Chapter 17: Flower crown

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Jack's POV:

So, one week ago, Elsa and I got stuck on a tree branch because it was raining. We were up there for five hours... Five hours! It was long, but we mostly told each other jokes or something about our life. By the time we got back to our houses, we were all wet and we practically knew everything about each other...

Today, we had survival skills. We learned how to make weapons with sticks and stones. We also learned what to do in a stranded island situation. I knew half of this stuff already because of the game "Stranded Deep". Pretty cool game!

While everyone was listening carefully, I was busy doing something else. We were in a different spot then any of the other times. There were some flowers where we were and... I used to make those flower crown for my sister, so I figure I could make one for Elsa, too.

I took some white, red, purple and yellow flowers and got to work. I don't know how useful a flower crown can be useful when you're stuck on an island, but I do know it's a cute decoration. I started to put it together, and it took me about 5 minutes to finish it.

I saw Elsa, well, Elsa's hair, so I walked up behind her and gently placed the flower crown on her head. She looked up then looked behind her, only to see yours truly! Jackson Frost!

"What's this?!" She asked.
"Oh, just a little something for M'Lady!" I answered. She took it off and looked at it.
"It really pretty! How did you make it?"
"I used to do them for my sister. I literally watched the same YouTube video over 30 times just so it could be perfect!"
"Wow! That's a lot of dedication!"
"*laugh* Yeah... Well, I really love my sister, and I'd do anything for her..."

She agreed with me. We both love our sisters very much. After a short pause, she continued.

"So what, am I a princess now?" She asked me.
"What?! No! You're a queen!" I replied.
"So much power! So many possibilities! What should I do first?"
"I have an idea! Ban Snotlout from this land forever!"
"*laugh* That is next on my list."
"What's you're first priority as royalty, then?"
"Make you my number one!"
"How considerate!"

She laughed and I smiled. Rudy told us to stop messing around, so we did, but for the rest of the activity, we kept talking every time Rudy turned his back on us. After the survival skills, we went to the cafeteria for pizza night! This is gonna be so good!

Elsa's POV:

Since the girls of Group 4 weren't there for lunch and they're next to us, we changed our sittings a bit. Jack went in front of me, Kristoff was in front of Anna, Hiccup was in front of Merida and Flynn was in front of Rapunzel.

 Jack went in front of me, Kristoff was in front of Anna, Hiccup was in front of Merida and Flynn was in front of Rapunzel

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(A/N: Exactly like this ⬆️)

It was nice to face Jack for once. I finally got the chance to see him eat like an animal! He told me about it, but I never got to see him... He ate like, four slices! Two pepperoni and two all-dressed. I only ate two pepperoni slices, which is alright, I guess...

"Only two?! Ugh! Weakness disgust me!" Jack said.
"Oh, shut up! You're a total pig, so don't start on what's disgusting!" I replied.
"*laugh* I'm just kidding! But on a totally unrelated note, if you don't finish your pizzas, do you think I could..."
"Oh my god! You're kidding, right?!"
"What?! I'm hungry! I'm "fun" eating!"

"Don't you mean "love" eating?" Flynn asked.
"What?! N-No! I... Sh-Shut up, Flynn!" Jack answered.
"*laugh* Alright, Romeo! I'll shut up!"
"Just... *groans*"

He put his head on the table and stayed like that for a good 5 minutes. Poor Jack! It looked like he was really embarrassed! So was I! I mean, I blushed and I'm pretty sure Anna noticed... So I have that going on for me.

We went back to our houses and most of us just went to sleep, but not me... I just didn't feel like sleeping. While all the girls where (almost) asleep, I went outside and sat down on my door steps. A few minutes later, on the other side, I saw Jack's door open. I think my brain's connected to Jack's because he had the same idea as me!

I walked up to him and sat down next to him.

"Hey..." I said.
"Hey..." He said back.
"What a crazy day! Right?"
"*scoff* Tell me about it!"
"Thanks again for the flower crown! I left it at my house, so..."
"Oh, yeah, no, it's cool! And you're welcome... Again! *chuckle*"

"*giggle* *sigh* Well, I should get going it's getting pretty late... And I'm getting kinda sleepy, so..." I said.
"Yeah, go sleep! I'll just stay here a bit longer... by myself... in the dark..." He replied.
"If you wanted me to stay, you could've just said it!"
"Ha ha! Very funny! But no. Don't worry about me! You should go! Get a good night sleep and we'll try talking tomorrow, how about that?"
"Yeah. I'd really like that! Good night!"
"Good night, M'Lady!"

He bowed to me and I smiled. He did too and went inside his house walking backwards to keep facing me. He waved to me on last time before slowly closing the door. I walked back to my house and went to sleep. Well... Tried to sleep.

I have a hard time going to sleep now... I'm always thinking about Jack... I hope he thinks about me, too, but I don't think it's possible... He's so cool, and I'm just... me.

Hi! So... The ending is completely different! Like I deleted about 300 words! It was just too soon for that... But I copied it, so I'll tell you when the ending comes... Anyway, I hope you like this chapter!
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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