Chapter 30: Together?!

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Hans' POV:

After a while, she asked if it was okay for her to rest her head on my shoulder. Obviously, I said yes. This is going very well! She stayed that way for the rest of the movie. Then the movie ended... I have to act quick! Her mom texted her to tell her she as close, so we went to the front door.

"I... had a great time! Thank you, Hans, for... being there for me and... helping me out..." She said.
"You're welcome. I'll always be there for you! Day or night. You know my address, so you can come visit me anytime! Y-You're really great, you know?" I said to her, trying to bring up that final part of my plan.
"*giggle* Thanks... You're pretty great, too. And not because you're rich! My mom likes you because you're rich but not me! I like you because you're really nice with me and all!"
"*chuckle* Elsa, please! I know! Don't worry about that! I think you're really nice with me too... You know, people just want to be my friend because my parents have a lot of money, but not you... You treat me like I'm just any normal kid and... That's what I love about you... You make me feel... amazing!" I took her hands

Ugh! God! It hurts even saying that! You know, sometimes I actually feel a tiny bit bad for lying to Elsa, but then again... It's totally worth it!

"W-Woah... N-Nobody ever said anything like that to me before... Th-Thanks..." She stuttered.
"You don't have to thank me for something that's true, you know..." I said. I slowly began to walk up to her.
"Um... *giggle* W-What is happening?"
"I really have no idea..." We were just inches from each other.

I kept looking at her lips to give her the 'I want to kiss you' sign. It's a real thing! Look it up! We were so close, but then we heard a honk from the outside. Her mom was there. She backed away. Come on!

"I-I-I should, um, go... I-I'll see you at school?" She asked. Don't expect to leave without kissing me, Elsa!
"Yeah... but, before you go, could I just... *sigh* Um, I'm gonna be super straightforward with you right now. I really like you. Actually, I more than like you. I... I love you... I think you're the prettiest person I've ever seen in my entire life!" I said. God, I almost threw up!
"U-Um... Y-Yeah... I-I don't know about 'love' but... I really, really like you an-"

Another honk. God damn it! Can't her stupid mother just wait?! Ugh! No wonder Elsa hates her! She's not leaving until we kiss! She sighed and rolled her eyes. It's now or never!

I leaned in and our lips finally touched! Alright, I have to be truthful here. It was really sweet and it tasted like strawberries for some reason. Maybe she put on some flavoured Chapstick...

But just because it felt good, doesn't mean I actually love her. I'm not even interested in her! Stupid, naive little girl... So desperate for love that she'd kiss a guy who she met only a few days ago...

(A/N: KILL ME NOW!!!!)

Elsa's POV:

He just kissed me! I don't know why I didn't back up. I mean, I'm kinda still in love with Jack but... If he's not into me, or if he just isn't ready to commit to me, then... I shouldn't deprive myself from being happy and finding love.

I finally found this guy who's really nice, and sweet, and cute that actually likes me and... I kinda like him too and he makes me happy. I wanted to be with Jack, be he doesn't want to be with me, then I don't want to be with him. (A/N: I'm crying now, please help me!)

It was a really sweet and warm kiss, but it had to end at some point...

"Wow... I've... never kissed anyone before... You were kinda my first..." I said lightly.
"Yeah.. Y-You were my first, too..." He replied.
"Yeah! And... it was awesome!"

I laughed. We almost kissed another time, but my mom honked again. I apologized to him, open the door and got in my mom's car. I wanted it to be a silent car ride, but no! Mom decided to talk!

"So, how was it?" She asked.
"It was... good." I answered back. I'm gonna have to tell her.
"What did you do?"
"Well, we finished the project, played some games and watched a movie and..."
"And what?"
"Um, mom? I need to tell you something..."
"What is it, honey?"
"Um... You'll probably be mad, but... Hans and I... We, um..."
"You started dating?"
"Y-Yeah... I-I hope that's okay..."
"It is as long as you don't hang out with Jack anymore!"

I didn't say anything after that. For once in my life, I might actually do what she wants. Since now I'm with Hans, maybe I won't hang out with Jack anymore...

Jack's POV:


So... Today at lunch, I went to my secret spot to meet up with Elsa, but she wasn't there. I don't know why. I wait for her for like 20 minutes! After that, I got tired and sad, so I went to Hiccup for some emotional support.

He was sitting at our table, alone, reading a book. I sat down and slammed my head on the table. I'm pretty sure he didn't look up...

"What happened? She didn't show up?" He asked me.
"*grunt*... *mumbles* --Where could she be?" I answered.
"Um... Maybe with Hans?" I looked up.
"Why would she be with Hans?"
"Ooof! *whispers to himself* That's gonna be a hard one..." I frowned. "You don't know, do know?"
"Know what?!"
"Elsa and Hans are dating..."

"What?!?!" I screamed. The whole cafeteria headed me. "What do you mean 'dating'?!"
"Well, as in 'boyfriend, girlfriend'. Over the weekend, they met up for a project and... Well, they're together now!"
"Ugh! No!! *whispers* Why am I so stupid?!"
"Yeah, I don't know! You should've just told her that you lo-"
"Shut up, Hiccup. I'm just... not good with these things. I was too slow and chicken to tell her and now it's too late..."
"Honestly, I don't think it's gonna last long... They don't go together very well..."
"Well, thank you, but that won't change anything, will it?"

He just shook his head and just... left me to die.

Why would she go out with him? She barely even knows him! I should have said something. I should have done something! I'm the dumbest human on this planet! (A/N: kind of like the author...)

Then I saw her... and Hans... holding hands and... laughing... That could've been me. But it's him...

We had a brief eye contact that felt like forever. But then, she looked away and walk off with Hans. At least she looks happy... I guess I should be happy too, but... I can't be happy knowing she's with someone else.

I don't know why, but I feel like there's something wrong, almost evil about her sweet little Hans. When they passed by, he gave me this evil smirk... I don't know what it means, but I know one thing... Whatever he's doing, it is not going to end well for Elsa...

I hate this! I NEED JELSA!!! Okay! *sigh* I promise this book is gonna end with Jack and Elsa together. It's a Jelsa story, not Helsa story... I had to look up some Helsa images on internet and my face was literally like that 😖 the whole time! I really hate this part... but, hey! It makes the book longer!

You have the right to hate me. I hate myself right now. But I have another part where you'll be pretty glad, I think! ONLY JELSA THIS TIME!!!

-Maya's Stories 🐝

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