Chapter 16: Free day

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Jack's POV:

Today's Wednesday, and for some reason, Rudy told us that there will be no activities today... It's weird, but it's awesome! Maybe it's because of the rain... It rained for two full days, so... There's water everywhere...

Since we have the day off, I decided to go to my secret spot to read. Well, it's not very secret, since Elsa found it once... but it's fine if she comes with... I like her... presence... She's a very warm and friendly person, so... Yeah. I'm not gonna disturb her day. She probably has other things to do.

I took a canoe and started rowing to the other side. The water level had risen over the last two days, but my spot is a tree, so I think it's safe.

I climbed it and started my little reading session. After about 50 pages, I heard a voice from down below.

"Hey! Still reading?!" Elsa asked.
"Well, you know me! Jackson Frost, the book worm!" I answered.
"*chuckle* Mind if I join you?"
"No! Just don't hurt yourself!"

She climbed the tree pretty easily, like she did last time! She's really good! I wonder where she learned that... When she was at my height, she sat down on the branch and I closed my book.

"When did you learn to climb trees like that?!" I asked her.
"Um... When I was younger, we had this big tree, and I used to climb it whenever I wanted to get away from the world... You?" She answered.
"Pretty much the same... Only a different tree. If it had been the same tree, we would have met a long time ago!"
"*laugh* Yeah... It would have been really awkward, too!"
"A hundred percent! But yeah, I mean, people can just be... weird sometimes..."
"And really mean and uncool..." She gave me this look...

"Wait... You don't mean me, right?" I asked.
"What?! No! That's not... Yes. Yes I mean you... Well, you before... When you were a total ass..." She said.
"Wow! That's... very nice of you to... say that!"
"Oh, don't worry! You're a lot nicer now! But you know that, right?"
"I don't know anymore... You opened my mind to who I really am! I learned a lot this past few weeks... One thing I learned is that you, Elsa Winters, are always right!"
"*scoff* Please! I was wrong about you! But thanks anyway..."

Elsa's POV:

He smiled, and then stopped. He looked up to the sky and then I understood. It was starting to rain... again! There was really no time to climb down the tree so we had to stay there. Jack got closer to me, took of his jacket and did the same thing as two days ago.

And then I thought, anything can happen now... Nobody was there to see us, and it was very intimate. A little too intimate if you ask me... It could last for hours, even days!

"My jackets' not waterproof, so we're probably gonna get wet..." Jack said to me after some time.
"Yeah, and sick! Ugh, this is just great!" I replied, sarcastically.
"At least I'm not alone! *pause* You know, you could have just stayed home. Instead, you came here... Why?"
"Because I saw you leave on a canoe, and I was curious..."
"And... I guess I like hanging out with you..." He looked surprised but then smiled.
"I like hanging out with you, too..."

You know in romantic movies, when there's the main guy and the main girl, and they're super close to one another and it's just raining? It's kind of like that, only without all the kissing. And I'm glad it's not like in those movies, because...

Kissing Jack?! Ugh! That would be... Um... gross? I mean, it's not like it couldn't happen, it's just... What am I talking about?! Why am I even thinking that?! Even if I had feelings for him, which is not true, I'm sure he doesn't have feelings for me!

"Ugh! What a waste of a free day! I could have... just stayed home and slept the whole day... So, I guess this is better." He said.
"*laugh* Yeah! I probably would've had to stop my roommates from killing each other!" I said.
"Wait, what?"
"Their favourite board game now is Monopoly."
"Oh! Okay, now I know what you mean by 'killing each other'."
"Yeah... This is definitely better!"

"Better with me then with your own sister?!" He asked.
"Okay! Not that better! I love my sister, all right?" I answered.
"Yeah, I'm gonna pretend like you never said that!"
"And I'm gonna pretend like you're smart!"
"Ouch! Nice comeback, Elsa!"
"Yeah... I've been working on them all year! But more seriously, you're one of the smartest guy I've ever met!"
"You too. Not a guy! But like... you know what I mean!"

I laughed while he let out a nervous chuckle. Water was beginning to drop from Jack's jacket. Our hair was starting to get wet, and it's only been raining for a few minutes! Everything was fine (except for the rain), then a thought came in my head.

"Jack?" I said, with a bit of sadness in my voice.
"Yes?" He replied.
"When we're gonna go back to school, are we gonna stay friends?"
"Um... I-I don't know... I really haven't thought of it until now..."
"I mean, you're the cool guy who doesn't care about anything at our school and I'm this model student that nobody ever notices... It would kinda destroy you're reputation if you're suddenly my friend..."
"Yeah, I know... But I mean, a lot can happen in two month, right?"
"You know, I don't mind not hanging out... I mean, I mind, but if you want, I can leave you alone..."

"*light chuckle* It's the same thing I said to you when we first got in trouble... I said I could leave you alone after those two weeks of dish washing..." He said. That made me feel a bit better.
"*small chuckle* You're right..." After a pretty long pause, tears started to roll down my face.
"Woah, Elsa... Don't cry! Please! D-Don't worry, we'll stay friends, okay? I-I promise!"
"Don't make promises you won't keep, Jack..."
"O-Okay... But look! Elsa, I really like you, and you said it yourself! I'm the guy who doesn't care about anything! Why should I care about what other people might think of us being together?"

I giggled and wiped away my tears. He smiled in a way that would warmer the coldest hearts... Then, I hugged him. And quite frankly, I didn't care if someone was watching or not, because I really needed that. He hugged me back and we let go off each other after about 5 minutes.

When I could see his face again, I noticed that a single tear was rolling down his cheek. I wiped it with my hand and he smiled. Then, I said something that Jack probably wanted to hear:

"I really like you too, Jack..."

My head hurts, guys... Anyway, everything is more romantic with rainy days! Also, it's my favourite: rain and thunder. I just stay in and play video games or write or draw. Who's with me?! I hope you like this chapter, too!
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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