Chapter 5: Library

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Jack's POV:

So we got there on Wednesday, and now it's Saturday. Three days in this camp really does a number on you! Not to mention there's no video games, no wifi. I have my phone, but there's no signal out here. At least we get to do whatever we want on the weekend!

Rudy gave us a map of the camp, so I decided to check it out. I notice that there was a library in the main building. Thank god! I totally forgot to bring any books! I left my house and headed to where I'd probably be for the next seven weekends.

I opened the door and I saw Heaven! It was like one of those old school libraries, you know, where the have walls of books and you need ladders to get to those! And there were those comfy red couches! I couldn't believe it! They probably had thousands of book! I could read them all in seven weeks!

I walked over to the librarian and asked how this whole system worked.

"Well, didn't you receive a card?" She asked.
"Oh yeah! That one?" I answered, taking a plastic card out of my pocket.
"Yes. You take a book and this book gets added to your card. That way, we know if you haven't returned a book."
"Is there a limit of books I can take at once?"
"You can take three books at once. You have one week to retuned them."
"Right. Thank you!"

And I started my adventure of looking for three perfect books. I found one pretty easily.

It was this book about space. But like a sci-fi book, where there's this dude that got abducted by this alien species and becomes the most awesome galactic criminal ever! I'm really into science fiction...

The second one, it was Stephen Hawking's book, 'The Theory of Everything'. I always wanted to read it, but I didn't end up buying it, just so my parents wouldn't find out that I was a bookworm. I was always very fascinated by space and all.

The third one was the first book of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'. It's called 'the bad beginning' and it's the story of three orphans and their creepy and cruel Count Olaf. I think it's a Netflix series now! It looked cool and I told myself I should read the books before watching it so... Here I am.

I went to see the librarian again to borrow the books.

"You chose them, already?!"
"Um... Yeah... Is it bad?"
"No! It's just unusual for someone to come back after 10 minutes with three books."
"Well, I like to read!"
" 'The Theory of Everything'?! You can't read all of them in a week!"
"Can't I?"

I smile and she registered my books. As I was walking to my house. I was interrupted by someone who really can't find out about my secret hobby!

Elsa's POV:

"Are those books?" I asked Jack.
"Um... Well, duh! But not mine! Pfft! I-I don't read. Those are for Hiccup!" He answered.
"Then why are you carrying them?"
"Because he asked me to!"
"Rrrright... What are you gonna do today?"
"Um... I don't know. Just sleep my way through a video game-free weekend?"
"Why am I not surprised?"
"*nervous laugh* Okay.Bye!"

And he left, just like that. He looks weird, today. Well, weirder. Why would Hiccup ask him to carry his books? It can't be Jack-ass' books, because I'm pretty sure he can't read.

I know, I know! Calling him Jack-ass his mean and I should still be calling him that, but it's not like I'm saying it to him. It's just in my head. He looked really nervous, though... I wonder why. Oh well! It's not like I care.

I went back to my house to go see Anna. When I got there, she was playing cards with Rapunzel.

"Hey! Mind if I join?" I asked.
"Sure! But in the next round. We're in the middle of a very intense game of 'Go fish' right now!" My sister answered.

I laughed and went to see Merida.

"I saw you talking to Hot Jack out there... What'd you talk about?" Merida asked.
" 'Hot Jack'?! Where'd he get that name?!" I said.
"Punzie and Anna call him that. I guess he kinda is... but I'm good being single, you know? Girl power!"
"Okay, he's good looking, but he's a total dick! His jokes aren't funny and he acts like he doesn't give a shit! Who does that?!"
"Um... Everyone?"
"Whatever! He had books and I just asked him what he was doing with them."
"And what was he doing with books?"
"He said he was carrying them for Hiccup."

"*chuckle* He's lying."
"What?! How are you so sure?"
"Hiccup hates to read. He told me on the lake."
"Ooh! So... Hiccup and you..."
"I already told you I'm good being single. And he's not my type."
"Yeah, yeah! I'm just gonna pretend I believe you."
"Okay. Believe what you want."

If Jack-ass is lying, then what was he doing with those? I decided to find him. I think he went to the lake, so I walked to it, but found nobody.

Then, I noticed a canoe at the other side of the lake, and I don't think anyone would go canoeing on the weekend. I took a life vest and canoe and began to row to the other side. It took me about 7 minutes to get there. I still didn't see anyone, so I started to walk deeper in the forest.

Suddenly, I heard a strange sound, like tree branches snapping... I followed the sound and found Jack-ass on a tree... with the books!

"Am I dreaming or are you reading?" I shouted to him.

When he heard me voice, he got scared and lost his balance. He was now 10 feet in the air, hanging from a tree with no possibility of help.

Hi! 1000 words for this one! Also, I just realized that the title "Summer Camp" is very cliché and the fact that Jack is the bad boy and Elsa the good girl even more cliché! So, sorry for that. Anyways, hope you like this chapter! 😊
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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