It's Saturday and I'm going to Hans' house. I kinda battled my mom for it, but I told her it's someone else. It took like 30 minutes, but it was worth it. When we got to his house, we were both amazed at how big his house is!

Actually, I shouldn't have said house, I should've said mansion. It's huge! There's like two floors, 20 windows on the front and it literally took us 30 seconds just to drive down his driveway! It's super long! How rich is he?! It's unreal!

"Now that's the kind of friend you can have! He seems very educated and polite!" My mom said as I got out of her car.
"You haven't even met him..." I replied.
"I don't have to! I already know he's better than your old friend!"
"*grunt* His name is Jack, Mom! And he's not!"
"You won't change my mind, Elsa!"
"*scoff* Yeah, I know!" I whispered to myself, even though she heard me.

She waved at me and I waved back. I rang Hans' doorbell and he answered. He still looked classy! He had a navy blue polo, beige pants and all-black Converses. He has a very nice sense of style! Or maybe it's his parents... Maybe I'll ask him!

"Hey! Elsa! How are you?" He asked me with a big smile.
"I'm fine! You?" I replied.
"I'm very good. Come in!"

I thanked him and went inside his house. It's so much bigger than it looks! He told me his room was on the second floor, so we went there. It's literally three times bigger than my room! It's so cool!

"You have a foosball table in your bedroom?!" I shouted seeing the table in on of the corners.
"Yeah. I guess it's pretty cool. We could play after we finished our project." He said.
"Yes! Okay, let's just start our work, so we can get to the games faster."
"That's really smart! Alright, let's do it!"

We started to work! I thought it was gonna be boring, but actually, it was quite the opposite! We laughed the whole time and it went pretty smoothly! We finished in about two hours. That's all we had to do! For a whole week!

We started to play foosball and I was winning handsomely! Obviously, he was letting me win, but I like it. After that, we played Ping-Pong for a while.

"So... I wanted to ask you... A-Are you and Jack a thing?" He asked me while serving the ball.
"Oh... *nervous chuckle* N-No. We're... We're just friends. Actually, we're best friends! At least I consider him my best friend." I answered truthfully.
"I'm sure you're his best friend, too. You're amazing! You're super cool, and funny and..."
"*giggle* Thanks... And what?"

"And... beautiful. I know it's kinda straight forward and all, but I'm just telling the truth." He said. That was pretty... cute!
"Um... Wow. Th-Thank you. Um... *nervous chuckle*" I answered.
"I'm sure Jack's a really nice guy and all, but if he doesn't say the things that totally obvious, he might loose you."

I let the ball pass by. Hans is so straightforward! I think it's kinda... attractive? I mean, no man just says what he thinks, right?

Hans' POV:

Things are going very well with Elsa! She's so naive, so easy to manipulate! She's so desperate for love, it's crazy! I should really thank Jack for making this so easy!

"U-Um... What do we do, now? It's only 2 and my mom comes at 6." She said.
"We can watch a movie, or play video games. We have a cool home theatre and gaming room downstairs! If you want..." I answered.
"Yeah! That should be good!"
"Alright! Let's go!"

"What kind of movies do you have?" Elsa asked as we were going down the stairs.
"All sorts! Horror, comedy, mystery... Romance..." I answered. She lightly blushed.
"Um... C-Comedy sounds nice!" She's getting nervous... Just as planned!
"Alright... Comedy it is!"

My plan is pretty simple. Get closer to her by any way possible. It would be best if we make out by 6, but if we don't, I guess it'll happen soon enough!

When we got downstairs, she really seems surprised. I mean, why wouldn't she?! My family's rich, and you can see it! I like showing it off, because then I'm better than everyone else. But right now, I have to pretend like I don't really like all the money, just so she thinks I'm not so materialistic...

"This is... awesome!" She said.
"Oh, please! My parents built it for me, but I spend most of my time in my room." I answered, a bit innocently. God I'm a good actor!
"Well, you should be here more often, because it's truly unbelievable! All my parents ever did for me is... create me? I don't know..."
"It can't be that bad! I'm sure there's some parts that were good, right?" I gently placed my hand on her shoulder.
"My dad's okay, but my mom's... Well, she's not super nice... She doesn't want me hanging out with Jack but..."

"...but you do it anyway. I've seen you two go off... somewhere." I continued her sentence.
"Oh! *nervous chuckle* Y-Yeah... Please don't tell anyone!" She cried.
"*chuckle* I won't tell anything! I promise. *pause* You like him, don't you?"
"W-What?! No! I... *sigh* Is it that obvious?"
"Maybe... For some people. Not for Jack, though!"
"*scoff* Yeah..."
"Don't worry! You're smart, cute and funny. I'm sure you'll find the right guy!" I gave her a 'warm' smile. I really should have an oscar!
"Thanks, Hans..."

We started to watch this movie called 'Bridesmaids'. It was a romantic comedy... God I don't like those types of movies! But I had to watch it if I want Elsa to go out with me... I can't even imagine how much it'll ruin Jack's life if it actually happened!

During the movie, I kept getting closer and closer to Elsa. After about 45 minutes in, I rested my arm on the couch, over her shoulders. She didn't seem to mind... She even smiled when I did that! My plan his coming along greatly I think!

Hello! Honestly, I don't know why people ship Hans and Elsa together... I don't see it. My heart became darker while writing this chapter. I hate the idea of them together. Anyway, at first, it was about 1500 words, with 1000 words for Hans' POV, but I cut it a bit. So, next chapter is like the continuity of Hans' POV. But I have to say, modern Hans is very well done!

Today is TheCookieAndSugar 's birthday (September 15th). For her birthday, BigHit released a trailer for BTS' DNA music video, so if you're an ARMY... Go check it out!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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