Authors Note + Character Description

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Pam is your normal 24 year old woman. Well that and she's the sister of a certain Gavin Free of Achievement Hunter. When Gavin convinces her to leave her home town of Thame for the first time ever and come back with him to America her life couldn't be crazier. Well until she met him. Trevor Collins. The two immediately click and become great friends but will it become more? Or will her two weeks be up before they have a chance to tell each other their true feelings?

A note to my lovely readers

Yeah so that's a shitty summary but I promise that the story is better than that. (I hope.) This is my first story I've written on the 'Pad so it's probably not the best.

So anyway I was looking through Wattpad and I saw that there weren't any Trevor fanfictions. And that needs to change cause he's just too adorable and he needs love. I'm definitely not the best writer in the world so bare with me.

I am writing this on my phone and there is so much I could have messed up on so any criticism is welcomed just don't be a complete asshole about it. I'm human ok we make mistakes. Plus the fact that I'm not completely obsessed with AH so I don't know every detail about the office or they're personal lives and such. Expect mistakes.

This takes place around March/ April of 2017. I'm trying to make it as close to the videos as possible so bare with me.

Since Pam is Gavin's sister she is British although I am not. So if you're British I mean no offense I am just trying to go off of how Gavin acts. If you have any advice it would be much appreciated.

Also I'm a very busy person. I am trying to juggle my job, college classes, and so much more. I'll try to update every Sunday if possible. I'm going to make each one from 1,000 words to 2,000.

Obviously this is an Achievement Hunter fanfiction so there will be language so if you're not comfortable with that why are you here (jk love you all plz stay).

If you have any ideas about where this could go I'd love to hear them cause I'm sure I'm going to run out of ideas eventually. So just leave a comment or PM me. (NO JOKE I'm already running out of ideas)

As I said, this is my first story I have published. I'm so sorry if it's terrible. I have written some other ones and have a few ideas for some so you may see more of me in the future (I do have a couple of other things published including an art book and just a purely random book of funny crap. So if you want to check that out see my profile). Comments and votes are always appreciated!

Now enough of me blabbering on. I hope you enjoy!

Here is Pam's character description:

My name is Pamela Ann Free I live in and have lived in Thame, Oxfordshire my whole life. I'm a Brit by heart. I'm pretty thin even though I eat a lot. Thank god for fast metabolism. I have medium length brown hair much like Gavin's color. Right. Gavin.

My older brother is Gavin Free of Achievement Hunter. Despite what you all might think, he's lame. Very lame. Not to brag but I'm the ace one of the family. Well, nit if you count the fact that I haven't even left my hometown once. No holidays or anything. So I'm a pretty mellow girl. I have one friend....... Lame is probably the word for me too. I'm not great at starting conversations so that's why I don't have many friends. I work at Bello Italiano which is an Italian restaurant here in Thame. I am the head chef. Four years in uni for that. Definitely worth it. I enjoy my job a lot. Besides my  co worker who is secretly trying to steal my job. The big boss knows I'm better anyway. So that's all you need to know about me chaps!


Yep that's Pam for you. Hope you like her character! Also I'm probably going to need help picking out an actress for her character. Just throwing that out for you.

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