Chapter 41: The big reunion

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Quick thing before starting reading. In the image, there's Hans, so just delete him from it with your imagination. Nobody needs him.

Jack's POV:

It's been about 6 months since I got my college letter. I moved and so did Elsa. It was a nice change! New house, new people, well... Not all new... Turns out Hiccup got accepted to an aerodynamics engineering college close to mine, so we decided to find an apartment half way between our schools.

The moving was actually pretty cool! Astrid came to Hiccup's house to help him, and Elsa did the same for me. Then we all drove to our new apartment and started unpacking. Did I forget to mention that I got my driver's licence? I did! Total freedom! Really useful, too!

Unfortunately, Elsa had to go back to our old town, so I drove to her house. I drove 12 hours only for her that day. She's kinda right. I really need to be less caring. But I think that's a good thing sometimes... It proves that I"ll never leave her. I'm pretty sure I need her more than she needs me.

If it wasn't for her, I probably never would've changed! What does she get out of me? Free food? She was already perfect when I first saw her, and she still is now! I'm the one who's doing all the changing!

Just as Hiccup and I were finishing u boxing our last box, I heard an alert sound on my computer. I sat down and checked it out. It was Elsa. She sent me a Facebook message.

Elsa: Hey
           I got some news!
Jack: What?
           Miss me already?
Elsa: Haha
           Not funny...
Jack: What is it?
Elsa: Guess who I got a text from?
Jack: Santa Claus?
Elsa: -.-
          Do you wanna know what it is or no?
Jack: Okay okay
           I'll stop
Elsa: Merida!!
Jack: Really?!
           What did she want?
Elsa: It's too long to explain
          I'm just gonna call you

And she did!

So, basically, Merida decided to have a little party... just for the ones from Group 3 from Camp Kawiki. Not exactly a party, just like a get together. It would've been fun to make it at the camp itself, but unfortunately, it was too far. She said there was this cool field that was always empty near our old town, our new town, her new town, near everyones town!

I actually thought it was a good idea. Everyone together again... Before finally being adults and moving on with our lives. We may never see each other again! Well, hopefully, I'll keep seeing Elsa after that get-together. I'd be a real shame if we just... stop talking. Although I would be surprised, since she's my girlfriend... Oh well! I guess we'll find out sooner or later!

I told Hiccup about Merida's plan and he said it was an awesome idea, except for one thing.

"You think Astrid can come?" He asked me.
"I'm sure she can! She's like part of our group!" I answered.
"Um... Yeah, but... Are you sure she can?"
"*sigh* I'll ask Elsa, okay? Are we good now?"
"Thanks Jack..."

I asked and she said, and I quote, : Of course she can! Hiccup can't come without his girlfriend! Besides, she already part of our group! The exact same thing I said to Hiccup... He should definitely trust me more!

Elsa's POV:

In only a few hours, Kristoff  is picking up my sister and me to go to the get-together Merida organized. I'm excited! I'll get to see Merida and Rapunzel and Flynn! Although now he prefers being called by his real name, Eugene. I'll also see Hiccup and Astrid! And, of course, my favourite, Jackson Frost!

So many amazing memories... The first day when I meet Merida and Rapunzel... That day I found out Jack's secret hideout on the tree... The camp fire... The famous food fight that got Jack and me in huge trouble...  The fight that JAck had to protect my sister...

The moment I fell in love with Jack, when I fell from that tree and he was there to catch me... The final dance where Jack and me got crowned King and Queen... The last goodbye...

Those were the best moments of my life. And now, I'll get to live them all over again, sort of...

I can't wait to see their faces when we tell them Jack and I are dating! I think it's gonna be hilarious! Rapunzel's gonna probably be happy for me, since she used to say we were meant to be together. I really don't know how Merida is gonna react, though...

At 4PM, the doorbell rang. Kristoff was finally here. Anna was very excited to see him, while I was just happy. I mean, he's not my boyfriend, he's my sister's. I'm mostly happy to see my sister so happy with a good guy. The drive wasn't too long, only about 2 hours.

When we got to the meeting spot, Merida, Hiccup, Astrid and Jack were already there.

It was a really beautiful place. There was nothing, just high yellow grass. It was quiet and peaceful. You could hear the birds chirping, but other than that, we were all alone.

I ran to Jack with a big smile and kissed him. When we stopped I looked at Merida, who looked really surprised. I laughed and explained the whole thing. At the end, she kept looking back and fourth between me and Jack. "I knew it would happen!" was the only thing she said about that.

A few minutes later, Rapunzel and Fl- Eugene finally arrived. Everyone was so happy to be finally reunited after all this time! 10 months! That's quite a lot when you thing about it!

We climbed this small hill and sat at the top. We didn't do or say anything. We just all stared at the setting sun. We watched the sky as it slowly changed color. It was magnificent.

When the sky was pink, I gently let my head fall on Jack's  shoulder. He kissed my head, but didn't say anything.

I never wanted to leave. Actually, nobody wanted to leave. This was the perfect moment that shouldn't have ended. But, eventually, all things end, only not always in a bad way.

We are the ones to decide wether something ends in a good or bad way, not someone else. You never know what the future holds, you can only forge the present to make a better future for us using the past experiences that we had in our lives.

But right now, the past and the future don't matter... only the present...

The present with the one and only...

Jack Frost

😢... It's the end... Is it a good ending? I tried to make it very philosophical, but I suck at it, so... Yeah... another book done...

I hate that feeling when you finish a book and you feel empty inside. I have no more things to live for... Actually, I have school, and drawing. I might finally have time to read other stories! I'm thinking about writing another book... Either another HTTYD or Miraculous Ladybug. Which one would you like best?

Anyway, thank you for all the amazing support and views and comments! Ever since I started writing, I haven't gotten a single bad comment! I love you guys! Without you I am nothing...

Have a nice whatever! 😊

-Maya's Stories 🐝

PS: Sorry for the long A/N.

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