Chapter 15: Rainy day

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Jack's POV:

On Monday, our little walk on the mountain was cancelled because it started raining. Instead, we went to the arts and crafts building. We were with Group 1, one that we hadn't been with before. They were pretty nice!

There was this girl called Eep, and her brother Thunk and their little sister Sandy. Then, there was this guy who's name was literally Guy! Then some other people I didn't get the chance to meet properly.

I was in front of Elsa. The task was to either make a necklace, a painting, or a wooden bird nest. I decided to paint, because I'm not too bad at it. Elsa did a necklace and so did her sister. Merida made the nest and Rapunzel painted.

I just painted a frozen landscape while little Punzie did this super cool painting a chameleon. It was really cool! We stayed there three hours because of the weather. I finished my work in about an hour, so I started to work on something else...

Since I always get Elsa in trouble, I figured I could give her something... I decided to make her a necklace. It would have more meaning than just buy her something. Not that it should... mean anything. Just... It would be nice to do something for her...

Of course, it had to be a surprise, so I moved away from her and started to work. I took a light blue metal chain, and put this metal snowflake on it that I found lying on one of the tables. It was really simple, but I think Elsa's gonna like it.  I mean, I'm not a professional in woman's jewelry, so...

When the three hours were done, it was still raining. Group 1 had umbrellas, so did all of my group, except for me and Elsa... They all went home and we stayed under the building's porch. It was really awkward, but I kinda liked it... Being alone with her, like really alone...

After some time, she let out a sigh and started to walk to her house. I couldn't just let her get a cold! I'm a gentleman after all! I ran to her, took off my hoodie and cover both of our heads with it.

"Oh! Merci, Monsieur Frost." She said.
"Monsieur..?" I asked.
"*chuckle* Yeah... I mean... You're such a gentleman!"
"But why the sudden French?"
"I don't know... French is classy, I guess..."
"You are very right, M'Lady!"

Elsa's POV:

I chuckled. It's very nice of him to sacrifice his hoodie like that! When we were at the steps of my door, we stopped.

"Um... Elsa?" He asked.
"Oui?" I answered. It made him chuckle.
"Um... I made something today..."
"Yeah, I know! Your painting skills are really great!"
"Oh, no. Not that. But thanks! Um... It's something else..."
"Anything to do with you sneaking off to some other corner?"

"*nervous chuckle* Yeah... I made something... for you..." He said, almost as if he was nervous.
"For me?! Wow. Thanks! W-What is it?" I asked. He took out this beautiful necklace.
"Um... It's a necklace. I know it's simple, a-and if you don't like it, then it's fine, because I'm no professional jewelry maker!"
"No! It's... It's beautiful! I love it!"

And then I... hugged... him... Hopefully, my roommates didn't see that! I mean, hugging is the appropriate response, right? He looked confused when I let go off him, but after that, he smiled.

"*nervous chuckle* G-Good! Good... I-I'm glad you like it..." He said.
"Why would I like it?! Were you scared?" I asked.
"Well, to tell you the truth, yeah. I was. I mean, it's just a simple metal necklace with a snowflake... Nothing special, really..."
"That's where you're wrong..."
"W-What do you mean?"
"It is special... It's special because you made it! It was really nice of you to do that and to help me get home without completely getting wet."
"*laugh* Y-Yeah... You're welcome! Um... w-wait... D-De rien? That's how you say it?"
"Yeah! Not bad, Frosty!"

We told our goodbyes and I went inside. He probably just went to his house. When I was inside, the girls were all arguing. When I asked what's wrong, Anna just shouted "Monopoly!" So yeah... they didn't see what happened with me and Jack...

After about an hour, it stopped raining and we could finally go eat. I'm glad I don't have to wash the dishes anymore, but I do miss spending more time with Jack. He always made me laugh, so that was fun... But it does make me feel better to know that Snotlout's the one that's washing those disgusting dishes!

I can't believe it's almost over! Time really does fly by! We still have three weeks before going back to our old house, our old school, our old life... I just hope it won't be our old friendships... I don't want to lose Jack.

Hi! *sigh* Guys... It's back to school... I can't...  I just... CAN'T. Nobody can! Anyway, here's the new chapter! I'm trying to do one chapter a day, but with school and stuff, it might be one every two or three days... Anyway, I hope you like this chapter!
-Maya's Stories 🐝

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