Chapter 8: Camp fire

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Jack's POV:

I knew she would be mad, but I did it anyway! I put my arm on her shoulder... But the weirdest thing was... She didn't even say anything! She just let it go (A/N: Okay, that was not planned, I swear!) so easily! Although, she did cross her arms and let out a huge sigh of despair.

"I'd like to stay and chat, Anna, but me and Elsa had a thing planned..." I said.
"Really?" Anna asked.
"Mm-hm! Really really! So... Come on, Elsie!"

She lightly grunted as I took her by the arm. I dragged her to my house. She didn't even struggle! What's up with that? We went inside and I realized that nobody was there. I knew Hiccup was at the archery where I left him and Kristoff was at the crafting station. Flynn was probably stealing stuff, like he always did...

"What is this thing we had planned again?" Elsa asked.
"Why are you being such an ass to me?' I asked.
"Oh, I'm being an ass?! You're a liar!"
"What?! When have I ever lied?!"
"About your intelligence! Do you really think I'm that stupid and naive?!"

"Wait. Is that what this is about? You think I lied about having such a high IQ?" I asked her.
"Yes! You can't be that smart! You just can't!" She replied.
"Wow. That's actually really hurtful. You really think I'm stupid?" I really was hurt...
"Well, I-I don't know! You just... Always get one of the lowest grade in the class and it's really hard to believe you could be intelligent..."
"Then ask me anything! I'll prove to you I'm smart!"

"Um... Who was the 3rd president of the United States?" She asked me.
"Thomas Jefferson." I replied.
"Who invented the telephone?"
"Everyone gives credit to Alexander Graham Bell, but there are more inventors, like Antonio Meucci who developed talking telegraphs."
"*scoff* Um..."

"I know the diameter of the sun! If... that's... useful..." I said, lowering my voice as I finished my sentence.
"Really? What is it?" She asked me.
"About one million, three-hundred and ninety thousand kilometres! Or like eight-hundred and sixty thousand miles..."
"Wow. It seems I have underestimated you deeply!"
"*chuckle* Yeah! Way too much! *chuckle*"

She chuckled too, and it was really cute! Wait, what? What am I saying?!

She looked at me with those eyes... They were so pure... like her hair. She looked really happy, but then she didn't... She stopped smiling and looked at the ground. Why do I feel so bad all of the sudden?

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I'm sorry. For calling you stupid. Well, saying you weren't smart and saying you were a liar. That was a really dick move..." She answered.
"That really was a dick move! *chuckle* But I forgive you, so don't worry!"

Elsa's POV:

"You want a hug?" He asked.
"Okay, not so fast! You're smart, but that doesn't mean we're good. And by the way, don't flirt with my sister!" I said.
"What?! God no! I... That wasn't what I was doing! I just asked her if she was you're sister! I'm sorry if you thought it was anything else because it wasn't! Like, at all! Not in a thousand years! I'm into blonde girls, not red-heads! J-Just so you know..."
"Good. Just... Don't do it, like ever again!"

He nodded and gave me a quick smile. Then we heard a knock on Jack's door. We both looked at each other and frowned. Who could just knock on his door on a Sunday?

"Yes?" I heard Jack say.
"Hey, it's Rudy!" The voice said from behind the door.
"Oh. Hi Rudy! Come in!" Jack said.

Rudy opened the door and went inside. He always has this smile on his face. Is he ever sad, or even mad?!

"I just wanted to tell you that tonight, our group will have a little camp fire! It's gonna be hosted at the lake, near the canoes at 9. I haven't found they others, yet, so if you see them, just tell them what I told you!" Rudy said.
"Well, there's Hiccup, Merida and Anna at the archery, Kristoff's at the crafting station I think." Jack said.
"Well, thank you! Don't forget about Rapunzel and Flynn! Oh, and... um... Girls aren't really allowed in the boys houses, so..."
"Right! She was about to leave anyway! Thanks, Rudy!"

He left, and shortly after, so did I.

The sun set pretty quickly and it was time for the camp fire. When I got there, Jack, Hiccup, Rapunzel and Anna were already there. Rudy was there too, of course. I sat down on one of the chairs next to Anna.

The chair next to me was empty, I guess I'll just save it for Merida! Or not... Jack quickly changed seats and took the one right next to me. I sighed and just ignored him. When everyone was there, the night could finally begin.

It was really cool, actually! There were marshmallows, and Graham crackers and chocolate, so we made s'mores. We all got turns to tell scary stories, but the scariest was Jack's!

It was about this very camp. He told us he looked up in some of Camp Kawiki's old records and found something truly horrifying. He told us that the camp was used as an old Native American cemetery. There were maybe hundred of dead bodies in the ground beneath us. But the British didn't care about that and built houses over it, which had woken up the spirits.

He said that the forgotten souls still haunt this place. He said there had been sighting of a little boy roaming near the entrance of the labyrinth. And he also said that, sometimes, when the moon is either full or completely gone, when there isn't even a single sound, you can hear the whispers of the ancient tribes.

I have no idea if it's true or not, but I couldn't sleep that night. Jack really had a gift for telling scary stories...

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